-- | The main prover loop.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTs, BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, PatternGuards, TypeFamilies #-}
module Twee where

import Twee.Base
import Twee.Rule hiding (normalForms)
import qualified Twee.Rule as Rule
import Twee.Equation
import qualified Twee.Proof as Proof
import Twee.Proof(Axiom(..), Proof(..), ProvedGoal(..), provedGoal, certify, derivation, symm)
import Twee.CP hiding (Config)
import qualified Twee.CP as CP
import Twee.Join hiding (Config, defaultConfig)
import qualified Twee.Join as Join
import qualified Twee.Rule.Index as RuleIndex
import Twee.Rule.Index(RuleIndex(..))
import qualified Twee.Index as Index
import Twee.Index(Index)
import Twee.Constraints
import Twee.Utils
import Twee.Task
import qualified Twee.PassiveQueue as Queue
import Twee.PassiveQueue(Queue, Passive(..))
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Data.IntMap(IntMap)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
import Data.Int
import Data.Ord
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as StateM

-- * Configuration and prover state.

-- | The prover configuration.
data Config f =
  Config {
    cfg_accept_term            :: Maybe (Term f -> Bool),
    cfg_max_critical_pairs     :: Int64,
    cfg_max_cp_depth           :: Int,
    cfg_simplify               :: Bool,
    cfg_renormalise_percent    :: Int,
    cfg_critical_pairs         :: CP.Config,
    cfg_join                   :: Join.Config,
    cfg_proof_presentation     :: Proof.Config }

-- | The prover state.
data State f =
  State {
    st_rules          :: !(RuleIndex f (ActiveRule f)),
    st_active_ids     :: !(IntMap (Active f)),
    st_rule_ids       :: !(IntMap (ActiveRule f)),
    st_joinable       :: !(Index f (Equation f)),
    st_goals          :: ![Goal f],
    st_queue          :: !(Queue Params),
    st_next_active    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Id,
    st_next_rule      :: {-# UNPACK #-} !RuleId,
    st_considered     :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64,
    st_messages_rev   :: ![Message f] }

-- | The default prover configuration.
defaultConfig :: Config f
defaultConfig =
  Config {
    cfg_accept_term = Nothing,
    cfg_max_critical_pairs = maxBound,
    cfg_max_cp_depth = maxBound,
    cfg_simplify = True,
    cfg_renormalise_percent = 5,
    cfg_critical_pairs = CP.defaultConfig,
    cfg_join = Join.defaultConfig,
    cfg_proof_presentation = Proof.defaultConfig }

-- | Does this configuration run the prover in a complete mode?
configIsComplete :: Config f -> Bool
configIsComplete Config{..} =
  isNothing (cfg_accept_term) &&
  cfg_max_critical_pairs == maxBound &&
  cfg_max_cp_depth == maxBound

-- | The initial state.
initialState :: State f
initialState =
  State {
    st_rules = RuleIndex.empty,
    st_active_ids = IntMap.empty,
    st_rule_ids = IntMap.empty,
    st_joinable = Index.empty,
    st_goals = [],
    st_queue = Queue.empty,
    st_next_active = 1,
    st_next_rule = 0,
    st_considered = 0,
    st_messages_rev = [] }

-- * Messages.

-- | A message which is produced by the prover when something interesting happens.
data Message f =
    -- | A new rule.
    NewActive !(Active f)
    -- | A new joinable equation.
  | NewEquation !(Equation f)
    -- | A rule was deleted.
  | DeleteActive !(Active f)
    -- | The CP queue was simplified.
  | SimplifyQueue
    -- | The rules were reduced wrt each other.
  | Interreduce

instance Function f => Pretty (Message f) where
  pPrint (NewActive rule) = pPrint rule
  pPrint (NewEquation eqn) =
    text "  (hard)" <+> pPrint eqn
  pPrint (DeleteActive rule) =
    text "  (delete rule " <#> pPrint (active_id rule) <#> text ")"
  pPrint SimplifyQueue =
    text "  (simplifying queued critical pairs...)"
  pPrint Interreduce =
    text "  (simplifying rules with respect to one another...)"

-- | Emit a message.
message :: PrettyTerm f => Message f -> State f -> State f
message !msg state@State{..} =
  state { st_messages_rev = msg:st_messages_rev }

-- | Forget about all emitted messages.
clearMessages :: State f -> State f
clearMessages state@State{..} =
  state { st_messages_rev = [] }

-- | Get all emitted messages.
messages :: State f -> [Message f]
messages state = reverse (st_messages_rev state)

-- * The CP queue.

data Params
instance Queue.Params Params where
  type Score Params = Int
  type Id Params = RuleId
  type PackedId Params = Int32
  type PackedScore Params = Int32
  packScore _ = fromIntegral
  unpackScore _ = fromIntegral
  packId _ = fromIntegral
  unpackId _ = fromIntegral

-- | Compute all critical pairs from a rule.
{-# INLINEABLE makePassives #-}
makePassives :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> ActiveRule f -> [Passive Params]
makePassives Config{..} State{..} rule =
  {-# SCC makePassive #-}
  [ Passive (fromIntegral (score cfg_critical_pairs o)) (rule_rid rule1) (rule_rid rule2) (fromIntegral (overlap_pos o))
  | (rule1, rule2, o) <- overlaps (Depth cfg_max_cp_depth) (index_oriented st_rules) rules rule ]
    rules = IntMap.elems st_rule_ids

-- | Turn a Passive back into an overlap.
-- Doesn't try to simplify it.
{-# INLINEABLE findPassive #-}
findPassive :: forall f. Function f => Config f -> State f -> Passive Params -> Maybe (ActiveRule f, ActiveRule f, Overlap f)
findPassive Config{..} State{..} Passive{..} = {-# SCC findPassive #-} do
  rule1 <- IntMap.lookup (fromIntegral passive_rule1) st_rule_ids
  rule2 <- IntMap.lookup (fromIntegral passive_rule2) st_rule_ids
  let !depth = 1 + max (the rule1) (the rule2)
  overlap <-
    overlapAt (fromIntegral passive_pos) depth
      (renameAvoiding (the rule2 :: Rule f) (the rule1)) (the rule2)
  return (rule1, rule2, overlap)

-- | Renormalise a queued Passive.
{-# INLINEABLE simplifyPassive #-}
simplifyPassive :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Passive Params -> Maybe (Passive Params)
simplifyPassive config@Config{..} state@State{..} passive = {-# SCC simplifyPassive #-} do
  (_, _, overlap) <- findPassive config state passive
  overlap <- simplifyOverlap (index_oriented st_rules) overlap
  return passive {
    passive_score = fromIntegral $
      fromIntegral (passive_score passive) `intMin`
      score cfg_critical_pairs overlap }

-- | Renormalise the entire queue.
{-# INLINEABLE simplifyQueue #-}
simplifyQueue :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
simplifyQueue config state =
  {-# SCC simplifyQueue #-}
  state { st_queue = simp (st_queue state) }
    simp =
      Queue.mapMaybe (simplifyPassive config state)

-- | Enqueue a set of critical pairs.
{-# INLINEABLE enqueue #-}
enqueue :: Function f => State f -> RuleId -> [Passive Params] -> State f
enqueue state rule passives =
  {-# SCC enqueue #-}
  state { st_queue = Queue.insert rule passives (st_queue state) }

-- | Dequeue a critical pair.
-- Also takes care of:
--   * removing any orphans from the head of the queue
--   * ignoring CPs that are too big
{-# INLINEABLE dequeue #-}
dequeue :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> (Maybe (CriticalPair f, ActiveRule f, ActiveRule f), State f)
dequeue config@Config{..} state@State{..} =
  {-# SCC dequeue #-}
  case deq 0 st_queue of
    -- Explicitly make the queue empty, in case it e.g. contained a
    -- lot of orphans
    Nothing -> (Nothing, state { st_queue = Queue.empty })
    Just (overlap, n, queue) ->
      (Just overlap,
       state { st_queue = queue, st_considered = st_considered + n })
    deq !n queue = do
      (passive, queue) <- Queue.removeMin queue
      case findPassive config state passive of
        Just (rule1, rule2, overlap)
          | passive_score passive >= 0,
            Just Overlap{overlap_eqn = t :=: u} <-
              simplifyOverlap (index_oriented st_rules) overlap,
            fromMaybe True (cfg_accept_term <*> pure t),
            fromMaybe True (cfg_accept_term <*> pure u),
            Just cp <- makeCriticalPair rule1 rule2 overlap ->
              return ((cp, rule1, rule2), n+1, queue)
        _ -> deq (n+1) queue

-- * Active rewrite rules.

data Active f =
  Active {
    active_id    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Id,
    active_depth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Depth,
    active_rule  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Rule f),
    active_top   :: !(Maybe (Term f)),
    active_proof :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Proof f),
    -- A model in which the rule is false (used when reorienting)
    active_model :: !(Model f),
    active_rules :: ![ActiveRule f] }

active_cp :: Active f -> CriticalPair f
active_cp Active{..} =
  CriticalPair {
    cp_eqn = unorient active_rule,
    cp_depth = active_depth,
    cp_top = active_top,
    cp_proof = derivation active_proof }

-- An active oriented in a particular direction.
data ActiveRule f =
  ActiveRule {
    rule_active    :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Id,
    rule_rid       :: {-# UNPACK #-} !RuleId,
    rule_depth     :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Depth,
    rule_rule      :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Rule f),
    rule_proof     :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Proof f),
    rule_positions :: !(Positions f) }

instance PrettyTerm f => Symbolic (ActiveRule f) where
  type ConstantOf (ActiveRule f) = f
  termsDL ActiveRule{..} =
    termsDL rule_rule `mplus`
    termsDL (derivation rule_proof)
  subst_ sub r@ActiveRule{..} =
    r {
      rule_rule = rule',
      rule_proof = certify (subst_ sub (derivation rule_proof)),
      rule_positions = positions (lhs rule') }
      rule' = subst_ sub rule_rule

instance Eq (Active f) where
  (==) = (==) `on` active_id

instance Eq (ActiveRule f) where
  (==) = (==) `on` rule_rid

instance Function f => Pretty (Active f) where
  pPrint Active{..} =
    pPrint active_id <#> text "." <+> pPrint (canonicalise active_rule)

instance Has (ActiveRule f) Id where the = rule_active
instance Has (ActiveRule f) RuleId where the = rule_rid
instance Has (ActiveRule f) Depth where the = rule_depth
instance f ~ g => Has (ActiveRule f) (Rule g) where the = rule_rule
instance f ~ g => Has (ActiveRule f) (Proof g) where the = rule_proof
instance f ~ g => Has (ActiveRule f) (Positions g) where the = rule_positions

newtype RuleId = RuleId Id deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Real, Integral, Enum)

-- Add a new active.
{-# INLINEABLE addActive #-}
addActive :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> (Id -> RuleId -> RuleId -> Active f) -> State f
addActive config state@State{..} active0 =
  {-# SCC addActive #-}
    active@Active{..} = active0 st_next_active st_next_rule (succ st_next_rule)
    state' =
      message (NewActive active) $
      addActiveOnly state{st_next_active = st_next_active+1, st_next_rule = st_next_rule+2} active
  in if subsumed st_joinable st_rules (unorient active_rule) then
    normaliseGoals $
    foldl' (uncurry . enqueue) state'
      [ (the rule, makePassives config state' rule)
      | rule <- active_rules ]

-- Add an active without generating critical pairs. Used in interreduction.
{-# INLINEABLE addActiveOnly #-}
addActiveOnly :: Function f => State f -> Active f -> State f
addActiveOnly state@State{..} active@Active{..} =
  state {
    st_rules = foldl' insertRule st_rules active_rules,
    st_active_ids = IntMap.insert (fromIntegral active_id) active st_active_ids,
    st_rule_ids = foldl' insertRuleId st_rule_ids active_rules }
    insertRule rules rule@ActiveRule{..} =
      RuleIndex.insert (lhs rule_rule) rule rules
    insertRuleId rules rule@ActiveRule{..} =
      IntMap.insert (fromIntegral rule_rid) rule rules

-- Delete an active. Used in interreduction, not suitable for general use.
{-# INLINE deleteActive #-}
deleteActive :: Function f => State f -> Active f -> State f
deleteActive state@State{..} Active{..} =
  state {
    st_rules = foldl' deleteRule st_rules active_rules,
    st_active_ids = IntMap.delete (fromIntegral active_id) st_active_ids,
    st_rule_ids = foldl' deleteRuleId st_rule_ids active_rules }
    deleteRule rules rule =
      RuleIndex.delete (lhs (rule_rule rule)) rule rules
    deleteRuleId rules ActiveRule{..} =
      IntMap.delete (fromIntegral rule_rid) rules

-- Try to join a critical pair.
{-# INLINEABLE consider #-}
consider :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> CriticalPair f -> State f
consider config state cp =
  considerUsing (st_rules state) config state cp

-- Try to join a critical pair, but using a different set of critical
-- pairs for normalisation.
{-# INLINEABLE considerUsing #-}
considerUsing ::
  Function f =>
  RuleIndex f (ActiveRule f) -> Config f -> State f -> CriticalPair f -> State f
considerUsing rules config@Config{..} state@State{..} cp0 =
  {-# SCC consider #-}
  -- Important to canonicalise the rule so that we don't get
  -- bigger and bigger variable indices over time
  let cp = canonicalise cp0 in
  case joinCriticalPair cfg_join st_joinable rules Nothing cp of
    Right (mcp, cps) ->
        state' = foldl' (considerUsing rules config) state cps
      in case mcp of
        Just cp -> addJoinable state' (cp_eqn cp)
        Nothing -> state'

    Left (cp, model) ->
      foldl' (addCP config model) state (split cp)

{-# INLINEABLE addCP #-}
addCP :: Function f => Config f -> Model f -> State f -> CriticalPair f -> State f
addCP config model state@State{..} CriticalPair{..} =
  addActive config state $ \n k1 k2 ->
    pf = certify cp_proof
    rule = orient cp_eqn

    makeRule k r p =
      ActiveRule {
        rule_active = n,
        rule_rid = k,
        rule_depth = cp_depth,
        rule_rule = r rule,
        rule_proof = p pf,
        rule_positions = positions (lhs (r rule)) }
  Active {
    active_id = n,
    active_depth = cp_depth,
    active_rule = rule,
    active_model = model,
    active_top = cp_top,
    active_proof = pf,
    active_rules =
      usortBy (comparing (canonicalise . rule_rule)) $
        makeRule k1 id id:
        [ makeRule k2 backwards (certify . symm . derivation)
        | not (oriented (orientation rule)) ] }

-- Add a new equation.
{-# INLINEABLE addAxiom #-}
addAxiom :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Axiom f -> State f
addAxiom config state axiom =
  consider config state $
    CriticalPair {
      cp_eqn = axiom_eqn axiom,
      cp_depth = 0,
      cp_top = Nothing,
      cp_proof = Proof.axiom axiom }

-- Record an equation as being joinable.
{-# INLINEABLE addJoinable #-}
addJoinable :: Function f => State f -> Equation f -> State f
addJoinable state eqn@(t :=: u) =
  message (NewEquation eqn) $
  state {
    st_joinable =
      Index.insert t (t :=: u) $
      Index.insert u (u :=: t) (st_joinable state) }

-- For goal terms we store the set of all their normal forms.
-- Name and number are for information only.
data Goal f =
  Goal {
    goal_name     :: String,
    goal_number   :: Int,
    goal_eqn      :: Equation f,
    goal_lhs      :: Set (Resulting f),
    goal_rhs      :: Set (Resulting f) }

-- Add a new goal.
{-# INLINEABLE addGoal #-}
addGoal :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Goal f -> State f
addGoal _config state@State{..} goal =
  normaliseGoals state { st_goals = goal:st_goals }

-- Normalise all goals.
{-# INLINEABLE normaliseGoals #-}
normaliseGoals :: Function f => State f -> State f
normaliseGoals state@State{..} =
  state {
    st_goals =
      map (goalMap (Rule.normalForms (rewrite reduces (index_all st_rules)))) st_goals }
    goalMap f goal@Goal{..} =
      goal { goal_lhs = f goal_lhs, goal_rhs = f goal_rhs }

-- Recompute all normal forms of all goals. Starts from the original goal term.
-- Different from normalising all goals, because there may be an intermediate
-- term on one of the reduction paths which we can now rewrite in a different
-- way.
{-# INLINEABLE recomputeGoals #-}
recomputeGoals :: Function f => State f -> State f
recomputeGoals state =
  -- Make this strict so that newTask can time it correctly
  forceList (map goal_lhs (st_goals state')) `seq`
  forceList (map goal_rhs (st_goals state')) `seq`
    state' =
      normaliseGoals (state { st_goals = map reset (st_goals state) })

    reset goal@Goal{goal_eqn = t :=: u, ..} =
      goal { goal_lhs = Set.singleton (reduce (Refl t)),
             goal_rhs = Set.singleton (reduce (Refl u)) }

    forceList [] = ()
    forceList (x:xs) = x `seq` forceList xs

-- Create a goal.
{-# INLINE goal #-}
goal :: Int -> String -> Equation f -> Goal f
goal n name (t :=: u) =
  Goal {
    goal_name = name,
    goal_number = n,
    goal_eqn = t :=: u,
    goal_lhs = Set.singleton (reduce (Refl t)),
    goal_rhs = Set.singleton (reduce (Refl u)) }

-- Interreduction.

-- Simplify all rules.
{-# INLINEABLE interreduce #-}
interreduce :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
interreduce config@Config{..} state =
  {-# SCC interreduce #-}
    state' =
      foldl' (interreduce1 config)
        -- Clear out st_joinable, since we don't know which
        -- equations have made use of each active.
        state { st_joinable = Index.empty }
        (IntMap.elems (st_active_ids state))
    in state' { st_joinable = st_joinable state }

{-# INLINEABLE interreduce1 #-}
interreduce1 :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Active f -> State f
interreduce1 config@Config{..} state active =
  -- Exclude the active from the rewrite rules when testing
  -- joinability, otherwise it will be trivially joinable.
    joinCriticalPair cfg_join
      (st_joinable state)
      (st_rules (deleteActive state active))
      (Just (active_model active)) (active_cp active)
    Right (_, cps) ->
      flip (foldl' (consider config)) cps $
      message (DeleteActive active) $
      deleteActive state active
    Left (cp, model)
      | not (cp_eqn cp `isInstanceOf` cp_eqn (active_cp active)) ->
        flip (foldl' (addCP config model)) (split cp) $
        message (DeleteActive active) $
        deleteActive state active
      | model /= active_model active ->
        flip addActiveOnly active { active_model = model } $
        deleteActive state active
      | otherwise ->
    (t :=: u) `isInstanceOf` (t' :=: u') = isJust $ do
      sub <- match t' t
      matchIn sub u' u

-- The main loop.

data Output m f =
  Output {
    output_message :: Message f -> m () }

{-# INLINE complete #-}
complete :: (Function f, MonadIO m) => Output m f -> Config f -> State f -> m (State f)
complete Output{..} config@Config{..} state =
  flip StateM.execStateT state $ do
    tasks <- sequence
      [newTask 1 (fromIntegral cfg_renormalise_percent / 100) $ do
         lift $ output_message SimplifyQueue
         state <- StateM.get
         StateM.put $! simplifyQueue config state,
       newTask 1 0.05 $ do
         when cfg_simplify $ do
           lift $ output_message Interreduce
           state <- StateM.get
           StateM.put $! interreduce config state,
       newTask 1 0.02 $ do
          state <- StateM.get
          StateM.put $! recomputeGoals state ]

      loop = do
        progress <- StateM.state (complete1 config)
        state <- StateM.get
        lift $ mapM_ output_message (messages state)
        StateM.put (clearMessages state)
        mapM_ checkTask tasks
        when progress loop


{-# INLINEABLE complete1 #-}
complete1 :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> (Bool, State f)
complete1 config@Config{..} state
  | st_considered state >= cfg_max_critical_pairs =
    (False, state)
  | solved state = (False, state)
  | otherwise =
    case dequeue config state of
      (Nothing, state) -> (False, state)
      (Just (overlap, _, _), state) ->
        (True, consider config state overlap)

{-# INLINEABLE solved #-}
solved :: Function f => State f -> Bool
solved = not . null . solutions

-- Return whatever goals we have proved and their proofs.
{-# INLINEABLE solutions #-}
solutions :: Function f => State f -> [ProvedGoal f]
solutions State{..} = {-# SCC solutions #-} do
  Goal{goal_lhs = ts, goal_rhs = us, ..} <- st_goals
  guard (not (null (Set.intersection ts us)))
  let t:_ = filter (`Set.member` us) (Set.toList ts)
      u:_ = filter (== t) (Set.toList us)
      -- Strict so that we check the proof before returning a solution
      !p =
        Proof.certify $
          reductionProof (reduction t) `Proof.trans`
          Proof.symm (reductionProof (reduction u))
  return (provedGoal goal_number goal_name p)

-- Return all current rewrite rules.
{-# INLINEABLE rules #-}
rules :: Function f => State f -> [Rule f]
rules = map active_rule . IntMap.elems . st_active_ids

-- For code which uses twee as a library.

{-# INLINEABLE completePure #-}
completePure :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
completePure cfg state
  | progress = completePure cfg (clearMessages state')
  | otherwise = state'
    (progress, state') = complete1 cfg state

{-# INLINEABLE normaliseTerm #-}
normaliseTerm :: Function f => State f -> Term f -> Resulting f
normaliseTerm State{..} t =
  normaliseWith (const True) (rewrite reduces (index_all st_rules)) t

{-# INLINEABLE normalForms #-}
normalForms :: Function f => State f -> Term f -> Set (Resulting f)
normalForms State{..} t =
  Rule.normalForms (rewrite reduces (index_all st_rules)) (Set.singleton (reduce (Refl t)))

{-# INLINEABLE simplifyTerm #-}
simplifyTerm :: Function f => State f -> Term f -> Term f
simplifyTerm State{..} t =
  simplify (index_oriented st_rules) t