webserver-0.2.0: HTTP server library



Creating basic WebServer. Created WebServer can handle GET / HEAD / POST; OK, Not Found, Not Modified, Moved Permanently, etc; partial getting; language negotication; CGI, chunked data for CGI output;



basicServer :: BasicConfig -> WebServerSource

Creating WebServer with BasicConfig. The created WebServer can handle GET / HEAD / POST; OK, Not Found, Not Modified, Moved Permanently, etc; partial getting; language negotication; CGI, chunked data for CGI output; If http://example.com/path does not exist but http://example.com/path/ exists, the created WebServer redirects it. http://example.com/path/ is mapped to /somewhere/path/ by mapper and index.html and index.html.en automatically added and try to read by obtain. If Accept-Language is xx and yy in order, index.html.xx, index.html.yy, index.html and index.html.en are tried. The created WebServer does not dynamically make index.html for a directory even if index.html does not exist for security reasons.

data BasicConfig Source

The configuration for the basic web server.




mapper :: URI -> Path

A mapper from URI to Path.

obtain :: FilePath -> Maybe (Integer, Integer) -> IO ByteString

Resource obtaining function. The second argument is (offset of the resource, and length from the offset).

info :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Integer, UTCTime))

A function to return the size of the resource and its modification time if exists.

serverName :: String

A server name specified the Server: field.

tcpInfo :: TCPInfo

TCPInfo for passing CGI. (See c10k library.)

data Path Source

Control information of how to handle URI.



URI cannot be converted into any resources.

File FilePath

URI is converted into a resource (typically a file).

CGI FilePath URLParameter ScriptName

URI is converted into CGI.


type URLParameter = StringSource

A type for URL parameter.

type ScriptName = StringSource

A type for script name.