versioning- Type-safe data versioning.

Safe HaskellNone




Encoding-agnosting deserialization utilities.



type family Applied (c :: Type -> Constraint) (a :: V -> Type) :: Type Source #

The result type of the action that has been applied to the decoded object with withAnyVersion or withAnyVersionM.

type Apply a c = forall v. c (a v) => a v -> Applied c a Source #

The pure function to apply to the decoded object with withAnyVersion

type ApplyM m a c = forall v. c (a v) => a v -> m (Applied c a) Source #

The action to apply to the decoded object with withAnyVersionM

type DecodableTo dec v a = DecodableToFrom V0 dec v a Source #

Handy constraint synonym to be used with decodeAnyVersion

type DecodableToFrom from dec v a = DecodeAnyVersionFrom from v v a dec Source #

type DecodeAnyVersion v w a dec = DecodeAnyVersionFrom V0 v w a dec Source #

newtype Decoder dec enc t a Source #

The function that will perform the actual decoding


Decoder (forall v. dec (a v) => enc -> t (a v)) 

type WithAnyVersion v a c dec = WithAnyVersionFrom V0 v a c dec Source #

type WithAnyVersionFrom from v a c dec = WithAnyVersion' (from == v) from v a c dec Source #

Decoding and upgrading

decodeAnyVersion :: forall v a dec enc t. (Alt t, Applicative t, DecodableTo dec v a) => Decoder dec enc t a -> enc -> t (a v) Source #

decodeAnyVersionFrom :: forall from v a dec enc t. (Alt t, Applicative t, DecodableToFrom from dec v a) => Decoder dec enc t a -> enc -> t (a v) Source #

Decode by trying all the versions decrementally and upgrade the decoded object to the newest version.

Decoding and applying an action

withAnyVersion :: forall v c a dec enc t. (WithAnyVersion v a c dec, c (a v), Alt t, Applicative t, Traversable t) => Decoder dec enc t a -> Apply a c -> enc -> t (Applied c a) Source #

Pure version of withAnyVersionM.

withAnyVersionM :: forall v c a dec enc m t. (WithAnyVersion v a c dec, Alt t, Applicative t, Traversable t, Applicative m, c (a v)) => Decoder dec enc t a -> ApplyM m a c -> enc -> m (t (Applied c a)) Source #

Decode by trying all the versions decrementally and apply an action to the decoded object at its original version.

withAnyVersionFromM :: forall from v c a dec enc m t. (WithAnyVersionFrom from v a c dec, Alt t, Applicative t, Traversable t, Applicative m, c (a v)) => Decoder dec enc t a -> ApplyM m a c -> enc -> m (t (Applied c a)) Source #

Like withAnyVersionM, with an additional type-parameter indicating the oldest version you want to be able to decode

withAnyVersionFrom :: forall from v c a dec enc t. (WithAnyVersionFrom from v a c dec, c (a v), Alt t, Applicative t, Traversable t) => Decoder dec enc t a -> Apply a c -> enc -> t (Applied c a) Source #

Pure version of withAnyVersionFromM.