{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}

{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- Compatibility with ghc8.2

module Html.Type.Internal where

import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Bool


  Acronym   ,
  Applet    ,
  Basefont  ,
  Big       ,
  Blink     ,
  Center    ,
  Command   ,
  Content   ,
  Dir       ,
  Font      ,
  Frame     ,
  Frameset  ,
  Isindex   ,
  Keygen    ,
  Listing   ,
  Marquee   ,
  Multicol  ,
  Noembed   ,
  Plaintext ,
  Shadow    ,
  Spacer    ,
  Strike    ,
  Tt        ,
  Xmp       ,

 "This is an obsolete html element and should not be used." #-}

-- | The data type of all html elements and the kind of elements.
data Element

  | A
  | Abbr
  | Acronym
  | Address
  | Applet
  | Area
  | Article
  | Aside
  | Audio
  | B
  | Base
  | Basefont
  | Bdi
  | Bdo
  | Bgsound
  | Big
  | Blink
  | Blockquote
  | Body
  | Br
  | Button
  | Canvas
  | Caption
  | Center
  | Cite
  | Code
  | Col
  | Colgroup
  | Command
  | Content
  | Data
  | Datalist
  | Dd
  | Del
  | Details
  | Dfn
  | Dialog
  | Dir
  | Div
  | Dl
  | Dt
  | Element
  | Em
  | Embed
  | Fieldset
  | Figcaption
  | Figure
  | Font
  | Footer
  | Form
  | Frame
  | Frameset
  | H1
  | H2
  | H3
  | H4
  | H5
  | H6
  | Head
  | Header
  | Hgroup
  | Hr
  | Html
  | I
  | Iframe
  | Image
  | Img
  | Input
  | Ins
  | Isindex
  | Kbd
  | Keygen
  | Label
  | Legend
  | Li
  | Link
  | Listing
  | Main
  | Map
  | Mark
  | Marquee
  | Math
  | Menu
  | Menuitem
  | Meta
  | Meter
  | Multicol
  | Nav
  | Nextid
  | Nobr
  | Noembed
  | Noframes
  | Noscript
  | Object
  | Ol
  | Optgroup
  | Option
  | Output
  | P
  | Param
  | Picture
  | Plaintext
  | Pre
  | Progress
  | Q
  | Rp
  | Rt
  | Rtc
  | Ruby
  | S
  | Samp
  | Script
  | Section
  | Select
  | Shadow
  | Slot
  | Small
  | Source
  | Spacer
  | Span
  | Strike
  | Strong
  | Style
  | Sub
  | Summary
  | Sup
  | Svg
  | Table
  | Tbody
  | Td
  | Template
  | Textarea
  | Tfoot
  | Th
  | Thead
  | Time
  | Title
  | Tr
  | Track
  | Tt
  | U
  | Ul
  | Var
  | Video
  | Wbr
  | Xmp

data Attribute
  = AcceptA
  | AcceptCharsetA
  | AccesskeyA
  | ActionA
  | AllowfullscreenA
  | AllowpaymentrequestA
  | AlignA
  | AltA
  | AsyncA
  | AutocompleteA
  | AutofocusA
  | AutoplayA
  | AutosaveA
  | BgcolorA
  | BorderA
  | BufferedA
  | ChallengeA
  | CharsetA
  | CheckedA
  | CiteA
  | ClassA
  | CodeA
  | CodebaseA
  | ColorA
  | ColsA
  | ColspanA
  | ContentA
  | ContenteditableA
  | ContextmenuA
  | ControlsA
  | CoordsA
  | CrossoriginA
  | DataA
  | DatetimeA
  | DefaultA
  | DeferA
  | DirA
  | DirnameA
  | DisabledA
  | DownloadA
  | DraggableA
  | DropzoneA
  | EnctypeA
  | ForA
  | FormA
  | FormactionA
  | FormenctypeA
  | FormmethodA
  | FormnovalidateA
  | FormtargetA
  | HeadersA
  | HeightA
  | HiddenA
  | HighA
  | HrefA
  | HreflangA
  | HttpEquivA
  | IconA
  | IdA
  | IntegrityA
  | IsmapA
  | ItempropA
  | KeytypeA
  | KindA
  | LabelA
  | LangA
  | LanguageA
  | ListA
  | LongdescA
  | LoopA
  | LowA
  | ManifestA
  | MaxA
  | MaxlengthA
  | MediaA
  | MethodA
  | MinA
  | MinlengthA
  | MultipleA
  | MutedA
  | NameA
  | NonceA
  | NovalidateA
  | OpenA
  | OptimumA
  | PatternA
  | PingA
  | PlaceholderA
  | PosterA
  | PreloadA
  | RadiogroupA
  | ReadonlyA
  | ReferrerpolicyA
  | RelA
  | RequiredA
  | RevA
  | ReversedA
  | RowsA
  | RowspanA
  | SandboxA
  | ScopeA
  | ScopedA
  | SeamlessA
  | SelectedA
  | ShapeA
  | SizeA
  | SizesA
  | SlotA
  | SpanA
  | SpellcheckA
  | SrcA
  | SrcdocA
  | SrclangA
  | SrcsetA
  | StartA
  | StepA
  | StyleA
  | SummaryA
  | TabindexA
  | TargetA
  | TitleA
  | TranslateA
  | TypeA
  | TypemustmatchA
  | UsemapA
  | ValueA
  | WidthA
  | WrapA

-- | We need efficient cons, snoc and append.  This API has cons(O1)
-- and snoc(O1) but append(On).  Optimal would be a FingerTree.
data List = List [Symbol] Symbol
type Empty = 'List '[] ""
type Split = 'List '[""] ""
type NoTail xs = 'List xs ""
type Singleton = 'List '[]

type family (<|) s t :: List where
  (<|) l ('List (s ': ss) r) = 'List (AppendSymbol l s ': ss) r
  (<|) l ('List '[] r) = 'List '[] (AppendSymbol l r)

type family (|>) t s :: List where
  (|>) ('List ss r) rr = 'List ss (AppendSymbol r rr)

type family (><) t1 t2 :: List where
  (><) ('List ss r) ('List (s ': ss2) r2) = 'List (Append ss (AppendSymbol r s ': ss2)) r2
  (><) ('List ss r) ('List '[] r2) = 'List ss (AppendSymbol r r2)

type OpenTag e = AppendSymbol "<" (AppendSymbol (ShowElement e) ">")

type CloseTag e = AppendSymbol "</" (AppendSymbol (ShowElement e) ">")

-- | Flatten a document into a type list of tags.
type family ToList a :: List where
  ToList (a # b)         = ToList a >< ToList b
  ToList ((a :@: ()) ()) = Singleton (If (HasContent (GetEInfo a)) (AppendSymbol (OpenTag a) (CloseTag a)) (OpenTag a))
  ToList ((a :@: b) ())  = AppendSymbol "<" (ShowElement a) <| ToList b |> If (HasContent (GetEInfo a)) (AppendSymbol ">" (CloseTag a)) ">"
  ToList ((a :@: ()) b)  = OpenTag a <| ToList b |> CloseTag a
  ToList ((a :@: b) c)   = (AppendSymbol "<" (ShowElement a) <| ToList b) >< (">" <| ToList c |> CloseTag a)
  ToList (a := b)        = AppendSymbol " " (AppendSymbol (ShowAttribute a) "=\"") <| ToList b |> "\""
  ToList ()              = Empty
  ToList (Proxy x)       = Singleton x
  ToList x               = Split

newtype (:=) (a :: Attribute) b = AT b

-- | Check whether `b` is a valid child of `a`.
type a ?> b = Check Element a b

-- | Check whether `a` is a valid attribute and `b` is a valid child of `p`.
type (<?>) p a b = (Check Attribute p a, Check Element p b)

type family Check f a b :: Constraint where
  Check _ _ ()                      = ()
  Check f a (b # c)                 = (Check f a b, Check f a c)
  Check f a (Maybe b)               = Check f a b
  Check f a (Either b c)            = (Check f a b, Check f a c)
  Check f a (b -> c)                = TypeError (ShowType a :<>: Text " can't contain a function.")
  Check Element a ((b :@: _) _)     = MaybeTypeError a b (CheckContentCategory (EInfoContent (GetEInfo a)) (SingleElement b ': EInfoCategories (GetEInfo b)))
  Check Element a (f ((b :@: c) d)) = Check Element a ((b :@: c) d)
  Check Element a (f (b # c))       = Check Element a (b # c)
  Check Element a b                 = CheckString a b
  Check Attribute a (b := _)        = If (Elem a (AInfoElements (GetAInfo b)) || Null (AInfoElements (GetAInfo b)))
                                        (() :: Constraint)
                                        (TypeError (ShowType b :<>: Text " is not a valid attribute of " :<>: ShowType a))
  Check Attribute _ b               = TypeError (ShowType b :<>: Text " is not an attribute.")

-- | Combine two elements or attributes sequentially.
-- >>> i_ () # div_ ()
-- <i></i><div></div>
-- >>> i_A (A.id_ "a" # A.class_ "b") "c"
-- <i id="a" class="b">c</i>
data (#) a b = (:#:) a b
{-# INLINE (#) #-}
(#) :: a -> b -> a # b
(#) = (:#:)
infixr 5 #

-- | Type synonym for elements without attributes.
type (>) a b = (:@:) a () b
infixr 6 >

-- | Decorate an element with attributes and descend to a valid child.
-- It is recommended to use the predefined elements.
-- >>> WithAttributes (A.class_ "bar") "a" :: ('Div :@: ('ClassA := String)) String
-- <div class="bar">a</div>
-- >>> div_A (A.class_ "bar") "a"
-- <div class="bar">a</div>
-- >>> div_ "a"
-- <div>a</div>
data (:@:) (a :: Element) b c where
  WithAttributes :: (a <?> b) c => b -> c -> (a :@: b) c
infixr 8 :@:

-- | Wrapper for types which won't be escaped.
newtype Raw a = Raw {fromRaw :: a}

type family Null xs where
  Null '[] = True
  Null _ = False

type family Length c where
  Length (a # b)       = Length a + Length b
  Length ((_ :@: b) c) = Length b + Length c
  Length (_ := b)      = Length b
  Length ()            = 0
  Length (Proxy _)     = 0
  Length _             = 1

-- | Check whether an element may have content.
type family HasContent a where
  HasContent (EInfo _ _ NoContent) = False
  HasContent _                     = True

-- | Append two type lists.
-- Note that this definition is that ugly to reduce compiletimes.
-- Please check whether the context reduction stack or compiletimes of
-- a big html page get bigger if you try to refactor.
type family Append xs ys :: [k] where

  Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': xs) ys
        = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': Append xs ys

  Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': xs) ys
        = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': Append xs ys

  Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': xs) ys
        = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': Append xs ys

  Append (x1 ': x2 ': xs) ys
        = x1 ': x2 ': Append xs ys

  Append (x1 ': xs) ys
        = x1 ': Append xs ys

  Append '[] ys
        = ys

-- | Type level drop.
-- Note that this definition is that ugly to reduce compiletimes.
-- Please check whether the context reduction stack or compiletimes of
-- a big html page get bigger if you try to refactor.
type family Drop n xs :: [k] where
  Drop 0 xs = xs
  Drop 1 (_ ': xs) = xs
  Drop 2 (_ ': _ ': xs) = xs
  Drop 4 (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
  Drop 8 (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs
  Drop n xs = Drop (n - 2^Log2 n) (Drop (2^(Log2 n-1)) (Drop (2^(Log2 n-1)) xs))
  Drop 3 (_ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs
  Drop n (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = Drop (n-5) xs

-- | Type level take.
-- Note that this definition is that ugly to reduce compiletimes.
-- Please check whether the context reduction stack or compiletimes of
-- a big html page get bigger if you try to refactor.
type family Take n xs :: [k] where
  Take 0 _ = '[]
  Take 1 (x1 ': _) = '[x1]
  Take 2 (x1 ': x2 ': _) = '[x1, x2]
  Take 3 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3]
  Take 4 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4]
  Take 5 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]
  Take 6 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6]
  Take 7 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7]
  Take 8 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8]
  Take 9 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9]
  Take n (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': xs) = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': Take (n-10) xs

-- | Type of type level information about tags.
data EInfo
  (name :: Symbol)
  (contentCategories :: [ContentCategory])
  (permittedContent  :: ContentCategory)

type family EInfoName x       where EInfoName       (EInfo n _  _) = n
type family EInfoCategories x where EInfoCategories (EInfo _ cs _) = cs
type family EInfoContent x    where EInfoContent    (EInfo _ _  c) = c

type ShowElement (x :: Element) = EInfoName (GetEInfo x)

type family CheckContentCategory (a :: ContentCategory) (b :: [ContentCategory]) :: Bool where
  CheckContentCategory (a :|: b) c = CheckContentCategory a c || CheckContentCategory b c
  CheckContentCategory (a :&: b) c = CheckContentCategory a c && CheckContentCategory b c
  CheckContentCategory (NOT a) c   = Not (CheckContentCategory a c)
  CheckContentCategory a c         = Elem a c

-- | Check whether a given element may contain a non document type.
type family CheckString (a :: Element) b where
  CheckString a b = If (CheckContentCategory (EInfoContent (GetEInfo a)) '[OnlyText, FlowContent, PhrasingContent])
                       (() :: Constraint)
                       (TypeError (ShowType a :<>: Text " can't contain a " :<>: ShowType b))

-- | Content categories according to the html spec.
data ContentCategory
  = MetadataContent
  | FlowContent
  | SectioningContent
  | HeadingContent
  | PhrasingContent
  | (:|:) ContentCategory ContentCategory
  | (:&:) ContentCategory ContentCategory
  | NOT ContentCategory
  | NoContent
  | OnlyText
  | SingleElement Element

infixr 2 :|:
infixr 3 :&:

type family MaybeTypeError (a :: Element) (b :: Element) c where
  MaybeTypeError a b c = If c (() :: Constraint)
   (TypeError (ShowType b :<>: Text " is not a valid child of " :<>: ShowType a))

type family Elem (a :: k) (xs :: [k]) where
  Elem a (a : xs) = True
  Elem a (_ : xs) = Elem a xs
  Elem a '[]      = False

newtype T (proxies :: k) target = T target

data AInfo (name :: Symbol) (elements :: [Element])
type ShowAttribute (x :: Attribute) = AInfoName (GetAInfo x)
type family AInfoElements x where AInfoElements (AInfo _ es) = es
type family AInfoName x where AInfoName (AInfo s _) = s

-- | Get type list of valid elements for a given attribute.  An empty list signifies global attribute.
type family GetAInfo a = r | r -> a where
  GetAInfo AcceptA              = AInfo "accept"              '[Form, Input]
  GetAInfo AcceptCharsetA       = AInfo "accept-charset"      '[Form]
  GetAInfo AccesskeyA           = AInfo "accesskey"           '[]
  GetAInfo ActionA              = AInfo "action"              '[Form]
  GetAInfo AllowfullscreenA     = AInfo "allowfullscreen"     '[Iframe]
  GetAInfo AllowpaymentrequestA = AInfo "allowpaymentrequest" '[Iframe]
  GetAInfo AlignA               = AInfo "align"               '[Applet, Caption, Col, Colgroup, Hr, Iframe, Img, Table, Tbody, Td, Tfoot, Th, Thead, Tr]
  GetAInfo AltA                 = AInfo "alt"                 '[Applet, Area, Img, Input]
  GetAInfo AsyncA               = AInfo "async"               '[Script]
  GetAInfo AutocompleteA        = AInfo "autocomplete"        '[Form, Input]
  GetAInfo AutofocusA           = AInfo "autofocus"           '[Button, Input, Keygen, Select, Textarea]
  GetAInfo AutoplayA            = AInfo "autoplay"            '[Audio, Video]
  GetAInfo AutosaveA            = AInfo "autosave"            '[Input]
  GetAInfo BgcolorA             = AInfo "bgcolor"             '[Body, Col, Colgroup, Marquee, Table, Tbody, Tfoot, Td, Th, Tr]
  GetAInfo BorderA              = AInfo "border"              '[Img, Object, Table]
  GetAInfo BufferedA            = AInfo "buffered"            '[Audio, Video]
  GetAInfo ChallengeA           = AInfo "challenge"           '[Keygen]
  GetAInfo CharsetA             = AInfo "charset"             '[Meta, Script]
  GetAInfo CheckedA             = AInfo "checked"             '[Command, Input]
  GetAInfo CiteA                = AInfo "cite"                '[Blockquote, Del, Ins, Q]
  GetAInfo ClassA               = AInfo "class"               '[]
  GetAInfo CodeA                = AInfo "code"                '[Applet]
  GetAInfo CodebaseA            = AInfo "codebase"            '[Applet]
  GetAInfo ColorA               = AInfo "color"               '[Basefont, Font, Hr]
  GetAInfo ColsA                = AInfo "cols"                '[Textarea]
  GetAInfo ColspanA             = AInfo "colspan"             '[Td, Th]
  GetAInfo ContentA             = AInfo "content"             '[Meta]
  GetAInfo ContenteditableA     = AInfo "contenteditable"     '[]
  GetAInfo ContextmenuA         = AInfo "contextmenu"         '[]
  GetAInfo ControlsA            = AInfo "controls"            '[Audio, Video]
  GetAInfo CoordsA              = AInfo "coords"              '[Area]
  GetAInfo CrossoriginA         = AInfo "crossorigin"         '[Audio, Img, Link, Script, Video]
  GetAInfo DataA                = AInfo "data"                '[Object]
  GetAInfo DatetimeA            = AInfo "datetime"            '[Del, Ins, Time]
  GetAInfo DefaultA             = AInfo "default"             '[Track]
  GetAInfo DeferA               = AInfo "defer"               '[Script]
  GetAInfo DirA                 = AInfo "dir"                 '[]
  GetAInfo DirnameA             = AInfo "dirname"             '[Input, Textarea]
  GetAInfo DisabledA            = AInfo "disabled"            '[Button, Command, Fieldset, Input, Keygen, Optgroup, Option, Select, Textarea]
  GetAInfo DownloadA            = AInfo "download"            '[A, Area]
  GetAInfo DraggableA           = AInfo "draggable"           '[]
  GetAInfo DropzoneA            = AInfo "dropzone"            '[]
  GetAInfo EnctypeA             = AInfo "enctype"             '[Form]
  GetAInfo ForA                 = AInfo "for"                 '[Label, Output]
  GetAInfo FormA                = AInfo "form"                '[Button, Fieldset, Input, Keygen, Label, Meter, Object, Output, Progress, Select, Textarea]
  GetAInfo FormactionA          = AInfo "formaction"          '[Input, Button]
  GetAInfo FormenctypeA         = AInfo "formenctype"         '[Button, Input]
  GetAInfo FormmethodA          = AInfo "formmethod"          '[Button, Input]
  GetAInfo FormnovalidateA      = AInfo "formnovalidate"      '[Button, Input]
  GetAInfo FormtargetA          = AInfo "formtarget"          '[Button, Input]
  GetAInfo HeadersA             = AInfo "headers"             '[Td, Th]
  GetAInfo HeightA              = AInfo "height"              '[Canvas, Embed, Iframe, Img, Input, Object, Video]
  GetAInfo HiddenA              = AInfo "hidden"              '[]
  GetAInfo HighA                = AInfo "high"                '[Meter]
  GetAInfo HrefA                = AInfo "href"                '[A, Area, Base, Link]
  GetAInfo HreflangA            = AInfo "hreflang"            '[A, Area, Link]
  GetAInfo HttpEquivA           = AInfo "httpEquiv"           '[Meta]
  GetAInfo IconA                = AInfo "icon"                '[Command]
  GetAInfo IdA                  = AInfo "id"                  '[]
  GetAInfo IntegrityA           = AInfo "integrity"           '[Link, Script]
  GetAInfo IsmapA               = AInfo "ismap"               '[Img]
  GetAInfo ItempropA            = AInfo "itemprop"            '[]
  GetAInfo KeytypeA             = AInfo "keytype"             '[Keygen]
  GetAInfo KindA                = AInfo "kind"                '[Track]
  GetAInfo LabelA               = AInfo "label"               '[Track]
  GetAInfo LangA                = AInfo "lang"                '[]
  GetAInfo LanguageA            = AInfo "language"            '[Script]
  GetAInfo ListA                = AInfo "list"                '[Input]
  GetAInfo LongdescA            = AInfo "longdesc"            '[Img]
  GetAInfo LoopA                = AInfo "loop"                '[Audio, Bgsound, Marquee, Video]
  GetAInfo LowA                 = AInfo "low"                 '[Meter]
  GetAInfo ManifestA            = AInfo "manifest"            '[Html]
  GetAInfo MaxA                 = AInfo "max"                 '[Input, Meter, Progress]
  GetAInfo MaxlengthA           = AInfo "maxlength"           '[Input, Textarea]
  GetAInfo MediaA               = AInfo "media"               '[A, Area, Link, Source, Style]
  GetAInfo MethodA              = AInfo "method"              '[Form]
  GetAInfo MinA                 = AInfo "min"                 '[Input, Meter]
  GetAInfo MinlengthA           = AInfo "minlength"           '[Input, Textarea]
  GetAInfo MultipleA            = AInfo "multiple"            '[Input, Select]
  GetAInfo MutedA               = AInfo "muted"               '[Video]
  GetAInfo NameA                = AInfo "name"                '[Button, Form, Fieldset, Iframe, Input, Keygen, Object, Output, Select, Textarea, Map, Meta, Param]
  GetAInfo NonceA               = AInfo "nonce"               '[Link, Script, Style]
  GetAInfo NovalidateA          = AInfo "novalidate"          '[Form]
  GetAInfo OpenA                = AInfo "open"                '[Details]
  GetAInfo OptimumA             = AInfo "optimum"             '[Meter]
  GetAInfo PatternA             = AInfo "pattern"             '[Input]
  GetAInfo PingA                = AInfo "ping"                '[A, Area]
  GetAInfo PlaceholderA         = AInfo "placeholder"         '[Input, Textarea]
  GetAInfo PosterA              = AInfo "poster"              '[Video]
  GetAInfo PreloadA             = AInfo "preload"             '[Audio, Video]
  GetAInfo RadiogroupA          = AInfo "radiogroup"          '[Command]
  GetAInfo ReadonlyA            = AInfo "readonly"            '[Input, Textarea]
  GetAInfo ReferrerpolicyA      = AInfo "referrerpolicy"      '[A, Area, Iframe, Img, Link]
  GetAInfo RelA                 = AInfo "rel"                 '[A, Area, Link]
  GetAInfo RequiredA            = AInfo "required"            '[Input, Select, Textarea]
  GetAInfo RevA                 = AInfo "rev"                 '[A, Link]
  GetAInfo ReversedA            = AInfo "reversed"            '[Ol]
  GetAInfo RowsA                = AInfo "rows"                '[Textarea]
  GetAInfo RowspanA             = AInfo "rowspan"             '[Td, Th]
  GetAInfo SandboxA             = AInfo "sandbox"             '[Iframe]
  GetAInfo ScopeA               = AInfo "scope"               '[Th]
  GetAInfo ScopedA              = AInfo "scoped"              '[Style]
  GetAInfo SeamlessA            = AInfo "seamless"            '[Iframe]
  GetAInfo SelectedA            = AInfo "selected"            '[Option]
  GetAInfo ShapeA               = AInfo "shape"               '[A, Area]
  GetAInfo SizeA                = AInfo "size"                '[Input, Select]
  GetAInfo SizesA               = AInfo "sizes"               '[Link, Img, Source]
  GetAInfo SlotA                = AInfo "slot"                '[]
  GetAInfo SpanA                = AInfo "span"                '[Col, Colgroup]
  GetAInfo SpellcheckA          = AInfo "spellcheck"          '[]
  GetAInfo SrcA                 = AInfo "src"                 '[Audio, Embed, Iframe, Img, Input, Script, Source, Track, Video]
  GetAInfo SrcdocA              = AInfo "srcdoc"              '[Iframe]
  GetAInfo SrclangA             = AInfo "srclang"             '[Track]
  GetAInfo SrcsetA              = AInfo "srcset"              '[Img]
  GetAInfo StartA               = AInfo "start"               '[Ol]
  GetAInfo StepA                = AInfo "step"                '[Input]
  GetAInfo StyleA               = AInfo "style"               '[]
  GetAInfo SummaryA             = AInfo "summary"             '[Table]
  GetAInfo TabindexA            = AInfo "tabindex"            '[]
  GetAInfo TargetA              = AInfo "target"              '[A, Area, Base, Form]
  GetAInfo TitleA               = AInfo "title"               '[]
  GetAInfo TranslateA           = AInfo "translate"           '[]
  GetAInfo TypeA                = AInfo "type"                '[Button, Input, Command, Embed, Object, Script, Source, Style, Menu, Ol, A, Area, Link]
  GetAInfo TypemustmatchA       = AInfo "typemustmatch"       '[Object]
  GetAInfo UsemapA              = AInfo "usemap"              '[Img, Input, Object]
  GetAInfo ValueA               = AInfo "value"               '[Button, Option, Input, Li, Meter, Progress, Param, Data]
  GetAInfo WidthA               = AInfo "width"               '[Canvas, Embed, Iframe, Img, Input, Object, Video]
  GetAInfo WrapA                = AInfo "wrap"                '[Textarea]

-- | Retrieve type level meta data about elements.
type family GetEInfo a = r | r -> a where

  GetEInfo DOCTYPE    = EInfo "!DOCTYPE html" '[]                                                NoContent
  GetEInfo A          = EInfo "a"             '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Details) :|: PhrasingContent)
  GetEInfo Abbr       = EInfo "abbr"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Address    = EInfo "address"       '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :&: NOT (HeadingContent :|: SectioningContent :|: SingleElement Address :|: SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer))
  GetEInfo Area       = EInfo "area"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  NoContent
  GetEInfo Article    = EInfo "article"       '[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Aside      = EInfo "aside"         '[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Audio      = EInfo "audio"         '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (SingleElement Source :|: SingleElement Track)
  GetEInfo B          = EInfo "b"             '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Base       = EInfo "base"          '[ MetadataContent ]                               NoContent
  GetEInfo Bdi        = EInfo "bdi"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Bdo        = EInfo "bdo"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Blockquote = EInfo "blockquote"    '[ FlowContent ]                                   FlowContent
  GetEInfo Body       = EInfo "body"          '[]                                                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Br         = EInfo "br"            '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  NoContent
  GetEInfo Button     = EInfo "button"        '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Canvas     = EInfo "canvas"        '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (SingleElement A :|: SingleElement Button :|: SingleElement Input)
  GetEInfo Caption    = EInfo "caption"       '[]                                                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Cite       = EInfo "cite"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Code       = EInfo "code"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Col        = EInfo "col"           '[]                                                NoContent
  GetEInfo Colgroup   = EInfo "colgroup"      '[]                                                (SingleElement Col)
  GetEInfo Data       = EInfo "data"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Datalist   = EInfo "datalist"      '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Option)
  GetEInfo Dd         = EInfo "dd"            '[]                                                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Del        = EInfo "del"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  OnlyText
  GetEInfo Details    = EInfo "details"       '[ FlowContent ]                                   ( FlowContent :|: SingleElement Summary)
  GetEInfo Dfn        = EInfo "dfn"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Dfn))
  GetEInfo Dialog     = EInfo "dialog"        '[ FlowContent ]                                   FlowContent
  GetEInfo 'Div       = EInfo "div"           '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :|: SingleElement Dt :|: SingleElement Dd :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template)
  GetEInfo Dl         = EInfo "dl"            '[ FlowContent ]                                   (SingleElement Dt :|: SingleElement Dd :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template :|: SingleElement 'Div)
  GetEInfo Dt         = EInfo "dt"            '[]                                                (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer :|: SectioningContent :|: HeadingContent))
  GetEInfo Em         = EInfo "em"            '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Embed      = EInfo "embed"         '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  NoContent
  GetEInfo Fieldset   = EInfo "fieldset"      '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :|: SingleElement Legend)
  GetEInfo Figcaption = EInfo "figcaption"    '[]                                                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Figure     = EInfo "figure"        '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :|: SingleElement Figcaption)
  GetEInfo Footer     = EInfo "footer"        '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Footer :|: SingleElement Header))
  GetEInfo Form       = EInfo "form"          '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Form))
  GetEInfo H1         = EInfo "h1"            '[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo H2         = EInfo "h2"            '[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo H3         = EInfo "h3"            '[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo H4         = EInfo "h4"            '[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo H5         = EInfo "h5"            '[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo H6         = EInfo "h6"            '[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Head       = EInfo "head"          '[]                                                MetadataContent
  GetEInfo Header     = EInfo "header"        '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer))
  GetEInfo Hgroup     = EInfo "hgroup"        '[ FlowContent, HeadingContent ]                   (SingleElement H1 :|: SingleElement H2 :|: SingleElement H3 :|: SingleElement H4 :|: SingleElement H5 :|: SingleElement H6)
  GetEInfo Hr         = EInfo "hr"            '[ FlowContent ]                                   NoContent
  GetEInfo Html       = EInfo "html"          '[]                                                (SingleElement Head :|: SingleElement Body)
  GetEInfo I          = EInfo "i"             '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Iframe     = EInfo "iframe"        '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  NoContent
  GetEInfo Img        = EInfo "img"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  NoContent
  GetEInfo Input      = EInfo "input"         '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  NoContent
  GetEInfo Ins        = EInfo "ins"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  OnlyText
  GetEInfo Kbd        = EInfo "kbd"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Label      = EInfo "label"         '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Label))
  GetEInfo Legend     = EInfo "legend"        '[]                                                PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Li         = EInfo "li"            '[]                                                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Link       = EInfo "link"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, MetadataContent ] NoContent
  GetEInfo Main       = EInfo "main"          '[ FlowContent ]                                   FlowContent
  GetEInfo Map        = EInfo "map"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  OnlyText
  GetEInfo Mark       = EInfo "mark"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Menu       = EInfo "menu"          '[ FlowContent ]                                   (FlowContent :|: SingleElement Li :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template :|: SingleElement Menu :|: SingleElement Menuitem :|: SingleElement Hr)
  GetEInfo Menuitem   = EInfo "menuitem"      '[]                                                NoContent
  GetEInfo Meta       = EInfo "meta"          '[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ] NoContent
  GetEInfo Meter      = EInfo "meter"         '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Meter))
  GetEInfo Nav        = EInfo "nav"           '[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Noscript   = EInfo "noscript"      '[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ] (FlowContent :|: PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Link :|: SingleElement Style :|: SingleElement Meta)
  GetEInfo Object     = EInfo "object"        '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (SingleElement Param)
  GetEInfo Ol         = EInfo "ol"            '[ FlowContent ]                                   (SingleElement Li)
  GetEInfo Optgroup   = EInfo "optgroup"      '[]                                                (SingleElement Option)
  GetEInfo Option     = EInfo "option"        '[]                                                OnlyText
  GetEInfo Output     = EInfo "output"        '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo P          = EInfo "p"             '[ FlowContent ]                                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Param      = EInfo "param"         '[]                                                NoContent
  GetEInfo Picture    = EInfo "picture"       '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (SingleElement Source :|: SingleElement Img)
  GetEInfo Pre        = EInfo "pre"           '[ FlowContent ]                                   PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Progress   = EInfo "progress"      '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Progress))
  GetEInfo Q          = EInfo "q"             '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Rp         = EInfo "rp"            '[]                                                OnlyText
  GetEInfo Rt         = EInfo "rt"            '[]                                                PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Rtc        = EInfo "rtc"           '[]                                                (PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Rt)
  GetEInfo Ruby       = EInfo "ruby"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo S          = EInfo "s"             '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Samp       = EInfo "samp"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Script     = EInfo "script"        '[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ] OnlyText
  GetEInfo Section    = EInfo "section"       '[ FlowContent, SectioningContent ]                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Select     = EInfo "select"        '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (SingleElement Option :|: SingleElement Optgroup)
  GetEInfo Slot       = EInfo "slot"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  OnlyText
  GetEInfo Small      = EInfo "small"         '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Source     = EInfo "source"        '[]                                                NoContent
  GetEInfo Span       = EInfo "span"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Strong     = EInfo "strong"        '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Style      = EInfo "style"         '[ FlowContent, MetadataContent ]                  OnlyText
  GetEInfo Sub        = EInfo "sub"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Summary    = EInfo "summary"       '[]                                                (PhrasingContent :|: HeadingContent)
  GetEInfo Sup        = EInfo "sup"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Table      = EInfo "table"         '[ FlowContent ]                                   (SingleElement Caption :|: SingleElement Colgroup :|: SingleElement Thead :|: SingleElement Tbody :|: SingleElement Tr :|: SingleElement Tfoot)
  GetEInfo Tbody      = EInfo "tbody"         '[]                                                (SingleElement Tr)
  GetEInfo Td         = EInfo "td"            '[]                                                FlowContent
  GetEInfo Template   = EInfo "template"      '[ FlowContent, MetadataContent, PhrasingContent ] (FlowContent :|: MetadataContent)
  GetEInfo Textarea   = EInfo "textarea"      '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  OnlyText
  GetEInfo Tfoot      = EInfo "tfoot"         '[]                                                (SingleElement Tr)
  GetEInfo Th         = EInfo "th"            '[]                                                (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer :|: SectioningContent :|: HeadingContent))
  GetEInfo Thead      = EInfo "thead"         '[]                                                (SingleElement Tr)
  GetEInfo Time       = EInfo "time"          '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Title      = EInfo "title"         '[ MetadataContent ]                               OnlyText
  GetEInfo Tr         = EInfo "tr"            '[]                                                (SingleElement Td :|: SingleElement Th)
  GetEInfo Track      = EInfo "track"         '[]                                                NoContent
  GetEInfo U          = EInfo "u"             '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Ul         = EInfo "ul"            '[ FlowContent ]                                   (SingleElement Li)
  GetEInfo Var        = EInfo "var"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  PhrasingContent
  GetEInfo Video      = EInfo "video"         '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  (SingleElement Track :|: SingleElement Source)
  GetEInfo Wbr        = EInfo "wbr"           '[ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ]                  NoContent