variant-1.0.1: Variant and EADT
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Variant biased towards one type

This allows definition of common type classes (Functor, etc.) that can't be provided for Variant



data VEither es a Source #

Variant biased towards one type


Instances details
Foldable (VEither es) Source #

Foldable instance for VEither

>>> let x   = VRight True    :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> let y   = VLeft (V "failed" :: V '[String,Int]) :: VEither '[String,Int] Bool
>>> forM_ x print
>>> forM_ y print
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


fold :: Monoid m => VEither es m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> VEither es a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> VEither es a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> VEither es a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> VEither es a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> VEither es a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> VEither es a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> VEither es a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> VEither es a -> a #

toList :: VEither es a -> [a] #

null :: VEither es a -> Bool #

length :: VEither es a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> VEither es a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => VEither es a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => VEither es a -> a #

sum :: Num a => VEither es a -> a #

product :: Num a => VEither es a -> a #

Traversable (VEither es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> VEither es a -> f (VEither es b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => VEither es (f a) -> f (VEither es a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> VEither es a -> m (VEither es b) #

sequence :: Monad m => VEither es (m a) -> m (VEither es a) #

Applicative (VEither es) Source #

Applicative instance for VEither

>>> let x = VRight True  :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> let y = VRight False :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> (&&) <$> x <*> y
VRight False
>>> (||) <$> x <*> y
VRight True
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


pure :: a -> VEither es a #

(<*>) :: VEither es (a -> b) -> VEither es a -> VEither es b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> VEither es a -> VEither es b -> VEither es c #

(*>) :: VEither es a -> VEither es b -> VEither es b #

(<*) :: VEither es a -> VEither es b -> VEither es a #

Functor (VEither es) Source #

Functor instance for VEither

>>> let x = VRight True :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> fmap (\b -> if b then "Success" else "Failure") x
VRight "Success"
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


fmap :: (a -> b) -> VEither es a -> VEither es b #

(<$) :: a -> VEither es b -> VEither es a #

Monad (VEither es) Source #

Monad instance for VEither

>>> let x   = VRight True    :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> let f v = VRight (not v) :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> x >>= f
VRight False
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


(>>=) :: VEither es a -> (a -> VEither es b) -> VEither es b #

(>>) :: VEither es a -> VEither es b -> VEither es b #

return :: a -> VEither es a #

(Show a, Show (V es)) => Show (VEither es a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


showsPrec :: Int -> VEither es a -> ShowS #

show :: VEither es a -> String #

showList :: [VEither es a] -> ShowS #

Eq (V (a ': es)) => Eq (VEither es a) Source #

Check VEithers for equality

>>> let a = VRight "Foo" :: VEither '[Int,Double] String
>>> let b = VRight "Foo" :: VEither '[Int,Double] String
>>> let c = VRight "Bar" :: VEither '[Int,Double] String
>>> let d = VLeft (V (1::Int) :: V '[Int, Double]) :: VEither '[Int,Double] String
>>> a == b
>>> a == c
>>> a == d
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


(==) :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> Bool #

(/=) :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> Bool #

Ord (V (a ': es)) => Ord (VEither es a) Source #

Compare VEithers

>>> let a = VRight "Foo" :: VEither '[Int,Double] String
>>> let b = VRight "Bar" :: VEither '[Int,Double] String
>>> a < b
>>> a > b
Instance details

Defined in Data.Variant.VEither


compare :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> Ordering #

(<) :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> Bool #

(<=) :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> Bool #

(>) :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> Bool #

(>=) :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> Bool #

max :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> VEither es a #

min :: VEither es a -> VEither es a -> VEither es a #

pattern VLeft :: forall x xs. V xs -> VEither xs x Source #

Left value

>>> VLeft (V "failed" :: V '[String,Int]) :: VEither '[String,Int] Bool
VLeft "failed"

pattern VRight :: forall x xs. x -> VEither xs x Source #

Right value

>>> VRight True :: VEither '[String,Int] Bool
VRight True

veitherFromVariant :: V (a ': es) -> VEither es a Source #

Convert a Variant into a VEither

>>> let x = V "Test" :: V '[Int,String,Double]
>>> veitherFromVariant x
VLeft "Test"

veitherToVariant :: VEither es a -> V (a ': es) Source #

Convert a VEither into a Variant

>>> let x = VRight True :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> veitherToVariant x

veitherToValue :: forall a. VEither '[] a -> a Source #

Extract from a VEither without left types

>>> let x = VRight True :: VEither '[] Bool
>>> veitherToValue x

veitherBimap :: (V es -> V fs) -> (a -> b) -> VEither es a -> VEither fs b Source #

Bimap for VEither

>>> let x = VRight True :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> veitherBimap id not x
VRight False

type VEitherLift es es' = LiftVariant es es' Source #

veitherLift :: forall es' es a. VEitherLift es es' => VEither es a -> VEither es' a Source #

Lift a VEither into another

veitherAppend :: forall ns es a. VEither es a -> VEither (Concat es ns) a Source #

Append errors to VEither

veitherPrepend :: forall ns es a. KnownNat (Length ns) => VEither es a -> VEither (Concat ns es) a Source #

Prepend errors to VEither

veitherCont :: (V es -> u) -> (a -> u) -> VEither es a -> u Source #

VEither continuations

veitherToEither :: VEither es a -> Either (V es) a Source #

Convert a VEither into an Either

>>> let x = VRight True :: VEither '[Int,Float] Bool
>>> veitherToEither x
Right True

veitherProduct :: KnownNat (Length (b : e2)) => VEither e1 a -> VEither e2 b -> VEither (Tail (Product (a : e1) (b : e2))) (a, b) Source #

Product of two VEither