{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module: WildBind.X11.Emulate
-- Description: X11 event emulation functions
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- This module defines functions to emulate key inputs.
-- See "WildBind.X11.Emulate.Example" for an example.
-- @since
module WildBind.X11.Emulate
       ( -- * Create key inputs
         -- * Key remap binding
       ) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (MonadReader(ask))
import WildBind.Binding (Binding', bindsF, on, run)

import WildBind.X11.Internal.FrontEnd
  ( X11Front(..)
import WildBind.X11.Internal.Key
  ( ToXKeyEvent(..), KeyEventType(..), XKeyEvent,
    xSendKeyEvent, press, release
import WildBind.X11.Internal.Window
  ( Window, ActiveWindow, winID

-- | Send a X11 key event to a 'Window'.
sendKeyTo :: (ToXKeyEvent k, MonadIO m)
          => X11Front i
          -> Window -- ^ target window
          -> k -- ^ Key event to send
          -> m ()
sendKeyTo front win key = liftIO $ xSendKeyEvent kmmap disp win_id key_event
    kmmap = x11KeyMaskMap front
    disp = x11Display front
    win_id = winID win
    key_event = toXKeyEvent key

-- | Same as 'sendKeyTo', but the target window is obtained from
-- 'MonadReader'.
sendKey :: (ToXKeyEvent k, MonadIO m, MonadReader Window m) => X11Front i -> k -> m ()
sendKey front key = do
  win <- ask
  sendKeyTo front win key

-- | Send a \"key push\" event to a 'Window', that is, send 'KeyPress'
-- and 'KeyRelease' events.
pushTo :: (ToXKeyEvent k, MonadIO m) => X11Front i -> Window -> k -> m ()
pushTo front win key = do
  send $ press key
  send $ release key
    send = sendKeyTo front win

-- | Same as 'pushTo', but the target window is obtained from
-- 'MonadReader'.
push :: (ToXKeyEvent k, MonadIO m, MonadReader Window m) => X11Front i -> k -> m ()
push front key = do
  win <- ask
  pushTo front win key

-- | Create a binding that remaps key event \"@from@\" to
-- \"@to@\".
-- This binding captures 'KeyPress' and 'KeyRelease' events of
-- \"@from@\", and sends respective events of \"@to@\" to the active
-- window.
-- Sometimes 'remap' doesn't work as you expect, because the
-- 'KeyPress' event is sent to the window while it doesn't have
-- keyboard focus. In that case, try using 'remapR'.
remap :: (ToXKeyEvent from, ToXKeyEvent to) => X11Front i -> from -> to -> Binding' bs ActiveWindow XKeyEvent
remap front from to = bindsF $ do
  on (press from) `run` sendKey' (press to)
  on (release from) `run` sendKey' (release to)
    sendKey' = sendKey front

-- | remap on Release. Like 'remap', but this binding captures only
-- 'KeyRelease' event and sends a pair of 'KeyPress' and 'KeyRelease'
-- events.
-- Because the original 'KeyRelease' event occurs after the focus
-- returns to the window, the emulated events are sent to the window
-- with focus.
remapR :: (ToXKeyEvent from, ToXKeyEvent to) => X11Front i -> from -> to -> Binding' bs ActiveWindow XKeyEvent
remapR front from to = bindsF $ do
  on (release from) `run` push front to