uulib-0.9.11: Haskell Utrecht Tools Library




data AnaParser state result s p a Source


(InputState inp s p, OutputState out) => StateParser (AnaParser (inp, st) out s p) st 
(Ord s, Symbol s, InputState state s p, OutputState result) => IsParser (AnaParser state result s p) s

The fast AnaParser instance of the IsParser class. Note that this requires a functioning Ord for the symbol type s, as tokens are often compared using the compare function in Ord rather than always using == rom Eq. The two do need to be consistent though, that is for any two x1, x2 such that x1 == x2 you must have compare x1 x2 == EQ.

pWrap :: OutputState result => (forall r r''. (b -> r -> r'') -> state -> Steps (a, r) s p -> (state -> Steps r s p) -> (state, Steps r'' s p, state -> Steps r s p)) -> (forall r. state -> Steps r s p -> (state -> Steps r s p) -> (state, Steps r s p, state -> Steps r s p)) -> AnaParser state result s p a -> AnaParser state result s p bSource

pMap :: OutputState result => (forall r r''. (b -> r -> r'') -> state -> Steps (a, r) s p -> (state, Steps r'' s p)) -> (forall r. state -> Steps r s p -> (state, Steps r s p)) -> AnaParser state result s p a -> AnaParser state result s p bSource

type Parser s = AnaParser [s] Pair s (Maybe s)Source

class IsParser p s | p -> s whereSource

The IsParser class contains the base combinators with which to write parsers. A minimal complete instance definition consists of definitions for '(*)', '(|)', pSucceed, pLow, pFail, pCostRange, pCostSym, getfirsts, setfirsts, and getzerop.


(<*>) :: p (a -> b) -> p a -> p bSource

Sequential composition. Often used in combination with $. The function returned by parsing the left-hand side is applied to the value returned by parsing the right-hand side. Note: Implementations of this combinator should lazily match on and evaluate the right-hand side parser. The derived combinators for list parsing will explode if they do not.

(<*) :: p a -> p b -> p aSource

Value ignoring versions of sequential composition. These ignore either the value returned by the parser on the right-hand side or the left-hand side, depending on the visual direction of the combinator.

(*>) :: p a -> p b -> p bSource

(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> p a -> p bSource

Applies the function f to the result of p after parsing p.

(<$) :: b -> p a -> p bSource

pSucceed :: a -> p aSource

Two variants of the parser for empty strings. pSucceed parses the empty string, and fully counts as an alternative parse. It returns the value passed to it.

pLow :: a -> p aSource

pLow parses the empty string, but alternatives to pLow are always preferred over pLow parsing the empty string.

(<|>) :: p a -> p a -> p aSource

Alternative combinator. Succeeds if either of the two arguments succeed, and returns the result of the best success parse.

pFail :: p aSource

This parser always fails, and never returns any value at all.

pCostRange :: Int# -> s -> SymbolR s -> p sSource

Parses a range of symbols with an associated cost and the symbol to insert if no symbol in the range is present. Returns the actual symbol parsed.

pCostSym :: Int# -> s -> s -> p sSource

Parses a symbol with an associated cost and the symbol to insert if the symbol to parse isn't present. Returns either the symbol parsed or the symbol inserted.

pSym :: s -> p sSource

Parses a symbol. Returns the symbol parsed.

pRange :: s -> SymbolR s -> p sSource

getfirsts :: p v -> Expecting sSource

Get the firsts set from the parser, i.e. the symbols it expects.

setfirsts :: Expecting s -> p v -> p vSource

Set the firsts set in the parser.

getzerop :: p v -> Maybe (p v)Source

getzerop returns Nothing if the parser can not parse the empty string, and returns Just p with p a parser that parses the empty string and returns the appropriate value.

getonep :: p v -> Maybe (p v)Source

getonep returns Nothing if the parser can only parse the empty string, and returns Just p with p a parser that does not parse any empty string.


(Ord s, Symbol s, InputState state s p, OutputState result) => IsParser (AnaParser state result s p) s

The fast AnaParser instance of the IsParser class. Note that this requires a functioning Ord for the symbol type s, as tokens are often compared using the compare function in Ord rather than always using == rom Eq. The two do need to be consistent though, that is for any two x1, x2 such that x1 == x2 you must have compare x1 x2 == EQ.

(Symbol s, Ord s, InputState i s p, OutputState o) => IsParser (OffsideParser i o s p) s 

pCost :: (OutputState out, InputState inp sym pos, Symbol sym, Ord sym) => Int# -> AnaParser inp out sym pos ()Source

parse :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s pos) => AnaParser inp Pair s pos a -> inp -> Steps (Pair a (Pair inp ())) s posSource

parseIOMessage :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s p) => (Message s p -> String) -> AnaParser inp Pair s p a -> inp -> IO aSource

parseIOMessageN :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s p) => (Message s p -> String) -> Int -> AnaParser inp Pair s p a -> inp -> IO aSource

data Pair a r Source


Pair a r 


evalStepsIO :: (Message s p -> String) -> Steps b s p -> IO bSource

evalStepsIO' :: (Message s p -> String) -> Int -> Steps b s p -> IO bSource