wai-logger-0.0.2: A logging system for WAI





data LogStr Source

A date type to contain String and ByteString. This data is exported so that format can be defined. This would be replaced with Builder someday.


LS !String 
LB !ByteString 

hPutLogStr :: Handle -> [LogStr] -> IO ()Source

The hPut function to copy a list of LogStr to the buffer of Handle directly. If Handle is associated with a file, AppendMode must be used.


initHandle :: Handle -> IO ()Source

Setting a proper buffering to Handle.

hPutBuilder :: Handle -> Builder -> IO ()Source

The hPut function directory to copy Builder to the buffer. If Handle is associated with a file, AppendMode must be used. The current implementation is inefficient at this moment. initHandle must be called once beforehand if this function is used. This would replace hPutLogStr someday.