world-peace- Open Union and Open Product Types

CopyrightDennis Gosnell 2017
MaintainerDennis Gosnell (
Safe HaskellNone




This package defines a type called OpenUnion. This represents an open union of possible types (also called an open sum type).

Here is an example of taking a String, and lifting it up into an open union of a String and Int:

  let int = 3 :: Int
  let o = openUnionLift int :: OpenUnion '[String, Int]

There are a couple different ways to pattern match on a OpenUnion.

The easiest one is to use catchesOpenUnion, which takes a tuple of handlers for each possible type in the OpenUnion:

  let strHandler = (str -> "got a String: " ++ str) :: String -> String
      intHandler = (int -> "got an Int: " ++ show int) :: Int -> String
  in catchesOpenUnion (strHandler, intHandler) u :: String

The above will print got an Int: 3.

There is also the openUnionMatch function, as well as fromOpenUnion and openUnion. Read the documentation below for more information.



type OpenUnion = Union Identity Source #

We can use Union Identity as a standard open sum type.

OpenUnion Helpers

openUnion :: (OpenUnion as -> c) -> (a -> c) -> OpenUnion (a ': as) -> c Source #

Case analysis for OpenUnion.



Here is an example of successfully matching:

>>> let string = "hello" :: String
>>> let o = openUnionLift string :: OpenUnion '[String, Int]
>>> openUnion (const "not a String") id o

Here is an example of unsuccessfully matching:

>>> let double = 3.5 :: Double
>>> let p = openUnionLift double :: OpenUnion '[String, Double, Int]
>>> openUnion (const "not a String") id p
"not a String"

fromOpenUnion :: (OpenUnion as -> a) -> OpenUnion (a ': as) -> a Source #

This is similar to fromMaybe for an OpenUnion.



Here is an example of successfully matching:

>>> let string = "hello" :: String
>>> let o = openUnionLift string :: OpenUnion '[String, Int]
>>> fromOpenUnion (const "not a String") o

Here is an example of unsuccessfully matching:

>>> let double = 3.5 :: Double
>>> let p = openUnionLift double :: OpenUnion '[String, Double, Int]
>>> fromOpenUnion (const "not a String") p
"not a String"

fromOpenUnionOr :: OpenUnion (a ': as) -> (OpenUnion as -> a) -> a Source #

Flipped version of fromOpenUnion.

openUnionPrism :: forall a as. IsMember a as => Prism' (OpenUnion as) a Source #

Just like unionPrism but for OpenUnion.

openUnionLift :: forall a as. IsMember a as => a -> OpenUnion as Source #

Just like unionLift but for OpenUnion.

Creating an OpenUnion:

>>> let string = "hello" :: String
>>> openUnionLift string :: OpenUnion '[Double, String, Int]
Identity "hello"

openUnionMatch :: forall a as. IsMember a as => OpenUnion as -> Maybe a Source #

Just like unionMatch but for OpenUnion.



Successful matching:

>>> let string = "hello" :: String
>>> let o = openUnionLift string :: OpenUnion '[Double, String, Int]
>>> openUnionMatch o :: Maybe String
Just "hello"

Failure matching:

>>> let double = 3.5 :: Double
>>> let p = openUnionLift double :: OpenUnion '[Double, String]
>>> openUnionMatch p :: Maybe String

catchesOpenUnion :: ToOpenProduct tuple (ReturnX x as) => tuple -> OpenUnion as -> x Source #

An alternate case anaylsis for an OpenUnion. This method uses a tuple containing handlers for each potential value of the OpenUnion. This is somewhat similar to the catches function.

When working with large OpenUnions, it can be easier to use catchesOpenUnion than openUnion.



Here is an example of handling an OpenUnion with two possible values. Notice that a normal tuple is used:

>>> let u = openUnionLift (3 :: Int) :: OpenUnion '[Int, String]
>>> let intHandler = (\int -> show int) :: Int -> String
>>> let strHandler = (\str -> str) :: String -> String
>>> catchesOpenUnion (intHandler, strHandler) u :: String

Given an OpenUnion like OpenUnion '[Int, String], the type of catchesOpenUnion becomes the following:

    :: (Int -> x, String -> x)
    -> OpenUnion '[Int, String]
    -> x

Here is an example of handling an OpenUnion with three possible values:

>>> let u = openUnionLift ("hello" :: String) :: OpenUnion '[Int, String, Double]
>>> let intHandler = (\int -> show int) :: Int -> String
>>> let strHandler = (\str -> str) :: String -> String
>>> let dblHandler = (\dbl -> "got a double") :: Double -> String
>>> catchesOpenUnion (intHandler, strHandler, dblHandler) u :: String

Here is an example of handling an OpenUnion with only one possible value. Notice how a tuple is not used, just a single value:

>>> let u = openUnionLift (2.2 :: Double) :: OpenUnion '[Double]
>>> let dblHandler = (\dbl -> "got a double") :: Double -> String
>>> catchesOpenUnion dblHandler u :: String
"got a double"

relaxOpenUnion :: Contains as bs => OpenUnion as -> OpenUnion bs Source #

Just like relaxUnion but for OpenUnion.

>>> let u = openUnionLift (3.5 :: Double) :: Union Identity '[Double, String]
>>> relaxOpenUnion u :: Union Identity '[Char, Double, Int, String, Float]
Identity 3.5

openUnionRemove :: forall a as. ElemRemove a as => OpenUnion as -> Either (OpenUnion (Remove a as)) a Source #

This function allows you to try to remove individual types from an OpenUnion.

This can be used to handle only certain types in an OpenUnion, instead of having to handle all of them at the same time. This can be more convenient than a function like catchesOpenUnion.



Handling a type in an OpenUnion:

>>> let u = openUnionLift ("hello" :: String) :: OpenUnion '[String, Double]
>>> openUnionRemove u :: Either (OpenUnion '[Double]) String
Right "hello"

Failing to handle a type in an OpenUnion:

>>> let u = openUnionLift (3.5 :: Double) :: OpenUnion '[String, Double]
>>> openUnionRemove u :: Either (OpenUnion '[Double]) String
Left (Identity 3.5)

Note that if you have an OpenUnion with multiple of the same type, they will all be handled at the same time:

>>> let u = That (This (Identity 3.5)) :: OpenUnion '[String, Double, Char, Double]
>>> openUnionRemove u :: Either (OpenUnion '[String, Char]) Double
Right 3.5

openUnionHandle :: ElemRemove a as => (OpenUnion (Remove a as) -> b) -> (a -> b) -> OpenUnion as -> b Source #

Handle a single case in an OpenUnion. This is similar to openUnion but lets you handle any case within the OpenUnion, not just the first one.



Handling the first item in an OpenUnion:

>>> let u = This 3.5 :: OpenUnion '[Double, Int]
>>> let printDouble = print :: Double -> IO ()
>>> let printUnion = print :: OpenUnion '[Int] -> IO ()
>>> openUnionHandle printUnion printDouble u

Handling a middle item in an OpenUnion:

>>> let u2 = openUnionLift (3.5 :: Double) :: OpenUnion '[Char, Double, Int]
>>> let printUnion = print :: OpenUnion '[Char, Int] -> IO ()
>>> openUnionHandle printUnion printDouble u2

Failing to handle an item in an OpenUnion. In the following example, the printUnion function is called:

>>> let u2 = openUnionLift 'c' :: OpenUnion '[Char, Double, Int]
>>> let printUnion = print :: OpenUnion '[Char, Int] -> IO ()
>>> openUnionHandle printUnion printDouble u2
Identity 'c'

If you have duplicates in your OpenUnion, they will both get handled with a single call to openUnionHandle.

>>> let u3 = That (This 3.5) :: OpenUnion '[Double, Double, Int]
>>> let printUnion = print :: OpenUnion '[Int] -> IO ()
>>> openUnionHandle printUnion printDouble u3

Use absurdOpenUnion to handle an empty OpenUnion:

>>> let u4 = This 3.5 :: OpenUnion '[Double]
>>> openUnionHandle (absurdUnion :: OpenUnion '[] -> IO ()) printDouble u4

type IsMember (a :: u) (as :: [u]) = UElem a as (RIndex a as) Source #

This is a helpful Constraint synonym to assert that a is a member of as. You can see how it is used in functions like openUnionLift.

type family Contains (as :: [k]) (bs :: [k]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

A type family to assert that all of the types in a list are contained within another list.

>>> Refl :: Contains '[String] '[String, Char] :~: (IsMember String '[String, Char], (() :: Constraint))
>>> Refl :: Contains '[] '[Int, Char] :~: (() :: Constraint)


Contains '[] _ = () 
Contains (a ': as) bs = (IsMember a bs, Contains as bs) 

Union (used by OpenUnion)

OpenUnion is a type synonym around Union. Most users will be able to work directly with OpenUnion and ignore this Union type.

data Union (f :: u -> *) (as :: [u]) where Source #

A Union is parameterized by a universe u, an interpretation f and a list of labels as. The labels of the union are given by inhabitants of the kind u; the type of values at any label a :: u is given by its interpretation f a :: *.

What does this mean in practice? It means that a type like Union Identity '[String, Int] can be _either_ an Identity String or an Identity Int.

You need to pattern match on the This and That constructors to figure out whether you are holding a String or Int:

>>> let u = That (This (Identity 1)) :: Union Identity '[String, Int]
>>> :{
  case u of
    This (Identity str) -> "we got a string: " ++ str
    That (This (Identity int)) -> "we got an int: " ++ show int
"we got an int: 1"

There are multiple functions that let you perform this pattern matching easier: union, catchesUnion, unionMatch

There is also a type synonym OpenUnion for the common case of Union Indentity, as well as helper functions for working with it.


This :: !(f a) -> Union f (a ': as) 
That :: !(Union f as) -> Union f (a ': as) 
(Eq (f a2), Eq (Union f as)) => Eq (Union f (a2 ': as)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


(==) :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Bool #

(/=) :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Bool #

Eq (Union f ([] :: [u])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


(==) :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Bool #

(/=) :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Bool #

(Ord (f a2), Ord (Union f as)) => Ord (Union f (a2 ': as)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


compare :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Ordering #

(<) :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Bool #

(<=) :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Bool #

(>) :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Bool #

(>=) :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Bool #

max :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) #

min :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> Union f (a2 ': as) #

Ord (Union f ([] :: [u])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


compare :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Ordering #

(<) :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Bool #

(<=) :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Bool #

(>) :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Bool #

(>=) :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Bool #

max :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Union f [] #

min :: Union f [] -> Union f [] -> Union f [] #

(Read (f a2), Read (Union f as)) => Read (Union f (a2 ': as)) Source #

This is only a valid instance when the Read instances for the types don't overlap.

For instance, imagine we are working with a Union of a String and a Double. 3.5 can only be read as a Double, not as a String. Oppositely, "hello" can only be read as a String, not as a Double.

>>> let o = readMaybe "Identity 3.5" :: Maybe (Union Identity '[Double, String])
>>> o
Just (Identity 3.5)
>>> o >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe Double
Just 3.5
>>> o >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe String
>>> let p = readMaybe "Identity \"hello\"" :: Maybe (Union Identity '[Double, String])
>>> p
Just (Identity "hello")
>>> p >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe Double
>>> p >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe String
Just "hello"

However, imagine are we working with a Union of a String and Text. "hello" can be read as both a String and Text. However, in the following example, it can only be read as a String:

>>> let q = readMaybe "Identity \"hello\"" :: Maybe (Union Identity '[String, Text])
>>> q
Just (Identity "hello")
>>> q >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe String
Just "hello"
>>> q >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe Text

If the order of the types is flipped around, we are are able to read "hello" as a Text but not as a String.

>>> let r = readMaybe "Identity \"hello\"" :: Maybe (Union Identity '[Text, String])
>>> r
Just (Identity "hello")
>>> r >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe String
>>> r >>= openUnionMatch :: Maybe Text
Just "hello"
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (Union f (a2 ': as)) #

readList :: ReadS [Union f (a2 ': as)] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (Union f (a2 ': as)) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Union f (a2 ': as)] #

Read (Union f ([] :: [u])) Source #

This will always fail, since Union f '[] is effectively Void.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (Union f []) #

readList :: ReadS [Union f []] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (Union f []) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Union f []] #

(Show (f a2), Show (Union f as)) => Show (Union f (a2 ': as)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


showsPrec :: Int -> Union f (a2 ': as) -> ShowS #

show :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> String #

showList :: [Union f (a2 ': as)] -> ShowS #

Show (Union f ([] :: [u])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


showsPrec :: Int -> Union f [] -> ShowS #

show :: Union f [] -> String #

showList :: [Union f []] -> ShowS #

(ToJSON (f a2), ToJSON (Union f as)) => ToJSON (Union f (a2 ': as)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


toJSON :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Value #

toEncoding :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Union f (a2 ': as)] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Union f (a2 ': as)] -> Encoding #

ToJSON (Union f ([] :: [u])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


toJSON :: Union f [] -> Value #

toEncoding :: Union f [] -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [Union f []] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [Union f []] -> Encoding #

(FromJSON (f a2), FromJSON (Union f as)) => FromJSON (Union f (a2 ': as)) Source #

This is only a valid instance when the FromJSON instances for the types don't overlap.

This is similar to the Read instance.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Union f (a2 ': as)) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Union f (a2 ': as)] #

FromJSON (Union f ([] :: [u])) Source #

This will always fail, since Union f '[] is effectively Void.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Union f []) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Union f []] #

(NFData (f a2), NFData (Union f as)) => NFData (Union f (a2 ': as)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


rnf :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> () #

NFData (Union f ([] :: [u])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


rnf :: Union f [] -> () #

Union helpers

union :: (Union f as -> c) -> (f a -> c) -> Union f (a ': as) -> c Source #

Case analysis for Union.

See unionHandle for a more flexible version of this.



Here is an example of matching on a This:

>>> let u = This (Identity "hello") :: Union Identity '[String, Int]
>>> let runIdent = runIdentity :: Identity String -> String
>>> union (const "not a String") runIdent u

Here is an example of matching on a That:

>>> let v = That (This (Identity 3.5)) :: Union Identity '[String, Double, Int]
>>> union (const "not a String") runIdent v
"not a String"

absurdUnion :: Union f '[] -> a Source #

Since a union with an empty list of labels is uninhabited, we can recover any type from it.

umap :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Union f as -> Union g as Source #

Map over the interpretation f in the Union.



Here is an example of changing a Union Identity '[String, Int] to Union Maybe '[String, Int]:

>>> let u = This (Identity "hello") :: Union Identity '[String, Int]
>>> umap (Just . runIdentity) u :: Union Maybe '[String, Int]
Just "hello"

catchesUnion :: (Applicative f, ToProduct tuple f (ReturnX x as)) => tuple -> Union f as -> f x Source #

An alternate case anaylsis for a Union. This method uses a tuple containing handlers for each potential value of the Union. This is somewhat similar to the catches function.



Here is an example of handling a Union with two possible values. Notice that a normal tuple is used:

>>> let u = This $ Identity 3 :: Union Identity '[Int, String]
>>> let intHandler = (Identity $ \int -> show int) :: Identity (Int -> String)
>>> let strHandler = (Identity $ \str -> str) :: Identity (String -> String)
>>> catchesUnion (intHandler, strHandler) u :: Identity String
Identity "3"

Given a Union like Union Identity '[Int, String], the type of catchesUnion becomes the following:

    :: (Identity (Int -> String), Identity (String -> String))
    -> Union Identity '[Int, String]
    -> Identity String

Checkout catchesOpenUnion for more examples.

relaxUnion :: Contains as bs => Union f as -> Union f bs Source #

Relaxes a Union to a larger set of types.

Note that the result types have to completely contain the input types.

>>> let u = This (Identity 3.5) :: Union Identity '[Double, String]
>>> relaxUnion u :: Union Identity '[Char, Double, Int, String, Float]
Identity 3.5

The original types can be in a different order in the result Union:

>>> let u = That (This (Identity 3.5)) :: Union Identity '[String, Double]
>>> relaxUnion u :: Union Identity '[Char, Double, Int, String, Float]
Identity 3.5

unionRemove :: forall a as f. ElemRemove a as => Union f as -> Either (Union f (Remove a as)) (f a) Source #

This function allows you to try to remove individual types from a Union.

This can be used to handle only certain types in a Union, instead of having to handle all of them at the same time.



Handling a type in a Union:

>>> let u = This (Identity "hello") :: Union Identity '[String, Double]
>>> unionRemove u :: Either (Union Identity '[Double]) (Identity String)
Right (Identity "hello")

Failing to handle a type in a Union:

>>> let u = That (This (Identity 3.5)) :: Union Identity '[String, Double]
>>> unionRemove u :: Either (Union Identity '[Double]) (Identity String)
Left (Identity 3.5)

Note that if you have a Union with multiple of the same type, they will all be handled at the same time:

>>> let u = That (This (Identity 3.5)) :: Union Identity '[String, Double, Char, Double]
>>> unionRemove u :: Either (Union Identity '[String, Char]) (Identity Double)
Right (Identity 3.5)

unionHandle :: ElemRemove a as => (Union f (Remove a as) -> b) -> (f a -> b) -> Union f as -> b Source #

Handle a single case on a Union. This is similar to union but lets you handle any case within the Union.



Handling the first item in a Union.

>>> let u = This 3.5 :: Union Identity '[Double, Int]
>>> let printDouble = print :: Identity Double -> IO ()
>>> let printUnion = print :: Union Identity '[Int] -> IO ()
>>> unionHandle printUnion printDouble u
Identity 3.5

Handling a middle item in a Union.

>>> let u2 = That (This 3.5) :: Union Identity '[Char, Double, Int]
>>> let printUnion = print :: Union Identity '[Char, Int] -> IO ()
>>> unionHandle printUnion printDouble u2
Identity 3.5

If you have duplicates in your Union, they will both get handled with a single call to unionHandle.

>>> let u3 = That (This 3.5) :: Union Identity '[Double, Double, Int]
>>> let printUnion = print :: Union Identity '[Int] -> IO ()
>>> unionHandle printUnion printDouble u3
Identity 3.5

Use absurdUnion to handle an empty Union.

>>> let u4 = This 3.5 :: Union Identity '[Double]
>>> unionHandle (absurdUnion :: Union Identity '[] -> IO ()) printDouble u4
Identity 3.5

Union optics

_This :: Prism (Union f (a ': as)) (Union f (b ': as)) (f a) (f b) Source #

Lens-compatible Prism for This.



Use _This to construct a Union:

>>> review _This (Just "hello") :: Union Maybe '[String]
Just "hello"

Use _This to try to destruct a Union into a f a:

>>> let u = This (Identity "hello") :: Union Identity '[String, Int]
>>> preview _This u :: Maybe (Identity String)
Just (Identity "hello")

Use _This to try to destruct a Union into a f a (unsuccessfully):

>>> let v = That (This (Identity 3.5)) :: Union Identity '[String, Double, Int]
>>> preview _This v :: Maybe (Identity String)

_That :: Prism (Union f (a ': as)) (Union f (a ': bs)) (Union f as) (Union f bs) Source #

Lens-compatible Prism for That.



Use _That to construct a Union:

>>> let u = This (Just "hello") :: Union Maybe '[String]
>>> review _That u :: Union Maybe '[Double, String]
Just "hello"

Use _That to try to peel off a That from a Union:

>>> let v = That (This (Identity "hello")) :: Union Identity '[Int, String]
>>> preview _That v :: Maybe (Union Identity '[String])
Just (Identity "hello")

Use _That to try to peel off a That from a Union (unsuccessfully):

>>> let w = This (Identity 3.5) :: Union Identity '[Double, String]
>>> preview _That w :: Maybe (Union Identity '[String])

Typeclasses used with Union

type ElemRemove a as = ElemRemove' a as (RemoveCase a as) Source #

This type alias is a Constraint that is used when working with functions like unionRemove or unionHandle.

ElemRemove gives you a way to specific types from a Union.

Note that ElemRemove a as doesn't force a to be in as. We are able to try to pull out a Double from a Union Identity '[Double]:

>>> let u = This (Identity 3.5) :: Union Identity '[Double]
>>> unionRemove u :: Either (Union Identity '[Double]) (Identity String)
Left (Identity 3.5)

When writing your own functions using unionRemove, in order to make sure the a is in as, you should combine ElemRemove with IsMember.

ElemRemove uses some tricks to work correctly, so the underlying 'ElemRemove\''typeclass is not exported.

type family Remove (a :: k) (as :: [k]) :: [k] where ... Source #

This type family removes a type from a type-level list.

This is used to compute the type of the returned Union in unionRemove.


>>> Refl :: Remove Double '[Double, String] :~: '[String]

If the list contains multiple of the type, then they are all removed.

>>> Refl :: Remove Double '[Char, Double, String, Double] :~: '[Char, String]

If the list is empty, then nothing is removed.

>>> Refl :: Remove Double '[] :~: '[]


Remove a '[] = '[] 
Remove a (a ': xs) = Remove a xs 
Remove a (b ': xs) = b ': Remove a xs 

data Nat Source #

A mere approximation of the natural numbers. And their image as lifted by -XDataKinds corresponds to the actual natural numbers.


S !Nat 

type family RIndex (r :: k) (rs :: [k]) :: Nat where ... Source #

A partial relation that gives the index of a value in a list.



Find the first item:

>>> Refl :: RIndex String '[String, Int] :~: 'Z

Find the third item:

>>> Refl :: RIndex Char '[String, Int, Char] :~: 'S ('S 'Z)


RIndex r (r ': rs) = Z 
RIndex r (s ': rs) = S (RIndex r rs) 

class i ~ RIndex a as => UElem (a :: k) (as :: [k]) (i :: Nat) where Source #

UElem a as i provides a way to potentially get an f a out of a Union f as (unionMatch). It also provides a way to create a Union f as from an f a (unionLift).

This is safe because of the RIndex contraint. This RIndex constraint tells us that there actually is an a in as at index i.

As an end-user, you should never need to implement an additional instance of this typeclass.

Minimal complete definition

unionPrism | unionLift, unionMatch


unionPrism :: Prism' (Union f as) (f a) Source #

This is implemented as prism' unionLift unionMatch.

unionLift :: f a -> Union f as Source #

This is implemented as review unionPrism.

unionMatch :: Union f as -> Maybe (f a) Source #

This is implemented as preview unionPrism.

UElem (a2 :: a1) (a2 ': as :: [a1]) Z Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


unionPrism :: Prism' (Union f (a2 ': as)) (f a2) Source #

unionLift :: f a2 -> Union f (a2 ': as) Source #

unionMatch :: Union f (a2 ': as) -> Maybe (f a2) Source #

(RIndex a2 (b ': as) ~ S i, UElem a2 as i) => UElem (a2 :: a1) (b ': as :: [a1]) (S i) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Union


unionPrism :: Prism' (Union f (b ': as)) (f a2) Source #

unionLift :: f a2 -> Union f (b ': as) Source #

unionMatch :: Union f (b ': as) -> Maybe (f a2) Source #


This OpenProduct type is used to easily create a case-analysis for Unions. You can see it being used in catchesOpenUnion and The ToProduct type class makes it easy to convert a tuple to a Product. This class is used so that the end user only has to worry about working with tuples, and can mostly ignore this Product type.

type OpenProduct = Product Identity Source #

Product Identity is used as a standard open product type.

data Product (f :: u -> *) (as :: [u]) where Source #

An extensible product type. This is similar to Union, except a product type instead of a sum type.


Nil :: Product f '[] 
Cons :: !(f a) -> Product f as -> Product f (a ': as) 
(Show (f a2), Show (Product f as)) => Show (Product f (a2 ': as)) Source #

Show Cons values.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


showsPrec :: Int -> Product f (a2 ': as) -> ShowS #

show :: Product f (a2 ': as) -> String #

showList :: [Product f (a2 ': as)] -> ShowS #

Show (Product f ([] :: [u])) Source #

Show Nil values.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


showsPrec :: Int -> Product f [] -> ShowS #

show :: Product f [] -> String #

showList :: [Product f []] -> ShowS #

class ToOpenProduct (tuple :: *) (as :: [*]) | as -> tuple Source #

ToOpenProduct gives us a way to convert a tuple to an OpenProduct. See tupleToOpenProduct.

Minimal complete definition


ToOpenProduct a (a ': ([] :: [Type])) Source #

Convert a single value into an OpenProduct.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toOpenProduct :: a -> OpenProduct (a ': []) Source #

ToOpenProduct (a, b) (a ': (b ': ([] :: [Type]))) Source #

Convert a tuple into an OpenProduct.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toOpenProduct :: (a, b) -> OpenProduct (a ': (b ': [])) Source #

ToOpenProduct (a, b, c) (a ': (b ': (c ': ([] :: [Type])))) Source #

Convert a 3-tuple into an OpenProduct.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toOpenProduct :: (a, b, c) -> OpenProduct (a ': (b ': (c ': []))) Source #

ToOpenProduct (a, b, c, d) (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': ([] :: [Type]))))) Source #

Convert a 4-tuple into an OpenProduct.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toOpenProduct :: (a, b, c, d) -> OpenProduct (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': [])))) Source #

tupleToOpenProduct :: ToOpenProduct t as => t -> OpenProduct as Source #

Turn a tuple into an OpenProduct.



Turn a triple into an OpenProduct:

>>> tupleToOpenProduct (1, 2.0, "hello") :: OpenProduct '[Int, Double, String]
Cons (Identity 1) (Cons (Identity 2.0) (Cons (Identity "hello") Nil))

Turn a single value into an OpenProduct:

>>> tupleToOpenProduct 'c' :: OpenProduct '[Char]
Cons (Identity 'c') Nil

class ToProduct (tuple :: *) (f :: u -> *) (as :: [u]) | f as -> tuple Source #

This type class provides a way to turn a tuple into a Product.

Minimal complete definition


ToProduct (f a) (f :: u -> Type) (a ': ([] :: [u]) :: [u]) Source #

Convert a single value into a Product.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toProduct :: f a -> Product f (a ': []) Source #

ToProduct (f a, f b) (f :: u -> Type) (a ': (b ': ([] :: [u])) :: [u]) Source #

Convert a tuple into a Product.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toProduct :: (f a, f b) -> Product f (a ': (b ': [])) Source #

ToProduct (f a, f b, f c) (f :: u -> Type) (a ': (b ': (c ': ([] :: [u]))) :: [u]) Source #

Convert a 3-tuple into a Product.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toProduct :: (f a, f b, f c) -> Product f (a ': (b ': (c ': []))) Source #

ToProduct (f a, f b, f c, f d) (f :: u -> Type) (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': ([] :: [u])))) :: [u]) Source #

Convert a 4-tuple into a Product.

Instance details

Defined in Data.WorldPeace.Product


toProduct :: (f a, f b, f c, f d) -> Product f (a ': (b ': (c ': (d ': [])))) Source #

tupleToProduct :: ToProduct t f as => t -> Product f as Source #

Turn a tuple into a Product.

>>> tupleToProduct (Identity 1, Identity 2.0) :: Product Identity '[Int, Double]
Cons (Identity 1) (Cons (Identity 2.0) Nil)

type family ReturnX x as where ... Source #

Change a list of types into a list of functions that take the given type and return x.

>>> Refl :: ReturnX Double '[String, Int] :~: '[String -> Double, Int -> Double]

Don't do anything with an empty list:

>>> Refl :: ReturnX Double '[] :~: '[]


ReturnX x (a ': as) = (a -> x) ': ReturnX x as 
ReturnX x '[] = '[]