{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}

module Update.Nix.FetchGit.Utils
  ( RepoLocation(..)
  , ourParseNixFile
  , extractUrlString
  , quoteString
  , extractFuncName
  , extractAttr
  , findAttr
  , matchAttr
  , exprText
  , exprSpan
  , parseISO8601DateToDay
  , formatWarning
  ) where

import           Data.Maybe                               ( catMaybes )
import           Data.List.NonEmpty            as NE
import           Data.Text                                ( Text
                                                          , unpack
                                                          , splitOn
import           Data.Time                                ( parseTimeM
                                                          , defaultTimeLocale
import           Nix.Parser                               ( parseNixFileLoc
                                                          , Result(..)
import           Nix.Reduce
import           Nix.Expr                          hiding ( SourcePos )
import           Update.Nix.FetchGit.Types
import           Update.Nix.FetchGit.Warning
import           Update.Span

ourParseNixFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either Warning NExprLoc)
ourParseNixFile f =
  parseNixFileLoc f >>= \case
    Failure parseError -> pure $ Left (CouldNotParseInput parseError)
    Success expr -> pure <$> reduceExpr Nothing expr

-- | Get the url from either a nix expression for the url or a repo and owner
-- expression.
extractUrlString :: RepoLocation -> Text
extractUrlString = \case
  URL u -> u
  GitHub o r -> "https://github.com/" <> o <> "/" <> r <> ".git"

-- Add double quotes around a string so it can be inserted into a Nix
-- file as a string literal.
quoteString :: Text -> Text
quoteString t = "\"" <> t <> "\""

-- | Get the string value of a particular expression, returns a 'Warning' if
-- the expression is not a string value.
-- TODO: Use 'evalExpr' here
exprText :: NExprLoc -> Either Warning Text
exprText = \case
  (AnnE _ (NStr (DoubleQuoted [Plain t]))) -> pure t
  e -> Left (NotAString e)

-- | Get the 'SrcSpan' covering a particular expression.
exprSpan :: NExprLoc -> SrcSpan
exprSpan (AnnE s _) = s
exprSpan _ = error "unreachable" -- TODO: Add pattern completeness to hnix

-- | Given an expression that is supposed to represent a function,
-- extracts the name of the function.  If we cannot figure out the
-- function name, returns Nothing.
extractFuncName :: NExprLoc -> Maybe Text
extractFuncName (AnnE _ (NSym name)) = Just name
extractFuncName (AnnE _ (NSelect _ (NE.last -> StaticKey name) _)) = Just name
extractFuncName _ = Nothing

-- | Extract a named attribute from an attrset.
extractAttr :: Text -> [Binding a] -> Either Warning a
extractAttr name bs = case catMaybes (matchAttr name <$> bs) of
  [x] -> pure x
  []  -> Left (MissingAttr name)
  _   -> Left (DuplicateAttrs name)

-- | Find a named attribute in an attrset.  This is appropriate for
-- the case when a missing attribute is not an error.
findAttr :: Text -> [Binding a] -> Either Warning (Maybe a)
findAttr name bs = case catMaybes (matchAttr name <$> bs) of
  [x] -> pure (Just x)
  []  -> pure Nothing
  _   -> Left (DuplicateAttrs name)

-- | Returns 'Just value' if this attribute's key matches the text, otherwise
-- Nothing.
matchAttr :: Text -> Binding a -> Maybe a
matchAttr t = \case
  NamedVar (StaticKey t' :|[]) x _ | t == t' -> Just x
  NamedVar _ _ _ -> Nothing
  Inherit _ _ _  -> Nothing

-- Takes an ISO 8601 date and returns just the day portion.
parseISO8601DateToDay :: Text -> Either Warning Day
parseISO8601DateToDay t =
  let justDate = (unpack . Prelude.head . splitOn "T") t in
  case parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" justDate of
    Nothing -> Left $ InvalidDateString t
    Just day -> pure day

formatWarning :: Warning -> String
formatWarning (CouldNotParseInput doc) = show doc
formatWarning (MissingAttr attrName) =
  "Error: The \"" <> unpack attrName <> "\" attribute is missing."
formatWarning (DuplicateAttrs attrName) =
  "Error: The \"" <> unpack attrName <> "\" attribute appears twice in a set."
formatWarning (NotAString expr) =
  "Error: The expression at "
  <> (prettyPrintSourcePos . spanBegin . exprSpan) expr
  <> " is not a string literal."
formatWarning (NixPrefetchGitFailed exitCode errorOutput) =
  "Error: nix-prefetch-git failed with exit code " <> show exitCode
  <> " and error output:\n" <> unpack errorOutput
formatWarning (InvalidPrefetchGitOutput output) =
  "Error: Output from nix-prefetch-git is invalid:\n" <> show output
formatWarning (InvalidDateString text) =
  "Error: Date string is invalid: " <> show text