th-letrec-0.1: Implicit (recursive) let insertion
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




letrecE Source #


:: forall q tag r a. (Ord tag, Quote q, MonadFix q) 
=> (forall. tag -> String)

tag naming function

-> (forall m. Monad m => (tag -> m (Code q a)) -> tag -> m (Code q a))

bindings generator (with recursive function)

-> (forall m. Monad m => (tag -> m (Code q a)) -> m (Code q r))

final expression generator

-> Code q r

generated let expression

Generate potentially recursive let expression.

Example of generating a list ofg alternative True and False values.

>>> let trueFalse = letrecE (\tag -> "go" ++ show tag) (\rec tag -> rec (not tag) >>= \next -> return [|| $$(TH.liftTyped tag) : $$next ||]) (\rec -> rec True)

The generated let-bindings looks like:

>>> TH.ppr <$> TH.unTypeCode trueFalse
let {goFalse_0 = GHC.Types.False GHC.Types.: goTrue_1;
     goTrue_1 = GHC.Types.True GHC.Types.: goFalse_0}
 in goTrue_1

And when spliced it produces a list of alternative True and False values:

>>> take 10 $$trueFalse

letrecH Source #


:: forall q tag r. (GCompare tag, Quote q, MonadFix q) 
=> (forall x. tag x -> String)

tag naming function

-> (forall m y. Monad m => (forall x. tag x -> m (Code q x)) -> tag y -> m (Code q y))

bindings generator (with recursive function)

-> (forall m. Monad m => (forall x. tag x -> m (Code q x)) -> m (Code q r))

final expression generator

-> Code q r

generated let expression

Generate potentially recursive let expression with heterogenously typed bindings.

A simple example is consider a case where you have a NP (from sop-core) of Code values

>>> :{
data NP f xs where
   Nil  :: NP f '[]
   (:*) :: f x -> NP f xs -> NP f (x : xs)
infixr 5 :*
>>> :{
let values :: TH.Quote q => NP (Code q) '[ Bool, Char ]
    values = [|| True ||] :* [|| 'x' ||] :* Nil

and function from that to a single Code

>>> :{
let gen :: TH.Quote q => NP (Code q) '[ Bool, Char ] -> Code q String
    gen (x :* y :* Nil) = [|| $$y : $$y : show $$x ||]

We can apply gen to values to get a code expression:

>>> TH.ppr <$> TH.unTypeCode (gen values)
'x' GHC.Types.: ('x' GHC.Types.: GHC.Types.True)

But if values where big, we would potentially duplicate the computations. Better to first let-bind them.

We'll need a type to act as a tag:

>>> :{
data Idx xs x where
   IZ :: Idx (x ': xs) x
   IS :: Idx xs x -> Idx (y ': xs) x
instance GEq (Idx xs) where geq = defaultGeq
instance GCompare (Idx xs) where
    gcompare IZ     IZ     = GEQ
    gcompare (IS x) (IS y) = gcompare x y
    gcompare IZ     (IS _) = GLT
    gcompare (IS _) IZ     = GGT

Using Idx we can index NP values:

>>> :{
let index :: NP f xs -> Idx xs x -> f x
    index (x :* _)  IZ     = x
    index (_ :* xs) (IS i) = index xs i

And with some extra utilities

>>> mapNP :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> NP f xs -> NP g xs; mapNP _ Nil = Nil; mapNP f (x :* xs) = f x :* mapNP f xs
>>> traverseNP :: Applicative m => (forall x. f x -> m (g x)) -> NP f xs -> m (NP g xs); traverseNP _ Nil = pure Nil; traverseNP f (x :* xs) = (:*) <$> f x <*> traverseNP f xs
>>> indices :: NP f xs -> NP (Idx xs) xs; indices Nil = Nil; indices (_ :* xs) = IZ :* mapNP IS (indices xs) -- first argument acts as list singleton

we can make a combinator for generating dynamic let-expression:

>>> :{
let letNP :: (Quote q, MonadFix q) => NP (Code q) xs -> (NP (Code q) xs -> Code q r) -> Code q r
    letNP vals g = letrecH (\_ -> "x") (\_rec idx -> return (index vals idx)) (\rec -> do { vals' <- traverseNP rec (indices vals); return (g vals') })

and use it to bind values before using them in gen:

>>> TH.ppr <$> TH.unTypeCode (letNP values gen)
let {x_0 = GHC.Types.True; x_1 = 'x'}
 in x_1 GHC.Types.: (x_1 GHC.Types.: x_0)

The result of evaluating either expression is the same:

>>> $$(gen values)
>>> $$(letNP values gen)

This example illustrates that letrecH is more general than something like letNP and doesn't require extra data-structures (Instead of having GCompare constraint the function can ask for tag x -> tag y -> Maybe (x :~: y) function)