tubes- Write stream processing computations with side effects in a series of tubes.

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




newtype Sink m a Source

A potentially full sink of values parameterized over a base monad. It never yields.

A Sink is a contravariant functor. Intuitively this means that it is a consumer of some base type, and you may map transformations over its input before it is consumed.


    import Data.Functor.Contravariant

    add5 :: Sink IO Int
    add5 = Sink $ loop 0 5 where
        loop acc 0 = do
            liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Sum of five numbers: " ++ (show acc)
        loop acc count = do
            n <- await
            loop (acc + n) (count - 1)

    times2Add5:: Sink IO Int
    times2Add5 = (*2) >$< add5

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        runTube $ each [1..10] >< pour add5
        -- "Sum of five numbers: 15"

        runTube $ each [1..10] >< pour times2Add5
        -- "Sum of five numbers: 30"

Sinks may also be merged together, as they form a semigroup:

    import Data.Semigroup

    writeToFile :: Sink IO String
    writeToFile = Sink $ do
        line <- await
        liftIO . putStrLn $ "Totally writing this to a file: " ++ line

    writeToConsole :: Sink IO String
    writeToConsole = Sink $ do
        line <- await
        liftIO . putStrLn $ "Console out: " ++ line

    writeOut :: Sink IO String
    writeOut = writeToFile <> writeToConsole

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        runTube $ each [1..3] >< map show >< forever (pour writeOut)
        -- Totally writing this to a file: 1
        -- Console out: 1
        -- Totally writing this to a file: 2
        -- Console out: 2
        -- Totally writing this to a file: 3
        -- Console out: 3




pour :: Tube a () m ()


Monad m => Contravariant (Sink m) Source 
Monad m => Divisible (Sink m) Source 
Monad m => Decidable (Sink m) Source 
Monad m => Semigroup (Sink m a) Source