	Copyright (C) 2015 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of WeekDaze.

	WeekDaze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	WeekDaze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with WeekDaze.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward

 [@DESCRIPTION@] Exports a representation of a colour as primary components.

module WeekDaze.Colour.RGB(
-- * Types
-- ** Data-types
-- * Constants
--	saturated,
-- * Functions
--	combine,
-- ** Constructors
--	mkRGBUnitInterval,
-- ** Operators
--	(>-<),
-- ** Translation
) where

import qualified        Control.Arrow

infixl 6 >+<    -- Like (+).
infixl 6 >-<    -- Like (-).

-- | The representation of a colour as three primary components.
data RGB primaryColour  = MkRGB primaryColour primaryColour primaryColour       deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Constructor.
        :: a    -- ^ Red.
        -> a    -- ^ Green.
        -> a    -- ^ Blue.
        -> RGB a

instance Functor RGB where
        f `fmap` MkRGB red green blue   = mkRGB (f red) (f green) (f blue)      -- CAVEAT: the bounds are neither checked nor even known.

-- | Smart-constructor.
        :: (Fractional a, Ord a, Show a)
        => a    -- ^ Red.
        -> a    -- ^ Green.
        -> a    -- ^ Blue.
        -> RGB a
mkRGBUnitInterval red green blue
        | any ($ [red, green, blue]) [any (< 0), any (> 1)]     = error $ "WeekDaze.Colour.RGB.mkRGBUnitInterval:\teach of the specified fractional component-colours must be in the unit-interval; " ++ show (red, green, blue)
        | otherwise                                             = mkRGB red green blue

-- | Smart-constructor.
        :: (Integral a, Show a)
        => a    -- ^ Red.
        -> a    -- ^ Green.
        -> a    -- ^ Blue.
        -> RGB a
mkRGB24Bit red green blue
        | any ($ [red, green, blue]) [any (< 0), any (> saturated)]     = error $ "WeekDaze.Colour.RGB.mkRGB24Bit:\teach of the specified integral component-colours must be in the closed interval [0," ++ show (saturated :: Int) ++ "]; " ++ show (red, green, blue)
        | otherwise                                                     = mkRGB red green blue

-- | Constant base of number-system used to represent 24-bit colours in HTML.
radix :: Integral i => i
radix   = 2 ^ (8 :: Int)

-- | Represents the specified positive integral value as RGB 24-bit.
fromIntegral' :: (Integral i, Show i) => i -> RGB i
fromIntegral' i
        | i < 0                         = error $ "WeekDaze.Colour.RGB.fromIntegral':\tthe specified value can't be negative; " ++ show i
        | i > radix ^ (3 :: Int)        = error $ "WeekDaze.Colour.RGB.fromIntegral':\tthe specified value is too large; " ++ show i
        | otherwise             = (
                \((red, green), blue)   -> mkRGB24Bit red green blue
        ) . Control.Arrow.first (`divMod` radix) $ i `divMod` radix

-- | Deconstructor.
toTriple :: RGB a -> (a, a, a)
toTriple (MkRGB red green blue) = (red, green, blue)

-- | The constant base of number-system used to represent colours in HTML.
saturated :: Integral i => i
saturated       = pred radix

-- | The constant representation of /black/ in RGB.
black :: Num n => RGB n
black   = mkRGB 0 0 0

-- | The constant representation of /white/ in RGB.
white24Bit :: (Integral n, Show n) => RGB n
white24Bit      = mkRGB24Bit saturated saturated saturated

-- | Combine two RGB-representations using the specified function to combine each primary colour.
        :: (a -> a -> a)
        -> RGB a
        -> RGB a
        -> RGB a
combine f (MkRGB rL gL bL) (MkRGB rR gR bR)     = mkRGB (rL `f` rR) (gL `f` gR) (bL `f` bR)

{- |
	* Add the matching component colours.

	* CAVEAT: this may result in overflow.
(>+<) :: Num n => RGB n -> RGB n -> RGB n
(>+<)   = combine (+)

{- |
	* Find the difference between the matching component colours.

	* CAVEAT: negative values may result.
(>-<) :: Num n => RGB n -> RGB n -> RGB n
(>-<)   = combine (-)

-- | Find the absolute difference between the matching component colours.
absDifference :: Num n => RGB n -> RGB n -> RGB n
absDifference x y       = abs `fmap` (x >-< y)

-- | Convert RGB 24-bit to RGB UnitInterval, i.e. map from the closed interval [0,255] to the semi-closed interval [0,1).
toRGBUnitInterval :: (Integral i, Fractional f) => RGB i -> RGB f
toRGBUnitInterval       = fmap $ (/ fromInteger radix) . fromIntegral

-- | Convert RGB UnitInterval to RGB 24-bit, i.e. map from the semi-closed interval [0,1) to the closed interval [0,255].
fromRGBUnitInterval :: (Integral i, RealFrac f) => RGB f -> RGB i
fromRGBUnitInterval     = fmap $ min saturated {-CAVEAT: regrettably, we actually have to work with the closed interval [0,1] and 1 must still map to 255 not 256 (i.e. 0 in modulo-256 arithmetic-} . floor . (* fromInteger radix)