tidal-0.3.6: Pattern language for improvised music

Safe HaskellNone




data Pattern a Source

The pattern datatype, a function from a time Arc to Event values. For discrete patterns, this returns the events which are active during that time. For continuous patterns, events with values for the midpoint of the given Arc is returned.




arc :: Arc -> [Event a]


Monad Pattern 
Functor Pattern 
Applicative Pattern

pure a returns a pattern with an event with value a, which has a duration of one cycle, and repeats every cycle.

Show a => Show (Pattern a)

show (p :: Pattern) returns a text string representing the event values active during the first cycle of the given pattern.

Parseable a => IsString (Pattern a) 
Monoid (Pattern a)

mempty is a synonym for silence. | mappend is a synonym for overlay.

atom :: a -> Pattern aSource

atom is a synonym for pure.

silence :: Pattern aSource

silence returns a pattern with no events.

mapQueryArc :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

mapQueryArc f p returns a new Pattern with function f applied to the Arc values passed to the original Pattern p.

mapQueryTime :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

mapQueryTime f p returns a new Pattern with function f applied to the both the start and end Time of the Arc passed to Pattern p.

mapResultArc :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

mapResultArc f p returns a new Pattern with function f applied to the Arc values in the events returned from the original Pattern p.

mapResultTime :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

mapResultTime f p returns a new Pattern with function f applied to the both the start and end Time of the Arc values in the events returned from the original Pattern p.

overlay :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

overlay combines two Patterns into a new pattern, so that their events are combined over time.

stack :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern aSource

stack combines a list of Patterns into a new pattern, so that their events are combined over time.

append :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

append combines two patterns Patterns into a new pattern, so that the events of the second pattern are appended to those of the first pattern, within a single cycle

append' :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

append' does the same as append, but over two cycles, so that the cycles alternate between the two patterns.

cat :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern aSource

cat returns a new pattern which interlaces the cycles of the given patterns, within a single cycle. It's the equivalent of append, but with a list of patterns.

slowcat :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern aSource

slowcat does the same as cat, but maintaining the duration of the original patterns. It is the equivalent of append', but with a list of patterns.

listToPat :: [a] -> Pattern aSource

listToPat turns the given list of values to a Pattern, which cycles through the list.

maybeListToPat :: [Maybe a] -> Pattern aSource

maybeListToPat is similar to listToPat, but allows values to be optional using the Maybe type, so that Nothing results in gaps in the pattern.

run :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> Pattern aSource

run n returns a pattern representing a cycle of numbers from 0 to n-1.

density :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

density returns the given pattern with density increased by the given Time factor. Therefore density 2 p will return a pattern that is twice as fast, and density (1%3) p will return one three times as slow.

slow :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

slow does the opposite of density, i.e. slow 2 p will return a pattern that is half the speed.

(<~) :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

The <~ operator shifts (or rotates) a pattern to the left (or counter-clockwise) by the given Time value. For example (1%16) <~ p will return a pattern with all the events moved one 16th of a cycle to the left.

(~>) :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

The ~> operator does the same as ~> but shifts events to the right (or clockwise) rather than to the left.

rev :: Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

rev p returns p with the event positions in each cycle reversed (or mirrored).

palindrome :: Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

palindrome p applies rev to p every other cycle, so that the pattern alternates between forwards and backwards.

when :: (Int -> Bool) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

when test f p applies the function f to p, but in a way which only affects cycles where the test function applied to the cycle number returns True.

every :: Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource

every n f p applies the function f to p, but only affects every n cycles.

sig :: (Time -> a) -> Pattern aSource

sig f takes a function from time to values, and turns it into a Pattern.

sinewave :: Pattern DoubleSource

sinewave returns a Pattern of continuous Double values following a sinewave with frequency of one cycle, and amplitude from -1 to 1.

sinerat :: Pattern RationalSource

sinerat is equivalent to sinewave for Rational values, suitable for use as Time offsets.

sinewave1 :: Pattern DoubleSource

sinewave1 is equivalent to sinewave, but with amplitude from 0 to 1.

sine1 :: Pattern DoubleSource

sine1 is a synonym for sinewave1.

sinerat1 :: Pattern RationalSource

sinerat1 is equivalent to sinerat, but with amplitude from 0 to 1.

sineAmp1 :: Double -> Pattern DoubleSource

sineAmp1 d returns sinewave1 with its amplitude offset by d.

sawwave :: Pattern DoubleSource

sawwave is the equivalent of sinewave for sawtooth waves.

saw :: Pattern DoubleSource

saw is a synonym for sawwave.

sawrat :: Pattern RationalSource

sawrat is the same as sawwave but returns Rational values suitable for use as Time offsets.

triwave :: Pattern DoubleSource

triwave is the equivalent of sinewave for triangular waves.

tri :: Pattern DoubleSource

tri is a synonym for triwave.

trirat :: Pattern RationalSource

trirat is the same as triwave but returns Rational values suitable for use as Time offsets.

segment' :: [Event a] -> [Event a]Source

split :: Time -> [Event a] -> [Event a]Source

points :: [Event a] -> [Time]Source

groupByTime :: [Event a] -> [Event [a]]Source

ifp :: (Int -> Bool) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern aSource