{-# LANGUAGE  ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable
, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, CPP #-}

module Transient.MapReduce


Distributable(..),distribute, getText,

getUrl, getFile,textUrl, textFile,

mapKeyB, mapKeyU, reduce,eval,

--v* internals



#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS

import Transient.Base

import Transient.Move hiding (pack)

import Transient.Logged

-- dummy Transient.MapReduce module,

reduce _ _ = local stop :: Loggable a => Cloud a

mapKeyB _ _= undefined

mapKeyU _ _= undefined

distribute _ = undefined

getText _ _ = undefined

textFile _ = undefined

getUrl _ _ = undefined

textUrl _ = undefined

getFile _ _ = undefined

eval _= local stop

data Partition

data DDS= DDS

class Distributable

data PartRef a=PartRef a


import Transient.Internals hiding (Ref)

import Transient.Move.Internals hiding (pack)

import Transient.Indeterminism

import Control.Applicative

import System.Random

import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Control.Monad

import Data.Monoid

import Data.Typeable

import Data.List hiding (delete, foldl')

import Control.Exception

import Control.Concurrent

--import Data.Time.Clock

import Network.HTTP

import Data.TCache hiding (onNothing)

import Data.TCache.Defs

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack,unpack)

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

import Control.Arrow (second)

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as DVU

import qualified Data.Vector as DV

import Data.Hashable

import System.IO.Unsafe

import qualified Data.Foldable as F

import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Data.IORef

data DDS a= Loggable a => DDS  (Cloud (PartRef a))

data PartRef a= Ref Node Path Save deriving (Typeable, Read, Show)

data Partition a=  Part Node Path Save a deriving (Typeable,Read,Show)

type Save= Bool

instance Indexable (Partition a) where

    key (Part _ string b _)= keyp string b

keyp s True= "PartP@"++s :: String

keyp s False="PartT@"++s

instance Loggable a => IResource (Partition a) where

    keyResource= key

    readResourceByKey k=  r


      typePart :: IO (Maybe a) -> a

      typePart = undefined

      r =  if k !! 4 /= 'P' then return Nothing   else

            defaultReadByKey  (defPath (typePart r) ++ k) >>= return . fmap ( read . unpack)

    writeResource (s@(Part _ _ save _))=

          unless (not save) $ defaultWrite (defPath s ++ key s) (pack $ show s)

eval :: DDS a -> Cloud (PartRef a)

eval (DDS mx) =  mx

type Path=String

instance F.Foldable DVU.Vector where

  {-# INLINE foldr #-}

  foldr = foldr

  {-# INLINE foldl #-}

  foldl = foldl

  {-# INLINE foldr1 #-}

  foldr1 = foldr1

  {-# INLINE foldl1 #-}

  foldl1 = foldl1

--foldlIt' :: V.Unbox a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> V.Vector a -> b

--foldlIt' f z0 xs= V.foldr f' id xs z0

--      where f' x k z = k $! f z x


--foldlIt1 :: V.Unbox a => (a -> a -> a) -> V.Vector a -> a

--foldlIt1 f xs = fromMaybe (error "foldl1: empty structure")

--                    (V.foldl mf Nothing xs)

--      where

--        mf m y = Just (case m of

--                         Nothing -> y

--                         Just x  -> f x y)

class (F.Foldable c, Typeable c, Typeable a, Monoid (c a), Loggable (c a)) => Distributable c a where

   singleton :: a -> c a

   splitAt :: Int -> c a -> (c a, c a)

   fromList :: [a] -> c a

instance (Loggable a) => Distributable DV.Vector a where

   singleton = DV.singleton

   splitAt= DV.splitAt

   fromList = DV.fromList

instance (Loggable a,DVU.Unbox a) => Distributable DVU.Vector a where

   singleton= DVU.singleton

   splitAt= DVU.splitAt

   fromList= DVU.fromList

-- | perform a map and partition the result with different keys using boxed vectors

-- The final result will be used by reduce.

mapKeyB :: (Loggable a, Loggable b,  Loggable k,Ord k)

     => (a -> (k,b))

     -> DDS  (DV.Vector a)

     -> DDS (M.Map k(DV.Vector b))

mapKeyB= mapKey

-- | perform a map and partition the result with different keys using unboxed vectors

-- The final result will be used by reduce.

mapKeyU :: (Loggable a, DVU.Unbox a, Loggable b, DVU.Unbox b,  Loggable k,Ord k)

     => (a -> (k,b))

     -> DDS  (DVU.Vector a)

     -> DDS (M.Map k(DVU.Vector b))

mapKeyU= mapKey

-- | perform a map and partition the result with different keys.

-- The final result will be used by reduce.

mapKey :: (Distributable vector a,Distributable vector b, Loggable k,Ord k)

     => (a -> (k,b))

     -> DDS  (vector a)

     -> DDS (M.Map k (vector b))

mapKey f (DDS mx)= DDS $ loggedc $  do

        refs <-  mx

        process refs                            -- !> ("process",refs)


--  process ::  Partition a -> Cloud [Partition b]

  process  (ref@(Ref node path sav))= runAt node $ local $ do

              xs <- getPartitionData ref         -- !> ("CMAP", ref,node)

              (generateRef  $ map1 f xs)

--  map1 :: (Ord k, F.Foldable vector) => (a -> (k,b)) -> vector a -> M.Map k(vector b)

  map1 f v=  F.foldl' f1  M.empty v


     f1 map x=

           let (k,r) = f x

           in M.insertWith (<>) k (Transient.MapReduce.singleton r) map

data ReduceChunk a= EndReduce | Reduce a deriving (Typeable, Read, Show)

boxids= unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

reduce ::  (Hashable k,Ord k, Distributable vector a, Loggable k,Loggable a)

             => (a -> a -> a) -> DDS (M.Map k (vector a)) ->Cloud (M.Map k a)

reduce red  (dds@(DDS mx))= loggedc $ do

   mboxid <- localIO $ atomicModifyIORef boxids $ \n -> let n'= n+1 in (n',n')

   nodes <- local getEqualNodes

   let lengthNodes = length nodes

       shuffler nodes = do

          localIO $ threadDelay 100000

          ref@(Ref node path sav) <- mx     -- return the resulting blocks of the map

          runAt node $ foldAndSend node nodes ref


--     groupByDestiny :: (Hashable k, Distributable vector a)  => M.Map k (vector a) -> M.Map Int [(k ,vector a)]

       groupByDestiny  map =  M.foldlWithKey' f M.empty  map


--              f ::  M.Map Int [(k ,vector a)] -> k -> vector a -> M.Map Int [(k ,vector a)]

              f map k vs= M.insertWith (<>) (hash1 k) [(k,vs)] map

              hash1 k= abs $ hash k `rem` length nodes

--           foldAndSend :: (Hashable k, Distributable vector a)=> (Int,[(k,vector a)]) -> Cloud ()

       foldAndSend node nodes ref=  do

             pairs <- onAll $ getPartitionData1 ref

                        <|>  return (error $ "DDS computed out of his node:"++ show ref    )

             let mpairs = groupByDestiny pairs

             length <- local . return $ M.size mpairs

             let port2= nodePort node

             if  length == 0 then sendEnd   nodes else do

                 nsent <-  onAll $ liftIO $ newMVar 0

                 (i,folded) <- local $ parallelize foldthem (M.assocs  mpairs)

                 n <- localIO  $ modifyMVar nsent $ \r -> return (r+1, r+1)

                 (runAt (nodes !! i) $  local $ putMailbox' mboxid (Reduce folded))

                                                     !> ("send",n,length,i,folded)

--                 return () !> (port,n,length)

                 when (n == length) $ sendEnd   nodes



             foldthem (i,kvs)=  async . return

                                $ (i,map (\(k,vs) -> (k,foldl1 red vs)) kvs)

       sendEnd  nodes   =  onNodes nodes $ local

                            $  putMailbox'  mboxid (EndReduce `asTypeOf` paramOf dds)

--                                                  !> ("send ENDREDUCE ", port))

       onNodes nodes f = foldr (<|>) empty $ map (\n -> runAt n f) nodes

       sumNodes nodes f= foldr (<>) mempty $ map (\n -> runAt n f) nodes

       reducer nodes=   sumNodes nodes reduce1    -- a reduce1 process in each node, get the results and mappend them

--     reduce :: (Ord k)  => Cloud (M.Map k v)

       reduce1 = local $ do

           reduceResults <- liftIO $ newMVar M.empty

           numberSent    <- liftIO $ newMVar 0

           minput <- getMailbox' mboxid  -- get the chunk once it arrives to the mailbox

           case minput  of

             EndReduce -> do

                n <- liftIO $ modifyMVar numberSent $ \r -> let r'= r+1 in return (r', r')

                if n == lengthNodes

--                                              !> ("END REDUCE RECEIVED",n, lengthNodes)

                 then do

                    cleanMailbox' mboxid (EndReduce `asTypeOf` paramOf dds)

                    r <- liftIO $ readMVar reduceResults

                    return r

                 else stop

             Reduce kvs ->  do

                let addIt (k,inp) = do

                        let input= inp `asTypeOf` atype dds

                        liftIO $ modifyMVar_ reduceResults

                               $ \map -> do

                                  let maccum =  M.lookup k map

                                  return $ M.insert k (case maccum of

                                    Just accum ->  red input accum

                                    Nothing    ->  input) map 

                mapM addIt  (kvs `asTypeOf` paramOf' dds)

                                                                     !> ("Received Reduce",kvs)


   reducer  nodes  <|>  shuffler nodes


     atype ::DDS(M.Map k (vector a)) ->  a

     atype = undefined -- type level

     paramOf  :: DDS (M.Map k (vector a)) -> ReduceChunk [( k,  a)]

     paramOf = undefined -- type level

     paramOf'  :: DDS (M.Map k (vector a)) ->  [( k,  a)]

     paramOf' = undefined -- type level

-- parallelize :: Loggable b => (a -> Cloud b) -> [a] -> Cloud b

parallelize f xs =  foldr (<|>) empty $ map f xs

mparallelize f xs =  loggedc $ foldr (<>) mempty $ map f xs

getPartitionData :: Loggable a => PartRef a   -> TransIO  a

getPartitionData (Ref node path save)  = Transient $ do

    mp <- (liftIO $ atomically

                       $ readDBRef

                       $ getDBRef

                       $ keyp path save)

                  `onNothing` error ("not found DDS data: "++ keyp path save)

    case mp of

       (Part _ _ _ xs) -> return $ Just xs

getPartitionData1 :: Loggable a => PartRef a   -> TransIO  a

getPartitionData1 (Ref node path save)  = Transient $ do

    mp <- liftIO $ atomically

                  $ readDBRef

                  $ getDBRef

                  $ keyp path save

    case mp of

      Just (Part _ _ _ xs) -> return $ Just xs

      Nothing -> return Nothing

getPartitionData2 :: Loggable a => PartRef a   -> IO  a

getPartitionData2 (Ref node path save)  =  do

    mp <- ( atomically

                       $ readDBRef

                       $ getDBRef

                       $ keyp path save)

                  `onNothing` error ("not found DDS data: "++ keyp path save)

    case mp of

       (Part _ _ _ xs) -> return  xs

-- en caso de fallo de Node, se lanza un clustered en busca del path

--   si solo uno lo tiene, se copia a otro

--   se pone ese nodo de referencia en Part

runAtP :: Loggable a => Node  -> (Path -> IO a) -> Path -> Cloud a

runAtP node f uuid= do

   r <- runAt node $ onAll . liftIO $ (SLast <$> f uuid) `catch` sendAnyError

   case r of

     SLast r -> return r

     SError e -> do

         nodes <-  mclustered $ search uuid

         when(length nodes < 1) $ asyncDuplicate node uuid

         runAtP ( head nodes) f uuid

search uuid= error $ "chunk failover not yet defined. Lookin for: "++ uuid

asyncDuplicate node uuid= do

    forkTo node

    nodes <- onAll getEqualNodes

    let node'= head $ nodes \\ [node]

    content <- onAll . liftIO $ readFile uuid

    runAt node' $ local $ liftIO $ writeFile uuid content

sendAnyError :: SomeException -> IO (StreamData a)

sendAnyError e= return $ SError  e

-- | distribute a vector of values among many nodes.

-- If the vector is static and sharable, better use the get* primitives

-- since each node will load the data independently.

distribute :: (Loggable a, Distributable vector a ) => vector a -> DDS (vector a)

distribute = DDS . distribute'

distribute' xs= loggedc $  do

   nodes <- local getEqualNodes                                        -- !> "DISTRIBUTE"

   let lnodes = length nodes

   let size= case F.length xs `div` (length nodes) of 0 ->1 ; n -> n

       xss= split size lnodes 1 xs                                     -- !> size

   r <- distribute'' xss nodes

   return r


   split n s s' xs | s==s' = [xs]

   split n s s' xs=

      let (h,t)= Transient.MapReduce.splitAt n xs

      in h : split n s (s'+1) t

distribute'' :: (Loggable a, Distributable vector a)

             => [vector a] -> [Node] -> Cloud (PartRef (vector a))

distribute'' xss nodes =

   parallelize  move $ zip nodes xss   -- !> show xss


   move (node, xs)=  runAt node $ local $ do

                        par <- generateRef  xs

                        return  par

          --   !> ("move", node,xs)

-- | input data from a text that must be static and shared by all the nodes.

-- The function parameter partition the text in words

getText  :: (Loggable a, Distributable vector a) => (String -> [a]) -> String -> DDS (vector a)

getText part str= DDS $ loggedc $ do

   nodes <- local getEqualNodes                                        -- !> "getText"

   let lnodes = length nodes

   parallelize  (process lnodes)  $ zip nodes [0..lnodes-1]


   process lnodes (node,i)= 

      runAt node $ local $ do

            let xs = part str

                size= case length xs `div` lnodes of 0 ->1 ; n -> n

                xss= Transient.MapReduce.fromList $

                       if i== lnodes-1 then drop (i* size) xs else  take size $ drop  (i *  size) xs

            generateRef  xss

-- | get the worlds of an URL

textUrl :: String -> DDS (DV.Vector Text.Text)

textUrl= getUrl  (map Text.pack . words)

-- | generate a DDS from the content of a URL.

-- The first parameter is a function that divide the text in words

getUrl :: (Loggable a, Distributable vector a) => (String -> [a]) -> String -> DDS (vector a)

getUrl partitioner url= DDS $ do

   nodes <- local getEqualNodes                                        -- !> "DISTRIBUTE"

   let lnodes = length nodes

   parallelize  (process lnodes)  $ zip nodes [0..lnodes-1]    -- !> show xss


   process lnodes (node,i)=  runAt node $ local $ do

                        r <- liftIO . simpleHTTP $ getRequest url

                        body <- liftIO $  getResponseBody r

                        let xs = partitioner body

                            size= case length xs `div` lnodes of 0 ->1 ; n -> n

                            xss= Transient.MapReduce.fromList $

                                  if i== lnodes-1 then drop (i* size) xs else  take size $ drop  (i *  size) xs


                        generateRef  xss

-- | get the words of a file

textFile ::  String -> DDS (DV.Vector Text.Text)

textFile= getFile (map Text.pack . words)

-- | generate a DDS from a file. All the nodes must access the file with the same path

-- the first parameter is the parser that generates elements from the content

getFile :: (Loggable a, Distributable vector a) => (String -> [a]) ->  String -> DDS (vector a)

getFile partitioner file= DDS $ do

   nodes <- local getEqualNodes                                        -- !> "DISTRIBUTE"

   let lnodes = length nodes

   parallelize  (process lnodes) $ zip nodes [0..lnodes-1]    -- !> show xss


   process lnodes (node, i)=  runAt node $ local $ do

                        content <-  do

                              c <- liftIO $ readFile file

                              length c `seq` return c

                        let xs = partitioner  content


                            size= case length xs `div` lnodes of 0 ->1 ; n -> n

                            xss= Transient.MapReduce.fromList $

                                   if i== lnodes-1 then drop (i* size) xs else  take size $ drop  (i *  size) xs


                        generateRef    xss

generateRef :: Loggable a =>  a -> TransIO (PartRef a)

generateRef  x=  do

    node <- getMyNode

    liftIO $ do

       temp <- getTempName

       let reg=  Part node temp False  x

       atomically $ newDBRef reg

--       syncCache

       (return $ getRef reg)     -- !> ("generateRef",reg,node)

getRef (Part n t s x)= Ref n t s

getTempName :: IO String

getTempName=  ("DDS" ++) <$> replicateM  5 (randomRIO ('a','z'))

-------------- Distributed  Datasource Streams ---------

-- | produce a stream of DDS's that can be map-reduced. Similar to spark streams.

-- each interval of time,a new DDS is produced.(to be tested)


  :: (Loggable a, Distributable vector a) =>

     Integer -> IO (StreamData a) -> DDS (vector a)

streamDDS time io= DDS $ do

     xs <- local . groupByTime time $ do

               r <- parallel io

               case r of

                    SDone -> empty

                    SLast x -> return x

                    SMore x -> return x

                    SError e -> error $ show e

     distribute'  $ Transient.MapReduce.fromList xs
