tuple-th-0.2.1: Generate (non-recursive) utility functions for tuples of statically known size




Note: One-tuples are currently understood as just the original type by Template Haskell (though this could be an undefined case which is not guaranteed to work this way?), so for example, we get

 $(catTuples 1 2) = \x (y,z) -> (x,y,z)



htuple :: Int -> TypeQ -> TypeQSource

Makes a homogenous tuple type of the given size and element type

 $(htuple 2) [t| Char |] = (Char,Char)


mapTuple :: Int -> ExpQSource

Type of the generated expression:

 (a -> b) -> (a, ..) -> (b, ..)

mapTuple' :: Int -> ExpQ -> Q ExpSource

Takes the mapping as a quoted expression. This can sometimes produce an expression that typechecks when the analogous expression using filterTuple does not, e.g.:

 $(mapTuple 2) Just        ((),"foo") -- Type error 
 $(mapTuple' 2 [| Just |]) ((),"foo") -- OK

filterTuple :: Int -> ExpQSource

Type of the generated expression:

 (a -> Bool) -> (a, ..) -> [a]

filterTuple' :: Int -> ExpQ -> ExpQSource

Takes the predicate as a quoted expression. See mapTuple' for how this can be useful.

reindexTuple :: Int -> [Int] -> Q ExpSource

reindexTuple n js creates the function

 \(x_0, ..., x_{n-1}) -> (x_{js !! 0}, x_{js !! 1}, ... x_{last js})

For example,

 $(reindexTuple 3 [1,1,0,0]) ('a','b','c') == ('b','b','a','a')

Each element of js must be nonnegative and less than n.

rotateTuple :: Int -> Int -> Q ExpSource

rotateTuple n k creates a function which rotates an n-tuple rightwards by k positions (k may be negative or greater than n-1).

subtuples :: Int -> Int -> Q ExpSource

Generates the function which maps a tuple (x_1, ..., x_n) to the tuple of all its subtuples of the form (x_{i_1}, ..., x_{i_k}), where i_1 < i_2 < ... < i_k.

deleteAtTuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Generates a function which takes a Num i and a homogenous tuple of size n and deletes the i-th (0-based) element of the tuple.


zipTuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Like zip.

Type of the generated expression:

 (a1, a2, ..) -> (b1, b2, ..) -> ((a1,b1), (a2,b2), ..)

catTuples :: Int -> Int -> Q ExpSource

Type of the generated expression:

 (a1, ..) -> (b1, ..) -> (a1, .., b1, ..)

uncatTuple :: Int -> Int -> Q ExpSource

uncatTuple n m is the inverse function of uncurry (catTuples n m).


zipTupleWith :: Int -> ExpQSource

Like zipWith.

Type of the generated expression:

 (a -> b -> c) -> (a, ..) -> (b, ..) -> (c, ..)

zipTupleWith' :: Int -> ExpQ -> ExpQSource

Takes the zipping function as a quoted expression. See mapTuple' for how this can be useful.


safeTupleFromList :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Type of the generated expression:

 [a] -> Maybe (a, ..)

tupleFromList :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Type of the generated expression:

 [a] -> (a, ..)

The generated function is partial.




:: Int

Size of tuple

-> Int

0-based index of component to retrieve

-> ExpQ 
 Generate a projection (like 'fst' and 'snd').

elemTuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Like elem.

Type of generated expression:

 Eq a => a -> (a, ..) -> Bool

Right folds

foldrTuple :: Int -> ExpQSource

Type of the generated expression:

 (a -> r -> r) -> r -> (a, ..) -> r

foldrTuple' :: Int -> ExpQ -> ExpQSource

Takes the folding function (but not the seed element) as a quoted expression. See mapTuple' for how this can be useful.

foldr1Tuple :: Int -> ExpQSource

Type of the generated expression:

 (a -> a -> a) -> (a, ..) -> a

foldr1Tuple' :: Int -> ExpQ -> Q ExpSource

Takes the folding function as a quoted expression. See mapTuple' for how this can be useful.

Left folds

foldlTuple :: Int -> ExpQSource

Type of the generated expression:

 (r -> a -> r) -> r -> (a, ..) -> r

foldlTuple' :: Int -> ExpQ -> ExpQSource

Takes the folding function (but not the seed element) as a quoted expression. See mapTuple' for how this can be useful.

foldl1Tuple :: Int -> ExpQSource

Type of the generated expression:

 (a -> a -> a) -> (a, ..) -> a

foldl1Tuple' :: Int -> ExpQ -> Q ExpSource

Takes the folding function as a quoted expression. See mapTuple' for how this can be useful.


andTuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Like and.

orTuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Like or.

anyTuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Like any.

allTuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Like all.


sequenceATuple :: Int -> Q ExpSource

Like sequenceA.