uni-util- Utilities for the uniform workbench



A Registry is a mapping from ordered values. For the Registry type itself, all target values have the same type. For the UntypedRegistry type, the values can have any Typeable type.



data Ord from => Registry from to Source


Typeable2 Registry 
Ord from => ListRegistryContents Registry from to 
Ord from => NewRegistry (Registry from to) 
(HasBinary (from, to) m, Ord from, MonadIO m) => HasBinary (Registry from to) m 
Ord from => KeyOpsRegistry (Registry from to) from 
Ord from => GetSetRegistry (Registry from to) from to 

data LockedRegistry from to Source


Typeable2 LockedRegistry 
Ord from => NewRegistry (LockedRegistry from to) 
Ord from => KeyOpsRegistry (LockedRegistry from to) from 
Ord from => GetSetRegistry (LockedRegistry from to) from to 

data Untyped registry from Source


NewRegistry (registry from Dyn) => NewRegistry (Untyped registry from) 
GetSetRegistry (registry from Dyn) from Dyn => GetSetRegistryDyn (Untyped registry from) from 
KeyOpsRegistry (registry from Dyn) from => KeyOpsRegistry (Untyped registry from) from 
(Typeable to, GetSetRegistry (registry from Dyn) from Dyn) => GetSetRegistry (Untyped registry from) from to 

data Unsafe registry from Source


NewRegistry (registry from Obj) => NewRegistry (Unsafe registry from) 
KeyOpsRegistry (registry from Obj) from => KeyOpsRegistry (Unsafe registry from) from 
GetSetRegistry (registry from Obj) from Obj => GetSetRegistry (Unsafe registry from) from to 

class NewRegistry registry whereSource


newRegistry :: IO registrySource

emptyRegistry :: registry -> IO ()Source


Ord from => NewRegistry (LockedRegistry from to) 
NewRegistry (registry from Obj) => NewRegistry (Unsafe registry from) 
NewRegistry (registry from Dyn) => NewRegistry (Untyped registry from) 
Ord from => NewRegistry (Registry from to) 

class GetSetRegistry registry from to whereSource


transformValue :: registry -> from -> (Maybe to -> IO (Maybe to, extra)) -> IO extraSource

getValueOpt :: registry -> from -> IO (Maybe to)Source

getValue :: registry -> from -> IO toSource

setValue :: registry -> from -> to -> IO ()Source


Ord from => GetSetRegistry (LockedRegistry from to) from to 
GetSetRegistry (registry from Obj) from Obj => GetSetRegistry (Unsafe registry from) from to 
(Typeable to, GetSetRegistry (registry from Dyn) from Dyn) => GetSetRegistry (Untyped registry from) from to 
Ord from => GetSetRegistry (Registry from to) from to 

class GetSetRegistryDyn registry from whereSource


setValueAsDyn :: registry -> from -> Dyn -> IO ()Source

getValueAsDyn :: registry -> from -> IO DynSource


GetSetRegistry (registry from Dyn) from Dyn => GetSetRegistryDyn (Untyped registry from) from 

class KeyOpsRegistry registry from whereSource


deleteFromRegistryBool :: registry -> from -> IO BoolSource

deleteFromRegistry :: registry -> from -> IO ()Source

listKeys :: registry -> IO [from]Source


Ord from => KeyOpsRegistry (LockedRegistry from to) from 
KeyOpsRegistry (registry from Obj) from => KeyOpsRegistry (Unsafe registry from) from 
KeyOpsRegistry (registry from Dyn) from => KeyOpsRegistry (Untyped registry from) from 
Ord from => KeyOpsRegistry (Registry from to) from 

class ListRegistryContents registry from to whereSource

ListRegistryContents will not be implemented for the untyped registries.


listRegistryContents :: registry from to -> IO [(from, to)]Source



:: registry from to 
-> IO [(from, to)]

this is atomic.

listToNewRegistry :: [(from, to)] -> IO (registry from to)Source


changeKey :: Ord from => Registry from to -> from -> from -> IO ()Source

look up the element given by the first key, and if it exists delete it, replacing it with the element given by the second key.

getRegistryValue :: Ord from => Registry from to -> from -> IO toSource

getValueDefault :: GetSetRegistry registry from to => to -> registry -> from -> IO toSource

getValue' :: GetSetRegistry registry from to => String -> registry -> from -> IO toSource

getValueSafe :: GetSetRegistry registry from to => String -> registry -> from -> IO toSource

getRegistryValueSafe :: Ord from => String -> Registry from to -> from -> IO toSource