module VectorExtras.Immutable.FoldM.PrimMonad.Index where

import VectorExtras.Prelude hiding (length)
import Data.Vector.Generic
import Control.Foldl
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as Mutable

Fold on indices in PrimMonad.
type IndexPrimMonadFoldM result = forall m. PrimMonad m => FoldM m Int result

Given the size of the vector, construct a fold, which produces a vector of
frequencies of each index. I.e., the counts of how often it appeared.
frequency :: (Vector vector count, Enum count) => Int -> IndexPrimMonadFoldM (vector count)
frequency amount = FoldM step init extract where
  init = amount
  step mv index = Mutable.modify mv succ index $> mv
  extract = unsafeFreeze