uni-graphs- Graphs



This module implements a VersionDag, a graph which is used for displaying versions within the Workbench.

The main differences between this and normal SimpleGraph.SimpleGraph's are that (1) the parents of a node are fixed when it is created, as are all arc labels and arc type labels. (2) it is possible to selectively hide nodes from being displayed. We intelligently display the structure between these nodes. (3) it is not permitted to delete a node with children. (Though it may be hidden.)



data VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo Source

newVersionDag :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => (nodeInfo -> Bool) -> (nodeInfo -> nodeKey) -> (nodeInfo -> [(arcInfo, nodeKey)]) -> IO (VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo)Source

addVersion :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> nodeInfo -> IO ()Source

addVersions :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> [nodeInfo] -> IO ()Source

deleteVersion :: Ord nodeKey => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> nodeKey -> IO ()Source

setNodeInfo :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> nodeInfo -> IO ()Source

Change the nodeInfo of something already added.

changeIsHidden :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> (nodeInfo -> Bool) -> IO ()Source

Change the hidden function

toDisplayedGraph :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> GraphConnection (nodeInfo, Bool) () (Maybe arcInfo) ()Source

toInputGraph :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> GraphConnection nodeInfo () arcInfo ()Source

getInputGraphBack :: (Ord nodeKey, Ord arcInfo, Eq nodeInfo) => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> (nodeKey -> nodeInfo -> graphBackNodeKey) -> IO (GraphBack nodeKey graphBackNodeKey)Source

Get the input graph in the form of FindCommonParents.GraphBack. NB. (1) the confusion in the type variable nodeKey as used in FindCommonParents is not the same as our nodeKey. (2) we get a snapshot of the state of the input graph at a particular time

nodeKeyExists :: Ord nodeKey => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> nodeKey -> IO BoolSource

lookupNodeKey :: Ord nodeKey => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> nodeKey -> IO (Maybe nodeInfo)Source

getNodeInfos :: Ord nodeKey => VersionDag nodeKey nodeInfo arcInfo -> IO [nodeInfo]Source