transformers-lift- Ad-hoc type classes for lifting

Safe HaskellSafe



The StT type family.



type family StT (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (a :: *) :: * Source #

Internal state of a monad transformer. Same as StT from the monad-control package.


type StT MaybeT a Source # 
type StT MaybeT a = Maybe a
type StT ListT a Source # 
type StT ListT a = [a]
type StT (WriterT w) a Source # 
type StT (WriterT w) a = (a, w)
type StT (WriterT w) a Source # 
type StT (WriterT w) a = (a, w)
type StT (StateT s) a Source # 
type StT (StateT s) a = (a, s)
type StT (StateT s) a Source # 
type StT (StateT s) a = (a, s)
type StT (IdentityT *) a Source # 
type StT (IdentityT *) a = a
type StT (ExceptT e) a Source # 
type StT (ExceptT e) a = Either e a
type StT (WriterT w) a Source # 
type StT (WriterT w) a = (a, w)
type StT (ReaderT * r) a Source # 
type StT (ReaderT * r) a = a
type StT (RWST r w s) a Source # 
type StT (RWST r w s) a = (a, s, w)
type StT (RWST r w s) a Source # 
type StT (RWST r w s) a = (a, s, w)
type StT (RWST r w s) a Source # 
type StT (RWST r w s) a = (a, s, w)