waterfall-cad- Declarative CAD/Solid Modeling Library
Safe HaskellNone




rotate2D :: Transformable2D a => Double -> a -> a Source #

Rotate by an angle (in radians) about the origin

scale2D :: Transformable2D a => V2 Double -> a -> a Source #

Scale by different amounts along the x and y axes

uScale2D :: Transformable2D a => Double -> a -> a Source #

Scale uniformally along both axes

translate2D :: Transformable2D a => V2 Double -> a -> a Source #

Translate by a distance in 2D space

mirror2D :: Transformable2D a => V2 Double -> a -> a Source #

Mirror in the line, which passes through the origin, tangent to the specified vector

Note that in order to maintain consistency with Transformable, the mirror is in the line tangent to the vector, not in the line parallel to the vector