typedflow-0.9: Typed frontend to TensorFlow and higher-order deep learning

Copyright(c) Jean-Philippe Bernardy 2017
Safe HaskellNone







type RnnCell t states input output = (HTV (Flt t) states, input) -> Gen (HTV (Flt t) states, output) Source #

A cell in an rnn. state is the state propagated through time.

type RnnLayer b n state input t output u = HTV (Flt b) state -> Tensor (n ': input) t -> Gen (HTV (Flt b) state, Tensor (n ': output) u) Source #

A layer in an rnn. n is the length of the time sequence. state is the state propagated through time.


stackRnnCells :: forall s0 s1 a b c t. KnownLen s0 => RnnCell t s0 a b -> RnnCell t s1 b c -> RnnCell t (s0 ++ s1) a c Source #

Stack two RNN cells (LHS is run first)

(.-.) :: forall s0 s1 a b c t. KnownLen s0 => RnnCell t s0 a b -> RnnCell t s1 b c -> RnnCell t (s0 ++ s1) a c Source #

Stack two RNN cells (LHS is run first)

stackRnnLayers :: forall s1 s2 a t b u c v n bits. KnownLen s1 => RnnLayer bits n s1 a t b u -> RnnLayer bits n s2 b u c v -> RnnLayer bits n (s1 ++ s2) a t c v Source #

Compose two rnn layers. This is useful for example to combine forward and backward layers.

(.--.) :: forall s1 s2 a t b u c v n bits. KnownLen s1 => RnnLayer bits n s1 a t b u -> RnnLayer bits n s2 b u c v -> RnnLayer bits n (s1 ++ s2) a t c v infixr 9 Source #

Compose two rnn layers. This is useful for example to combine forward and backward layers.

bothRnnLayers :: forall s1 s2 a t b u c n bs bits. KnownLen s1 => RnnLayer bits n s1 a t '[b, bs] u -> RnnLayer bits n s2 a t '[c, bs] u -> RnnLayer bits n (s1 ++ s2) a t '[b + c, bs] u Source #

Compose two rnn layers in parallel.

(.++.) :: forall s1 s2 a t b u c n bs bits. KnownLen s1 => RnnLayer bits n s1 a t '[b, bs] u -> RnnLayer bits n s2 a t '[c, bs] u -> RnnLayer bits n (s1 ++ s2) a t '[b + c, bs] u infixr 9 Source #

Compose two rnn layers in parallel.

withBypass :: RnnCell b s0 (T '[x, bs] t) (T '[y, bs] t) -> RnnCell b s0 (T '[x, bs] t) (T '[x + y, bs] t) Source #

Run the cell, and forward the input to the output, by concatenation with the output of the cell.

onStates :: (HTV (Flt t) xs -> HTV (Flt t) xs) -> RnnCell t xs a b -> RnnCell t xs a b Source #

Apply a function on the cell state(s) before running the cell itself.

timeDistribute :: (a -> b) -> RnnCell t '[] a b Source #

Convert a pure function (feed-forward layer) to an RNN cell by ignoring the RNN state.

timeDistribute' :: (a -> Gen b) -> RnnCell t '[] a b Source #

Convert a stateless generator into an RNN cell by ignoring the RNN state.

RNN Cells

cellInitializerBit :: forall n x t. (KnownNat n, KnownNat x, KnownBits t) => DenseP t (n + x) n Source #

Standard RNN gate initializer. (The recurrent kernel is orthogonal to avoid divergence; the input kernel is glorot)

data LSTMP t n x Source #

Parameter for an LSTM


LSTMP (DenseP t (n + x) n) (DenseP t (n + x) n) (DenseP t (n + x) n) (DenseP t (n + x) n) 


(KnownNat n, KnownNat x, KnownBits NBits t) => ParamWithDefault (LSTMP t n x) Source # 
(KnownNat n, KnownNat x, KnownBits NBits t) => KnownTensors (LSTMP t n x) Source # 


travTensor :: (forall s a. (KnownTyp Typ a, KnownShape s) => String -> T s a -> Gen (T s a)) -> String -> LSTMP t n x -> Gen (LSTMP t n x) Source #

lstm :: forall n x bs t. LSTMP t n x -> RnnCell t '['[n, bs], '[n, bs]] (Tensor '[x, bs] (Flt t)) (Tensor '[n, bs] (Flt t)) Source #

Standard LSTM

data GRUP t n x Source #

Parameter for a GRU


GRUP (T '[n + x, n] (Typ Float t)) (T '[n + x, n] (Typ Float t)) (T '[n + x, n] (Typ Float t)) 


(KnownNat n, KnownNat x, KnownBits NBits t) => ParamWithDefault (GRUP t n x) Source # 
(KnownNat n, KnownNat x, KnownBits NBits t) => KnownTensors (GRUP t n x) Source # 


travTensor :: (forall s a. (KnownTyp Typ a, KnownShape s) => String -> T s a -> Gen (T s a)) -> String -> GRUP t n x -> Gen (GRUP t n x) Source #

gru :: forall n x bs t. (KnownNat bs, KnownNat n, KnownBits t) => GRUP t n x -> RnnCell t '['[n, bs]] (Tensor '[x, bs] (Flt t)) (Tensor '[n, bs] (Flt t)) Source #

Standard GRU cell

RNN unfolding functions

rnn :: forall n state input output t u b. (KnownNat n, KnownShape input, KnownShape output) => RnnCell b state (T input t) (T output u) -> RnnLayer b n state input t output u Source #

Build a RNN by repeating a cell n times.

rnnBackward :: forall n state input output t u b. (KnownNat n, KnownShape input, KnownShape output) => RnnCell b state (T input t) (T output u) -> RnnLayer b n state input t output u Source #

Build a RNN by repeating a cell n times. However the state is propagated in the right-to-left direction (decreasing indices in the time dimension of the input and output tensors)

rnnBackwardsWithCull :: forall n bs x y t u ls b. KnownLen ls => KnownNat n => KnownLen x => KnownLen y => All KnownLen ls => All (LastEqual bs) ls => LastEqual bs x => LastEqual bs y => T '[bs] Int32 -> RnnCell b ls (T x t) (T y u) -> RnnLayer b n ls x t y u Source #

Like rnnWithCull, but states are threaded backwards.

rnnWithCull :: forall n bs x y t u ls b. KnownLen ls => KnownNat n => KnownLen x => KnownLen y => All KnownLen ls => All (LastEqual bs) ls => T '[bs] Int32 -> RnnCell b ls (T x t) (T y u) -> RnnLayer b n ls x t y u Source #

rnnWithCull dynLen constructs an RNN as normal, but returns the state after step dynLen only.

Attention mechanisms

Scoring functions

type AttentionScoring t batchSize keySize valueSize nValues = Tensor '[keySize, batchSize] (Typ Float t) -> Tensor '[nValues, valueSize, batchSize] (Typ Float t) -> Tensor '[nValues, batchSize] (Typ Float t) Source #

An attention scoring function. This function should produce a score (between 0 and 1) for each of the nValues entries of size valueSize.

multiplicativeScoring Source #


:: KnownNat batchSize 
=> T '[keySize, valueSize] (Typ Float t)


-> AttentionScoring t batchSize keySize valueSize nValues 

Multiplicative scoring function

data AdditiveScoringP sz keySize valueSize t Source #


AdditiveScoringP (Tensor '[sz, 1] (Typ Float t)) (Tensor '[keySize, sz] (Typ Float t)) (Tensor '[valueSize, sz] (Typ Float t)) 


additiveScoring :: forall sz keySize valueSize t nValues batchSize. KnownNat sz => KnownNat keySize => (KnownNat nValues, KnownNat batchSize) => AdditiveScoringP sz keySize valueSize t -> AttentionScoring t batchSize valueSize keySize nValues Source #

An additive scoring function. See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.7449.pdf

Attention functions

type AttentionFunction t batchSize keySize valueSize = T '[keySize, batchSize] (Flt t) -> Gen (T '[valueSize, batchSize] (Flt t)) Source #

A function which attends to an external input. Typically a function of this type is a closure which has the attended input in its environment.

uniformAttn Source #


:: KnownNat m 
=> KnownBits t 
=> AttentionScoring t batchSize keySize valueSize m

scoring function

-> T '[batchSize] Int32

lengths of the inputs

-> T '[m, valueSize, batchSize] (Flt t)


-> AttentionFunction t batchSize keySize valueSize 

attnExample1 θ h st combines each element of the vector h with s, and applies a dense layer with parameters θ. The "winning" element of h (using softmax) is returned.

luongAttention Source #


:: KnownNat m 
=> KnownBits w 
=> Tensor '[d + e, attnSize] (Flt w)

weights for the dense layer

-> AttentionScoring w batchSize e d m

scoring function

-> Tensor '[batchSize] Int32

length of the input

-> T '[m, d, batchSize] (Flt w)


-> AttentionFunction w batchSize e attnSize 

Luong attention function (following https://github.com/tensorflow/nmt#background-on-the-attention-mechanism commit 75aa22dfb159f10a1a5b4557777d9ff547c1975a). Essentially a dense layer with tanh activation, on top of uniform attention.

Attention combinators

attentiveWithFeedback :: forall attSize cellSize inputSize bs w ss. AttentionFunction w bs cellSize attSize -> RnnCell w ss (T '[inputSize + attSize, bs] (Flt w)) (T '[cellSize, bs] (Flt w)) -> RnnCell w ('[attSize, bs] ': ss) (T '[inputSize, bs] (Flt w)) (T '[attSize, bs] (Flt w)) Source #

Add some attention to an RnnCell, and feed the attention vector to the next iteration in the rnn. (This follows the diagram at https://github.com/tensorflow/nmt#background-on-the-attention-mechanism commit 75aa22dfb159f10a1a5b4557777d9ff547c1975a).