vector-space-map- vector-space operations for finite maps using Data.Map

Safe HaskellNone




data MapVector k v Source

Note: <*> in the Applicative instance operates under intersection. i.e.:

>>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", id)]) <*> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("y", 3)])
MapVector (Map.fromList [])

* in the Num instance performs elementwise multiplication. It is defined in terms of <*> and therefore also operates under intersection:

>>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2), ("y", 3)]) * (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 5),("y", 7)])
MapVector (Map.fromList [("x", 10), ("y", 21)])
>>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2), ("y", 3)]) * (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("y", 7)])
MapVector (Map.fromList [("y", 21)])

*^ in the VectorSpace instance multiplies by the scalar of v. Nesting MapVectors preserves the scalar type, e.g. Scalar (MapVector k (MapVector k' v)) = Scalar v.

>>> 2 *^ (ConstantMap $ MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 3 :: Int), ("y", 5)])
ConstantMap (MapVector (fromList [("x",6),("y",10)]))

Finally, <.> in InnerSpace is the dot-product operator. Again, it operates under intersection.

>>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2 :: Int), ("y", 3)]) <.> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 5),("y", 7)])
>>> (pure . MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2 :: Int), ("y", 3)]) <.> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("a", pure (5::Int))])

Addition, using either + or ^+^, operates under union.


MapVector (Map k v) 
ConstantMap v

An infinite-dimensional vector with the same value on all dimensions
