Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class SingToInt s where
- class (SingToInt role', SingToInt ps) => Protocol role' ps where
- type MsgCache role' ps (n :: Type -> Type) = TVar n (IntMap (AnyMsg role' ps))
- data AnyMsg role' ps where
- msgFromStSing :: forall role' ps (st :: ps) (send :: role') (recv :: role') (st' :: ps) (st'' :: ps). (SingI recv, SingI st) => Msg role' ps st send st' recv st'' -> Sing st
- data Peer role' ps (r :: role') (m :: Type -> Type) (ia :: ps -> Type) (st :: ps) where
- IReturn :: forall ps (ia :: ps -> Type) (st :: ps) role' (r :: role') (m :: Type -> Type). ia st -> Peer role' ps r m ia st
- LiftM :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) role' ps (r :: role') (ia :: ps -> Type) (st' :: ps) (st :: ps). m (Peer role' ps r m ia st') -> Peer role' ps r m ia st
- Yield :: forall role' (recv :: role') ps (st :: ps) (r :: role') (sps :: ps) (rps :: ps) (m :: Type -> Type) (ia :: ps -> Type). (SingI recv, SingI st, SingToInt ps) => Msg role' ps st r sps recv rps -> Peer role' ps r m ia sps -> Peer role' ps r m ia st
- Await :: forall role' (r :: role') ps (st :: ps) (send :: role') (sps :: ps) (m :: Type -> Type) (ia :: ps -> Type). (SingI r, SingI st, SingToInt ps) => (Msg role' ps st send sps r ~> Peer role' ps r m ia) -> Peer role' ps r m ia st
- yield :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) role' (recv :: role') ps (from :: ps) (send :: role') (sps :: ps) (rps :: ps). (Functor m, SingI recv, SingI from, SingToInt ps) => Msg role' ps from send sps recv rps -> Peer role' ps send m (At () sps) from
- await :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) role' (recv :: role') ps (from :: ps) (send :: role') (sps :: ps). (Functor m, SingI recv, SingI from, SingToInt ps) => Peer role' ps recv m (Msg role' ps from send sps recv) from
- liftm :: forall m a role' ps (r :: role') (ts :: ps). Functor m => m a -> Peer role' ps r m (At a ts) ts
- liftConstructor :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) k ia (st' :: k) role' (r :: role') (st :: k). Applicative m => ia st' -> Peer role' k r m ia st
class SingToInt s where Source #
typed-session is a communication framework. The messages received from the outside will be placed in MsgCache. When interpreting the Peer, (Sing (r :: s)) will be generated according to the Peer's status. SingToInt can convert Sing (r :: s) to Int. Depending on this Int value, the required Msg is finally found from MsgCache.
In the process of multi-role communication, a message cache structure like MsgCache is needed.
Consider the following scenario
s1 s1 s2 Initial state ------------ a -> b a sends message MsgA to b ------------ s3 s2 s2 State after sending ------------ b <- c c sends message MsgC to b ------------ s3 s4 s5 State after sending
For b, due to the influence of network transmission, it cannot guarantee that it can receive MsgA first and then MsgC. If it receives MsgC first, it will directly put it in MsgCache and continue to wait until MsgA arrives, then it will start to process MsgA first and then MsgC.
In general, dataToTag# is used directly here.
instance SingToInt Role where singToInt x = I# (dataToTag# x) instance SingToInt PingPong where singToInt x = I# (dataToTag# x)
class (SingToInt role', SingToInt ps) => Protocol role' ps Source #
Describes the type class of Msg. The core of typed-session.
type Done (sr :: role') :: ps
Describe the state of each role when it terminates.
data Msg role' ps (fromSt :: ps) (sender :: role') (senderNewSt :: ps) (receiver :: role') (receiverNewSt :: ps)
- role': the type of the role.
- ps: the type of the state machine.
- fromSt: when sending a message, the sender is in this state, where the receiver may be in this state, or a more generalized state related to this state. For example, the sender is in state (S1 [True]), and the receiver is in state (S1 s).
- sender: the role that sends the message
- senderNewSt: the state of the role after sending the message
- receiver: the role that receives the message
- receiverNewSt: the state of the role after receiving the message
There are two principles to follow when designing the state of Msg:
- When sending a message, the sender and receiver must be in the same state. Here the receiver may be in a more generalized state related to the state. For example, the sender is in state (S1 [True]), and the receiver is in state (S1 s).
- The same state can only be used for the same pair of receiver and sender.
For example, in the following example, state s1 is used for both (a -> b) and (b -> c), which is wrong.
s1 s1 s1 a -> b s2 s1 s1 b -> c s2 s4 s5
type MsgCache role' ps (n :: Type -> Type) = TVar n (IntMap (AnyMsg role' ps)) Source #
Messages received from the outside are placed in MsgCache. When interpreting Peer will use the Msg in MsgCache.
data AnyMsg role' ps where Source #
Packaging of Msg, shielding part of the type information, mainly used for serialization.
msgFromStSing :: forall role' ps (st :: ps) (send :: role') (recv :: role') (st' :: ps) (st'' :: ps). (SingI recv, SingI st) => Msg role' ps st send st' recv st'' -> Sing st Source #
data Peer role' ps (r :: role') (m :: Type -> Type) (ia :: ps -> Type) (st :: ps) where Source #
Core Ast, all we do is build this Ast and then interpret it.
IReturn :: ia st -> Peer role' ps r m ia st
IReturn indicates the termination of the continuation.
LiftM :: m (Peer role' ps r m ia st') -> Peer role' ps r m ia st
Liftm can transform state st to any state st'. It looks a bit strange, as if it is a constructor that is not constrained by the Msg type. Be careful when using it, it is a type breakpoint. But some state transition functions need it, which can make the code more flexible. Be very careful when using it!
Yield :: ( SingI recv , SingI from , SingToInt ps ) => Msg role' ps from '(send, sps) '(recv, rps) -> Peer role' ps send m ia sps -> Peer role' ps send m ia from
Yield represents sending a message. Note that the Peer status changes from from
to sps
Await :: ( SingI recv , SingI from , SingToInt ps ) => (Msg role' ps from send sps recv ~> Peer role' ps recv m ia) -> Peer role' ps recv m ia from
Await represents receiving messages. Different messages will lead to different states. The state is passed to the next behavior through (~>).
IReturn :: forall ps (ia :: ps -> Type) (st :: ps) role' (r :: role') (m :: Type -> Type). ia st -> Peer role' ps r m ia st | |
LiftM :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) role' ps (r :: role') (ia :: ps -> Type) (st' :: ps) (st :: ps). m (Peer role' ps r m ia st') -> Peer role' ps r m ia st | |
Yield :: forall role' (recv :: role') ps (st :: ps) (r :: role') (sps :: ps) (rps :: ps) (m :: Type -> Type) (ia :: ps -> Type). (SingI recv, SingI st, SingToInt ps) => Msg role' ps st r sps recv rps -> Peer role' ps r m ia sps -> Peer role' ps r m ia st | |
Await :: forall role' (r :: role') ps (st :: ps) (send :: role') (sps :: ps) (m :: Type -> Type) (ia :: ps -> Type). (SingI r, SingI st, SingToInt ps) => (Msg role' ps st send sps r ~> Peer role' ps r m ia) -> Peer role' ps r m ia st |
yield :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) role' (recv :: role') ps (from :: ps) (send :: role') (sps :: ps) (rps :: ps). (Functor m, SingI recv, SingI from, SingToInt ps) => Msg role' ps from send sps recv rps -> Peer role' ps send m (At () sps) from Source #
Send a message, the Peer status changes from from
to sps
await :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) role' (recv :: role') ps (from :: ps) (send :: role') (sps :: ps). (Functor m, SingI recv, SingI from, SingToInt ps) => Peer role' ps recv m (Msg role' ps from send sps recv) from Source #
Receiving Messages.
liftm :: forall m a role' ps (r :: role') (ts :: ps). Functor m => m a -> Peer role' ps r m (At a ts) ts Source #
Lift any m to Peer role' ps r m, which is an application of LiftM.
Note that the state of ts
has not changed.
liftConstructor :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) k ia (st' :: k) role' (r :: role') (st :: k). Applicative m => ia st' -> Peer role' k r m ia st Source #