thespian-0.9: Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell





This module implements Erlang-style actors (what Erlang calls processes). It does not implement network distribution (yet?). An actor is parametrised by the type of messages it receives and the type of messages it sends.

Here is an example:

act1 :: Actor Int Int
act1 = forever $ do
    (num, addr) <- receive
    liftIO . putStrLn $ "act1: received " ++ (show num)
    send addr (num + 1)

act2 :: Int -> Address Int Int -> Actor Int Int
act2 n0 addr = do
    send addr n0
    forever $ do
        (num, addr1) <- receive
        liftIO . putStrLn $ "act2: received " ++ (show num)
        send addr1 (num + 1)

main = do
    addr1 <- spawn act1
    addr2 <- spawn $ act2 0 addr1
    threadDelay 20000000



data Address a b Source

The address of an actor that accepts messages of type a and sends messages of type b

type ActorM a b = ReaderT (Mailbox a b) IOSource

The actor monad, just a reader monad on top of IO. It carries information about an actor's mailbox, which is hidden from the library's users.

type Actor a b = ActorM a b ()Source

The type of an actor accepting messages of type a and returning messages of type b. It is just a monadic action in the ActorM monad, returning ()

Actor actions

send :: Address a b -> a -> ActorM b a ()Source

Sends a message from inside the ActorM monad

(◁) :: Address a b -> a -> ActorM b a ()Source

Infix form of send

(▷) :: a -> Address a b -> ActorM b a ()Source

Infix form of send with the arguments flipped

receive :: ActorM a b (a, Address b a)Source

Receive a message inside the ActorM monad. Blocks until a message arrives if the mailbox is empty

receiveWithTimeout :: Int -> ActorM a b (Maybe (a, Address b a))Source

Same as receive, but times out after a specified amount of time and returns Nothing

spawn :: Actor a b -> IO (Address a b)Source

Spawns a new actor