-- |
-- Module: WildBind.X11.Internal.FrontEnd
-- Description: WildBind FrontEnd implementation for X11
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- __This is an internal module. Package users should not rely on this.__
module WildBind.X11.Internal.FrontEnd
       ( -- * X11Front
       ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), empty)
import Control.Concurrent (rtsSupportsBoundThreads)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, TChan, newTChanIO, tryReadTChan, writeTChan)
import Control.Exception (bracket, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (when, filterM, mapM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(ContT), runContT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (WriterT, execWriterT, tell)
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib

import WildBind
  ( FrontEnd(FrontEnd, frontDefaultDescription, frontSetGrab, frontUnsetGrab, frontNextEvent),
import qualified WildBind.Description as WBD

import WildBind.X11.Internal.Key
  ( xKeyEventToXKeyInput,
    xGrabKey, xUngrabKey,
    XKeyInput(..), KeyMaskMap, getKeyMaskMap,
import WildBind.X11.Internal.Window
  ( ActiveWindow,getActiveWindow, Window,
    winInstance, winClass, winName, emptyWindow,
import qualified WildBind.X11.Internal.NotificationDebouncer as Ndeb
import qualified WildBind.X11.Internal.GrabMan as GM

-- | The X11 front-end. @k@ is the input key type.
-- This is the implementation of the 'FrontEnd' given by
-- 'withFrontEnd' function. With this object, you can do more advanced
-- actions. See "WildBind.X11.Emulate".
-- 'X11Front' is relatively low-level interface, so it's more likely
-- for this API to change in the future than 'FrontEnd'.
-- @since
data X11Front k =
  X11Front { x11Display :: Xlib.Display,
             x11Debouncer :: Ndeb.Debouncer,
             x11PrevActiveWindow :: IORef (Maybe ActiveWindow),
             x11PendingEvents :: TChan (FrontEvent ActiveWindow k),
             x11KeyMaskMap :: KeyMaskMap,
             x11GrabMan :: IORef (GM.GrabMan k)

x11PopPendingEvent :: X11Front k -> IO (Maybe (FrontEvent ActiveWindow k))
x11PopPendingEvent f = atomically $ tryReadTChan $ x11PendingEvents f

x11UnshiftPendingEvents :: X11Front k -> [FrontEvent ActiveWindow k] -> IO ()
x11UnshiftPendingEvents f = atomically . mapM_ (writeTChan $ x11PendingEvents f)

openMyDisplay :: IO Xlib.Display
openMyDisplay = Xlib.openDisplay ""

-- | Initialize and obtain 'FrontEnd' for X11, and run the given
-- action.
-- The X11 'FrontEnd' watches and provides 'ActiveWindow' as the
-- front-end state. 'ActiveWindow' keeps information about the window
-- currently active. As for the input type @i@, this 'FrontEnd' gets
-- keyboard events from the X server.
-- Code using this function must be compiled
-- __with @-threaded@ option enabled__ in @ghc@. Otherwise, it aborts.
-- Because this 'FrontEnd' currently uses @XGrabKey(3)@ to get the
-- input, it may cause some weird behavior such as:
-- - Every input event makes the active window lose focus
--   temporarily. This may result in flickering cursor, for example. See
--   also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15270420/
-- - Key input is captured only while the first grabbed key is
--   pressed. For example, if @(release xK_a)@ and @(release xK_b)@
--   are bound, and you input @(press xK_a)@, @(press xK_b)@, @(release xK_a)@,
--   @(release xK_b)@, the last @(release xK_b)@ is NOT captured
--   because key grab ends with @(release xK_a)@.
withFrontEnd :: (XKeyInput i, WBD.Describable i, Ord i) => (FrontEnd ActiveWindow i -> IO a) -> IO a
withFrontEnd action = withX11Front' "WildBind.X11.withFrontEnd" $ \x11front -> action (makeFrontEnd x11front)

-- | Same as 'withFrontEnd', but it creates 'X11Front'. To create
-- 'FrontEnd', use 'makeFrontEnd'.
-- @since
withX11Front :: (X11Front k -> IO a) -> IO a
withX11Front = withX11Front' "WildBind.X11.withX11Front"

withX11Front' :: String -- ^ function name used in the error message.
              -> (X11Front k -> IO a)
              -> IO a
withX11Front' func_name = if rtsSupportsBoundThreads then impl else error_impl where
  impl = runContT $ do
    disp <- ContT $ bracket openMyDisplay Xlib.closeDisplay
    keymask_map <- liftIO $ getKeyMaskMap disp
    notif_disp <- ContT $ bracket openMyDisplay Xlib.closeDisplay
    debouncer <- ContT $ Ndeb.withDebouncer notif_disp
    liftIO $ Xlib.selectInput disp (Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp)
      (Xlib.substructureNotifyMask .|. Ndeb.xEventMask)
    awin_ref <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
    pending_events <- liftIO $ newTChanIO
    grab_man <- liftIO $ GM.new keymask_map disp (Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp)
    liftIO $ Ndeb.notify debouncer
    return $ X11Front disp debouncer awin_ref pending_events keymask_map grab_man
  error_impl _ = throwIO $ userError ("You need to build with -threaded option when you use " ++ func_name ++ " function.")

tellElem :: Monad m => a -> WriterT [a] m ()
tellElem a = tell [a]

data InternalEvent = IEKey KeyEventType
                   | IEDebounced
                   | IEActiveWindow
                   | IEUnknown

identifyEvent :: Ndeb.Debouncer -> Xlib.XEventPtr -> IO InternalEvent
identifyEvent deb xev = do
  xtype <- Xlib.get_EventType xev
  identify xtype
    identify xtype | xtype == Xlib.keyPress = return $ IEKey KeyPress
                   | xtype == Xlib.keyRelease = return $ IEKey KeyRelease
                   | xtype == Xlib.configureNotify || xtype == Xlib.destroyNotify = return $ IEActiveWindow
                   | otherwise = do
                       is_deb_event <- Ndeb.isDebouncedEvent deb xev
                       if is_deb_event
                         then return IEDebounced
                         else return IEUnknown

convertEvent :: (XKeyInput k) => KeyMaskMap -> Xlib.Display -> Ndeb.Debouncer -> Xlib.XEventPtr -> IO [FrontEvent ActiveWindow k]
convertEvent kmmap disp deb xev = execWriterT $ convertEventWriter where
  tellChangeEvent = (tellElem . FEChange) =<< (liftIO $ getActiveWindow disp)
  convertEventWriter :: XKeyInput k => WriterT [FrontEvent ActiveWindow k] IO ()
  convertEventWriter = do
    in_event <- liftIO $ identifyEvent deb xev
    case in_event of
     IEKey ev_type -> do
       let key_ev = Xlib.asKeyEvent xev
       (maybe (return ()) tellElem) =<< (liftIO $ runMaybeT (FEInput <$> xKeyEventToXKeyInput kmmap ev_type key_ev))
     IEDebounced -> tellChangeEvent
     IEActiveWindow -> liftIO (Ndeb.notify deb) >> return ()
     IEUnknown -> return ()

isSignificantEvent :: X11Front k -> FrontEvent ActiveWindow k -> IO Bool
isSignificantEvent front (FEChange new_state) = do
  m_old_state <- liftIO $ readIORef $ x11PrevActiveWindow front
  case m_old_state of
   Nothing -> return True
   Just old_state -> return (not $ new_state == old_state)
isSignificantEvent _ _ = return True

updateState :: X11Front k -> FrontEvent ActiveWindow k -> IO ()
updateState front fev = case fev of
  (FEInput _) -> return ()
  (FEChange s) -> writeIORef (x11PrevActiveWindow front) (Just s)

nextEvent :: (XKeyInput k) => X11Front k -> IO (FrontEvent ActiveWindow k)
nextEvent handle = loop where
  loop = do
    mpending <- x11PopPendingEvent handle
    case mpending of
      Just eve -> return eve
      Nothing -> nextEventFromX11
  nextEventFromX11 = Xlib.allocaXEvent $ \xev -> do
    Xlib.nextEvent (x11Display handle) xev
    got_events <- processEvents xev
    case got_events of
      [] -> loop
      (eve : rest) -> do
        x11UnshiftPendingEvents handle rest
        return eve
  processEvents xev = do
    fevents <- filterM (isSignificantEvent handle)
               =<< convertEvent (x11KeyMaskMap handle) (x11Display handle) (x11Debouncer handle) xev
    mapM_ (updateState handle) fevents
    return fevents

-- | Create 'FrontEnd' from 'X11Front' object.
-- @since
makeFrontEnd :: (XKeyInput k, WBD.Describable k, Ord k) => X11Front k -> FrontEnd ActiveWindow k
makeFrontEnd f = FrontEnd { frontDefaultDescription = WBD.describe,
                            frontSetGrab = runGrab GM.DoSetGrab,
                            frontUnsetGrab = runGrab GM.DoUnsetGrab,
                            frontNextEvent = nextEvent f
    runGrab = GM.modify (x11GrabMan f)

-- | Get the default root window.
-- @since
defaultRootWindow :: X11Front k -> Window
defaultRootWindow = defaultRootWindowForDisplay . x11Display