- type Answer a = Either SomeException a
- done :: Monad m => m ()
- (#) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
- propagate :: Answer a -> IO a
- try :: Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a)
- tryUntilOK :: IO a -> IO a
- raise :: IOError -> IO a
- when :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
- unless :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
- incase :: Maybe a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()
- forever :: Monad m => m a -> m b
- foreverUntil :: Monad m => m Bool -> m ()
- foreach :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
- while :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> Bool) -> m a
- type Config w = w -> IO w
- configure :: w -> [Config w] -> IO w
- config :: IO () -> Config w
- class HasConfig option configuration where
- ($$) :: option -> configuration -> configuration
- configUsed :: option -> configuration -> Bool
- data WithError a
- hasError :: String -> WithError a
- hasValue :: a -> WithError a
- fromWithError :: WithError a -> Either String a
- fromWithError1 :: a -> WithError a -> a
- toWithError :: Either String a -> WithError a
- isError :: WithError a -> Bool
- mapWithError :: (a -> b) -> WithError a -> WithError b
- mapWithError' :: (a -> WithError b) -> WithError a -> WithError b
- mapWithErrorIO :: (a -> IO b) -> WithError a -> IO (WithError b)
- mapWithErrorIO' :: (a -> IO (WithError b)) -> WithError a -> IO (WithError b)
- pairWithError :: WithError a -> WithError b -> WithError (a, b)
- listWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a]
- coerceWithError :: WithError a -> a
- coerceWithErrorIO :: WithError a -> IO a
- coerceWithErrorStringIO :: String -> WithError a -> IO a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreakIOPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreakPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> a
- newtype MonadWithError m a = MonadWithError (m (WithError a))
- monadifyWithError :: Monad m => WithError a -> MonadWithError m a
- toMonadWithError :: Monad m => m a -> MonadWithError m a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreak :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreakIO :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO a
- concatWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a]
- swapIOWithError :: WithError (IO a) -> IO (WithError a)
- exceptionToError :: Exception e => (e -> Maybe String) -> IO a -> IO (WithError a)
type Answer a = Either SomeException aSource
exceptions and handlers
try :: Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a)
Similar to catch
, but returns an Either
result which is
if no exception of type Right
was raised, or (
if an exception of type Left
was raised and its value is ex
If any other type of exception is raised than it will be propogated
up to the next enclosing exception handler.
try a = catch (Right `liftM` a) (return . Left)
Note that System.IO.Error also exports a function called
with a similar type to Control.Exception.try
except that it catches only the IO and user families of exceptions
(as required by the Haskell 98 IO
tryUntilOK :: IO a -> IO aSource
when :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
Conditional execution of monadic expressions. For example,
when debug (putStr "Debugging\n")
will output the string Debugging\n
if the Boolean value debug
is True
and otherwise do nothing.
foreverUntil :: Monad m => m Bool -> m ()Source
configure command
The new-style configuration command
class HasConfig option configuration whereSource
($$) :: option -> configuration -> configurationSource
configUsed :: option -> configuration -> BoolSource
Returning results or error messages.
fromWithError :: WithError a -> Either String aSource
fromWithError1 :: a -> WithError a -> aSource
toWithError :: Either String a -> WithError aSource
mapWithError :: (a -> b) -> WithError a -> WithError bSource
mapWithError' :: (a -> WithError b) -> WithError a -> WithError bSource
pairWithError :: WithError a -> WithError b -> WithError (a, b)Source
listWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a]Source
coerceWithError :: WithError a -> aSource
coerceWithErrorIO :: WithError a -> IO aSource
coerceWithErrorStringIO :: String -> WithError a -> IO aSource
coerceWithErrorOrBreakIOPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO aSource
coerce or use the supplied break function (to be used with
The first argument is prepended to any error message. The value is evaluated immediately.
coerceWithErrorOrBreakPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> aSource
coerce or use the supplied break function (to be used with
The first argument is prepended to any error message.
newtype MonadWithError m a Source
MonadWithError (m (WithError a)) |
Monad m => Monad (MonadWithError m) |
monadifyWithError :: Monad m => WithError a -> MonadWithError m aSource
toMonadWithError :: Monad m => m a -> MonadWithError m aSource
coerceWithErrorOrBreak :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> aSource
coerce or use the supplied break function (to be used with
coerceWithErrorOrBreakIO :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO aSource
coerce or use the supplied break function (to be used with
The value is evaluated immediately.
concatWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a]Source