-- |
-- Module: WildBind.X11.Internal.NotificationDebouncer
-- Description: debouce X11 notification events
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- __This is an internal module. End-users should not rely on it.__
-- WildBind.X11 module receives some notification events to update the
-- current state of the desktop (usually it is the active
-- window). However, there are some problems in updating the state
-- every time it receives a notification event.
-- * Notification events can come too fast. It can make siginificant
--   overhead to the system.
-- * The active window obtained at the very moment a notification
--   arrives is often unstable. It can become invalid soon. In
--   addition, Xlib is notorious for being bad at handling that kind
--   of exceptions (it just crashes the entire process and it's
--   practically impossible to catch the exceptions).
-- Personally, I have experienced even weirder behaviors when I did
-- some X11 operations at arrivals of notification events.
-- * Sometimes I could not obtain the current active window. Instead,
--   I ended up with getting the previous active window.
-- * Sometimes GetWindowProperty blocked forever.
-- So, as a workaround, we debounce the raw notification events and
-- generate a ClientMessage X11 event. When we get the ClientMessage,
-- we update the state.

-- Toshio's personal note: 2015/05/06, 2010/12/05 - 19

module WildBind.X11.Internal.NotificationDebouncer
       ( Debouncer,
       ) where

import Control.Exception (bracket)
import qualified Control.FoldDebounce as Fdeb
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras as XlibE

data Debouncer = Debouncer
                 { ndTrigger :: Fdeb.Trigger () (),
                   ndMessageType :: Xlib.Atom

-- | Create a Debouncer and run the specified action.
withDebouncer :: Xlib.Display -> (Debouncer -> IO a) -> IO a
withDebouncer disp action = do
  mtype <- Xlib.internAtom disp "_WILDBIND_NOTIFY_CHANGE" False
  bracket (newTrigger disp mtype) (Fdeb.close) $ \trigger -> action (Debouncer trigger mtype)

-- | Notify the 'Debouncer' that a notification event arrives. After a
-- while, the 'Debouncer' emits a ClientMessage X11 event.
notify :: Debouncer -> IO ()
notify deb = Fdeb.send (ndTrigger deb) ()

debounceDelay :: Int
debounceDelay = 200000

newTrigger :: Xlib.Display -> Xlib.Atom -> IO (Fdeb.Trigger () ())
newTrigger disp mtype = Fdeb.new (Fdeb.forVoid $ sendClientMessage disp mtype)
                           Fdeb.def { Fdeb.delay = debounceDelay, Fdeb.alwaysResetTimer = True }

-- | The Xlib EventMask for sending the ClientMessage. You have to
-- select this mask by 'selectInput' function to receive the
-- ClientMessage.
xEventMask :: Xlib.EventMask
xEventMask = Xlib.substructureNotifyMask

sendClientMessage :: Xlib.Display -> Xlib.Atom -> IO ()
sendClientMessage disp mtype = Xlib.allocaXEvent $ \xev -> do
  let root_win = Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp
  XlibE.setEventType xev Xlib.clientMessage
  XlibE.setClientMessageEvent xev root_win mtype 8 0 0
  Xlib.sendEvent disp root_win False xEventMask xev
  Xlib.flush disp

-- | Check if the given event is the debounced ClientMessage X11
-- event.
isDebouncedEvent :: Debouncer -> Xlib.XEventPtr -> IO Bool
isDebouncedEvent deb xev = do
  ev <- XlibE.getEvent xev
  let exp_type = ndMessageType deb
  case ev of
    XlibE.ClientMessageEvent _ _ _ _ _ got_type _ -> return (got_type == exp_type)
    _ -> return False