webkitgtk3- Binding to the Webkit library.

Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Safe HaskellNone




Object used to communicate with the application when downloading



WebKitDownload carries information about a download request, including a WebKitNetworkRequest object. The application may use this object to control the download process, or to simply figure out what is to be downloaded, and do it itself.




downloadNew :: NetworkRequestClass request => request -> IO Download Source

Create a new Download instance for the given NetworkRequest

Object used to communicate with the application when downloading.


downloadStart :: DownloadClass self => self -> IO () Source

Initiates the Download.

Notice that you must have set the destination-uri property before calling this function.

downloadCancel :: DownloadClass self => self -> IO () Source

Cancels the Download.

downloadGetUri Source


:: (DownloadClass self, GlibString string) 
=> self 
-> IO (Maybe string)

the uri or Nothing in case of failed

Retrieves the URI from Download which is being downloaded.

downloadGetNetworkRequest :: DownloadClass self => self -> IO NetworkRequest Source

Retrieves the NetworkRequest that backs the download process.

downloadGetNetworkResponse :: DownloadClass self => self -> IO NetworkResponse Source

Retrieves the NetworkResponse object that backs the download process.

  • Since 1.1.16

downloadGetSuggestedFilename Source


:: (DownloadClass self, GlibString string) 
=> self 
-> IO (Maybe string)

the suggested filename or Nothing in case of failed

Retrieves the filename that was suggested by the server, or the one derived from the URI.

downloadGetDestinationUri :: (DownloadClass self, GlibString string) => self -> IO (Maybe string) Source

Obtains the URI to which the downloaded file will be written.

It is set by Application before call downloadStart

downloadGetProgress Source


:: DownloadClass self 
=> self 
-> IO Double

a Double ranging from 0.0 to 1.0

Determines the current progress of the Download

downloadGetElapsedTime Source


:: DownloadClass self 
=> self 
-> IO Double

seconds since the Download was started.

Return elapsed time for the Download in seconds. includeing any fractional part.

If the Download is finished, had an error or was cancelled, this is the time between its start and the event.

downloadGetTotalSize Source


:: DownloadClass self 
=> self 
-> IO Int

the expected total size of the downloaded file.

Returns the excepted total size of the download.

This is expected because the server may provide incorrect or missing Content-Length.

Notice that this may grow over time.

downloadGetCurrentSize Source


:: DownloadClass self 
=> self 
-> IO Int

the already downloaded size.

Returns the current already downleaded size

downloadGetStatus Source


:: DownloadClass self 
=> self 
-> IO DownloadStatus

the current DownloadStatus

Obtains the current status of the Download as DownloadStatus

downloadSetDestinationUri Source


:: (DownloadClass self, GlibString string) 
=> self 
-> string

destination_uri - the destination URI

-> IO () 

Defines the URI that should be used to save the downloaded file to.


currentSize :: DownloadClass self => ReadAttr self Int Source

The length of the data already downloaded

Default value: 0

  • Since 1.1.2

destinationUri :: (DownloadClass self, GlibString string) => Attr self (Maybe string) Source

The URI of the save location for this download.

Default value: ""

  • Since 1.1.2

networkRequest :: DownloadClass self => Attr self NetworkRequest Source

The NetworkRequest instance associated with the download.

  • Since 1.1.2

networkResponse :: DownloadClass self => Attr self NetworkResponse Source

The NetworkResponse instance associated with the download.

  • Since 1.1.16

progress :: DownloadClass self => ReadAttr self Double Source

Determines the current progress of the download. Notice that, although the progress changes are reported as soon as possible, the emission of the notify signal for this property is throttled, for the benefit of download managers. If you care about every update, use Download : currentSize.

Allowed values: [0,1]

Default value: 1

  • Since 1.1.2

status :: DownloadClass self => ReadAttr self DownloadStatus Source

Determines the current status of the download.

Default value: DownloadStatusCreated

  • Since 1.1.2

suggestedFilename :: (DownloadClass self, GlibString string) => ReadAttr self (Maybe string) Source

The file name suggested as default when saving

Default value: ""

  • Since 1.1.2

totalSize :: DownloadClass self => ReadAttr self Int Source

The total size of the file

Default value: 0

  • Since 1.1.2


downloadError :: (DownloadClass self, GlibString string) => Signal self (Int -> Int -> string -> IO Bool) Source

Emitted when download is interrupted either by user action or by network errors, errorDetail will take any value of DownloadError.

download: the object on which the signal is emitted errorCode: the corresponding error code errorDetail: detailed error code for the error, see DownloadError reason: a string describing the error

Since 1.1.2