waterfall-cad- Declarative CAD/Solid Modeling Library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Paths in 3D space.

This module exposes functions with the same names as Waterfall.TwoD.Path2D, and if used together they should be imported qualified.



data Path Source #

A Path in 3D Space

Under the hood, this is represented by an OpenCascade Wire.


Instances details
Monoid Path Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Internal.Path


mempty :: Path #

mappend :: Path -> Path -> Path #

mconcat :: [Path] -> Path #

Semigroup Path Source #

The Semigroup for Path attempts to join two paths that share a common endpoint.

Attempts to combine paths that do not share a common endpoint currently in an error case that is not currently handled gracefully.

Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Internal.Path


(<>) :: Path -> Path -> Path #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Path -> Path #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Path -> Path #

Transformable Path Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Waterfall.Transforms

line :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> Path Source #

A straight line between two points

lineTo :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path) Source #

Version of line designed to work with pathFrom

lineRelative :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path) Source #

Version of line designed to work with pathFrom

With relative points; specifying the distance of the endpoint relative to the start of the line, rather than in absolute space.

arcVia :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> Path Source #

Section of a circle based on three arguments, the start point, a point on the arc, and the endpoint

arcViaTo :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path) Source #

Version of arcVia designed to work with pathFrom

The first argument is a point on the arc The second argument is the endpoint of the arc

arcViaRelative :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path) Source #

Version of arcVia designed to work with pathFrom

With relative points; specifying the distance of the midpoint and endpoint relative to the start of the line, rather than in absolute space.

bezier :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> Path Source #

Bezier curve of order 3

The arguments are, the start of the curve, the two control points, and the end of the curve

bezierTo :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path) Source #

Version of bezier designed to work with pathFrom

bezierRelative :: V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path) Source #

Version of bezier designed to work with pathFrom

With relative points; specifying the distance of the control points and the endpoint relative to the start of the line, rather than in absolute space.

pathFrom :: V3 Double -> [V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path)] -> Path Source #

When combining paths, we're generally interested in pairs of paths that share a common endpoint.

Rather than having to repeat these common endpoints, pathFrom can be used to combine a list of path components.

Where a path component is a function from a start point, to a tuple of an end point, and a path; V2 Double -> (V2 Double, Path2D).

A typical use of pathFrom uses a list of functions with the suffix "To" or "Relative", e.g:

Path.pathFrom zero 
    [ Path.bezierRelative (V3 0 0 0.5) (V3 0.5 0.5 0.5) (V3 0.5 0.5 1)
    , Path.bezierRelative (V3 0 0 0.5) (V3 (-0.5) (-0.5) 0.5) (V3 (-0.5) (-0.5) 1)
    , Path.arcViaRelative (V3 0 1 1) (V3 0 2 0)
    , Path.lineTo (V3 0 2 0) 

pathFromTo :: [V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path)] -> V3 Double -> (V3 Double, Path) Source #

Combines a list of "path components", as used by pathFrom