{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- |

-- Module      : Data.Array.Accelerate.Math.Wigner`

-- Copyright   : [2017] Rinat Stryungis

-- License     : BSD3


-- Maintainer  : Rinat Stryungis <lazybonesxp@gmail.com>

-- Stability   : experimental

-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)


-- Computation of a Wigner transform using the accelerate-fft library.


-- This module uses the accelerate-fft library. And the base implementation of fft 

-- uses a naive divide-and-conquer fft implementation

-- whose absolute performance is appalling. It also requires that you know on

-- the Haskell side the size of the data being transformed, and that this is

-- a power-of-two in each dimension.


-- For performance, compile accelerate-fft against the foreign library bindings (using any

-- number of '-fllvm-ptx', and '-fllvm-cpu' for the accelerate-llvm-ptx, and

-- accelerate-llvm-native backends, respectively), which have none of the above

-- restrictions.

-- Both of this flags are enabled by default. 

module Data.Array.Accelerate.Math.Wigner(wignerVille) where

import Data.Array.Accelerate.Math.Hilbert

import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as A

import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar as S 

import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Math.FFT as AMF

import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Data.Complex as ADC

-- | Wigner-ville distribution. It takes 1D array of complex floating numbers and returns 2D array of real numbers. 

--  Columns of result array represents time and rows - frequency. Frequency range is from 0 to n/4, where n is a sampling frequency.

wignerVille :: (A.RealFloat e, A.IsFloating e, A.FromIntegral Int e, Elt e, sh ~ DIM2)

  => sh                                      -- ^ Shape of the data array. It is ignored, when compiled with Native or PTX backend.

  -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 (ADC.Complex e))  -- ^ Data array

  -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM2 e) 

wignerVille sh arr = 

  let times = A.enumFromN (A.index1 leng) 0 :: A.Acc (Array DIM1 Int)

      leng = A.length arr 

      taumx = taumaxs times

      lims = limits taumx

  in A.map ADC.real $ A.transpose $ AMF.fft1D_2r' AMF.Forward sh $ createMatrix arr taumx lims 

taumax :: A.Exp Int -> A.Exp Int -> A.Exp Int

taumax leng t = min (min t (leng - t - 1) ) (A.round (((A.fromIntegral leng)/2.0) - 1.0 :: A.Exp Double))

taumaxs :: A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int) -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int)

taumaxs times = 

  let leng = A.length times

  in A.map (taumax leng) times                  

times :: Elt a => A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 a) -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int)

times arr = 

  let leng = A.length arr 

  in A.enumFromN (A.index1 leng) 0 :: A.Acc (Array DIM1 Int)

limits :: A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int) -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int)

limits taumaxs = 

  let funk = (\x -> 2*x + 1)

  in A.map funk taumaxs

moveUp :: A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int) -> A.Exp Int -> A.Exp DIM2 -> A.Exp DIM2

moveUp taumaxs leng sh = 

  let taum t = taumaxs A.!! t 

  in (\(x,t) -> A.index2 ((x+(taum t)) `A.mod` leng) t) $ A.unlift $ A.unindex2 sh

generateValue :: (A.RealFloat e, Fractional (A.Exp e), Floating (A.Exp e), A.IsFloating e, A.FromIntegral Int e, Elt e) => A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 (ADC.Complex e)) -> A.Exp Int -> A.Exp Int -> A.Exp (ADC.Complex e)

generateValue arr time tau = (arr A.!! (time + tau)) * (ADC.conjugate $ arr A.!! (time - tau))

createMatrix :: (A.RealFloat e, Fractional (A.Exp e), Floating (A.Exp e), A.IsFloating e, A.FromIntegral Int e, Elt e) => A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 (ADC.Complex e)) -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int) -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM1 Int) -> A.Acc (A.Array A.DIM2 (ADC.Complex e)) 

createMatrix arr taumaxs lims = A.transpose $ A.backpermute (A.index2 leng leng) (moveUp taumaxs leng) raw 


    raw = A.generate (A.index2 leng leng) (\sh -> let (A.Z A.:.x A.:. t) = A.unlift sh

                                                      lim = lims A.!! t

                                                      taum = taumaxs A.!! t

                                                  in gen x t lim taum)

    leng = A.length arr

    gen x t lim taum = A.cond (x A.< lim) (generateValue arr t (x - taum)) 0