vcsgui- GUI library for source code management systems

Safe HaskellNone



Exports all available SVN GUIs such as checkout, log and others.



showCheckoutGUI :: Ctx () Source

Shows a GUI asking user for data to checkout a working copy of a SVN repository.

showCommitGUI Source


:: Either MergeTool MergeToolSetter

MergeTool is used for any possible conflicts. If not present user will be asked to provide MergeTool on conflicts. MergeToolSetter will be called for response.

-> Either Handler (Maybe Text)

Either Handler for password request or password (nothing for no password)

-> Ctx () 

showLogGUI Source


:: Either Handler (Maybe Text)

Either Handler for password request or password (nothing for no password)

-> Ctx () 

Shows a GUI showing log for current working copy.

showAskpassGUI Source


:: Handler

Handler to be called when GUI is closed passing the result.

-> Ctx () 

Shows a GUI asking the user for a password. Handler will be called with result.

type Handler = Maybe (Bool, Maybe Text) -> Ctx () Source

Handler is a function used as an argument to the showAskpassGUI. It represents a VCS command running in a Ctx expecting password data which can be the followingAxis * Nothing, if GUI is closed or cancel button is pressed * Just (savePasswordSettingForSession, Maybe password) where savePasswordSettingForSession indicates if password-settings should be saved for current session. Maybe password is either: * Nothing, no password given * Just password, password has been provided

showUpdateGUI Source


:: Either MergeTool MergeToolSetter

MergeTool is used for any possible conflicts. If not present user will be asked to provide MergeTool on conflicts after updating. MergeToolSetter will be called for response.

-> Either Handler (Maybe Text)

If a password is provided it will be used, if not a GUI will be shown to ask for password and given Handler will be called.

-> Ctx () 

Initiates an update for current SVN working copy.