thyme- A faster time library

Safe HaskellNone




Time zones

data TimeZone

A TimeZone is a whole number of minutes offset from UTC, together with a name and a "just for summer" flag.




timeZoneMinutes :: Int

The number of minutes offset from UTC. Positive means local time will be later in the day than UTC.

timeZoneSummerOnly :: Bool

Is this time zone just persisting for the summer?

timeZoneName :: String

The name of the zone, typically a three- or four-letter acronym.

timeZoneOffsetString :: TimeZone -> String

Text representing the offset of this timezone, such as "-0800" or "+0400" (like %z in formatTime)

timeZoneOffsetString' :: NumericPadOption -> TimeZone -> String

Text representing the offset of this timezone, such as "-0800" or "+0400" (like %z in formatTime), with arbitrary padding

minutesToTimeZone :: Int -> TimeZone

Create a nameless non-summer timezone for this number of minutes

hoursToTimeZone :: Int -> TimeZone

Create a nameless non-summer timezone for this number of hours

utc :: TimeZone

The UTC time zone

Time of day

midday :: TimeOfDaySource

Hour twelve

addMinutes :: Minutes -> TimeOfDay -> (Days, TimeOfDay)Source

Add some minutes to a TimeOfDay; result comes with a day adjustment.

Local Time

Zoned Time
