{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Unicode.Properties.DecomposeHangul
-- Copyright   : (c) 2016 Harendra Kumar
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : harendra.kumar@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
module Data.Unicode.Properties.DecomposeHangul
    , hangulFirst
    , isHangul
    , isHangulLV
    , isJamo
    , jamoLFirst
    , jamoLIndex
    , jamoNCount
    , jamoVIndex
    , jamoTCount
    , jamoTIndex

import           Data.Char (ord)
import           GHC.Base  (unsafeChr)

-- Hangul characters can be decomposed algorithmically instead of via mappings

-- General utilities used by decomposition as well as composition

-- jamo leading
jamoLFirst, jamoLCount :: Int
jamoLFirst  = 0x1100
jamoLCount = 19

-- jamo vowel
jamoVFirst, jamoVCount :: Int
jamoVFirst  = 0x1161
jamoVCount = 21

-- jamo trailing
jamoTFirst, jamoTCount :: Int
jamoTFirst  = 0x11a7
jamoTCount = 28

jamoLast :: Int
jamoLast = jamoTFirst + jamoTCount - 1

-- VCount * TCount
jamoNCount :: Int
jamoNCount = 588

-- hangul
hangulFirst, hangulLast :: Int
hangulFirst = 0xac00
hangulLast = hangulFirst + jamoLCount * jamoVCount * jamoTCount - 1

isHangul :: Char -> Bool
isHangul c = n >= hangulFirst && n <= hangulLast
    where n = ord c

isHangulLV :: Char -> Bool
isHangulLV c = ti == 0
        i = (ord c) - hangulFirst
        !(_, ti) = i  `quotRem` jamoTCount

isJamo :: Char -> Bool
isJamo c = n >= jamoLFirst && n <= jamoLast
    where n = ord c

-- if it is a jamo L char return the index
jamoLIndex :: Char -> Maybe Int
jamoLIndex c
  | index >= 0 && index < jamoLCount = Just index
  | otherwise = Nothing
    where index = ord c - jamoLFirst

jamoVIndex :: Char -> Maybe Int
jamoVIndex c
  | index >= 0 && index < jamoVCount = Just index
  | otherwise = Nothing
    where index = ord c - jamoVFirst

-- Note that index 0 is not a valid index for a trailing consonant. Index 0
-- means no T, only LV syllable.
-- See Unicode 9.0.0: 3.12 (Hangul Syllable Decomposition)
-- TBase is set to one less than the beginning of the range of trailing
-- consonants, which starts at U+11A8.
jamoTIndex :: Char -> Maybe Int
jamoTIndex c
  | index > 0 && index < jamoTCount = Just index
  | otherwise = Nothing
    where index = ord c - jamoTFirst

-- Hangul decomposition

{-# INLINE decomposeCharHangul #-}
decomposeCharHangul :: Char -> Either (Char, Char) (Char, Char, Char)
decomposeCharHangul c
    | ti == 0   = Left (l, v)
    | otherwise = Right (l, v, t)
        i = (ord c) - hangulFirst
        !(tn, ti) = i  `quotRem` jamoTCount
        !(li, vi) = tn `quotRem` jamoVCount

        l = unsafeChr (jamoLFirst + li)
        v = unsafeChr (jamoVFirst + vi)
        t = unsafeChr (jamoTFirst + ti)