worldturtle- Turtle graphics.
Copyright(c) Archibald Neil MacDonald 2020
Safe HaskellNone



Graphics.WorldTurtle is a module for writing and rendering turtle graphics in Haskell.

Take a look at the examples on Github!


Running a WorldTurtle simulation.

Running on a single turtle.

To start animating a single turtle, you just pass your commands to runTurtle like so:

   import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
   import Graphics.WorldTurtle

   drawSquare :: Float -> TurtleCommand ()
   drawSquare size = replicateM_ 4 $ forward size >> right 90

   main :: IO ()
   main = runTurtle $ drawSquare 100

Which will produce this animation.

runTurtle Source #


:: TurtleCommand ()

Command sequence to execute.

-> IO () 

Takes a TurtleCommand and executes the command on an implicitly created turtle that starts at position (0, 0) with heading north.

This is a convenience function written in terms of runWorld as:

runTurtle c = runWorld $ makeTurtle >>= run c

See also: makeTurtle.

data TurtleCommand a Source #

A TurtleCommand represents an instruction to execute on a turtle. It could be as simple as "draw a line" or more complicated like "draw 300 circles."

TurtleCommands can be executed in order by combining them using the monadic operator (>>).

For example, to draw an equilateral triangle using do notation:

drawTriangle :: TurtleCommand ()
drawTriangle = do
  setHeading east
  forward 100
  left 120
  forward 100
  left 120
  forward 100

Which would produce:

Running a world of turtles.

For executing commands on multiple turtles, we use runWorld which executes on WorldCommands. Here is an example where 2 turtles draw a circle independently:

import Graphics.WorldTurtle

main :: IO ()
main = runWorld $ do
  t1 <- makeTurtle
  t2 <- makeTurtle

  t1 >/> circle 90 
  t2 >/> circle (-90)

Notice that in a WorldCommand context we must create our own turtles with makeTurtle! We them apply the TurtleCommand on our turtles using the run operator (>/>).

runWorld Source #


:: WorldCommand ()

Command sequence to execute

-> IO () 

runWorld takes a WorldCommand and produces the animation in a new window!

Interacting with the window.

While running, you can interact with the window in the following way:

Pan the viewport.Click and drag
Zoom in/out.Mousewheel up/down
Reset the viewport to initial position.Spacebar
Reset the animation.R key
Pause the animation.P key
QuitEscape key

data WorldCommand a Source #

A WorldCommand represents an instruction that affects the entire animation canvas.

This could be as simple as "make a turtle" or more complicated like "run these 5 turtles in parallel."

Like TurtleCommands, WorldCommands can be executed in order by combining commands in order using the monadic operator (>>).

To execute a TurtleCommand in a WorldCommand, use either the run function or the >/> operator.

For how to achieve parallel animations see Graphics.WorldTurtle.


Instances details
Monad WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

Functor WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


fmap :: (a -> b) -> WorldCommand a -> WorldCommand b #

(<$) :: a -> WorldCommand b -> WorldCommand a #

MonadFail WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands


fail :: String -> WorldCommand a #

Applicative WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

Alternative WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

MonadPlus WorldCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

Semigroup a => Semigroup (WorldCommand a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands

run Source #


:: TurtleCommand a

Command to execute

-> Turtle

Turtle to apply the command upon.

-> WorldCommand a

Result as a WorldCommand

run takes a TurtleCommand and a Turtle to execute the command on. The result of the computation is returned wrapped in a WorldCommand.

For example, to create a turtle and get its x position one might write:

 myCommand :: Turtle -> WorldCommand Float
 myCommand t = do
   (x, _) <- run position t
   return x

Or to create a command that accepts a turtle and draws a right angle:

myCommand :: Turtle -> WorldCommand ()
myCommand = run $ forward 10 >> right 90 >> forward 10

(>/>) infixl 4 Source #


:: Turtle

Turtle to apply the command upon.

-> TurtleCommand a

Command to execute

-> WorldCommand a

Result as a WorldCommand

This is an infix version of run where the arguments are swapped.

We take a turtle and a command to execute on the turtle. The result of the computation is returned wrapped in a WorldCommand.

To create a turtle and draw a right-angle:

myCommand :: WorldCommand ()
myCommand = do
  t <- makeTurtle
  t >/> do 
    forward 10
    right 90
    forward 10

Parallel animation

While WorldCommands can be combined with (>>) to produce sequential instructions, we can also use the alternative operator (<|>) to achieve parallel instructions. That is: animate two turtles at time!

Here is an example:

 import Graphics.WorldTurtle

 main :: IO ()
 main = runWorld $ do
   t1 <- makeTurtle' (0, 0) north green
   t2 <- makeTurtle' (0, 0) north red

   -- Draw the anticlockwise and clockwise circles in sequence. 
   t1 >/> circle 90 >> t2 >/> circle (-90)

   -- Draw the anticlockwise and clockwise circles in parallel.
   t1 >/> circle 90 <|> t2 >/> circle (-90)

Which would produce an animation like this

Note that the result of x <|> y is:

>>> x <|> y

when x is not empty, otherwise the result is y.

(<|>) :: Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a infixl 3 #

An associative binary operation

Stop an animation

If a WorldCommand is empty, then this stops this section of animation and it does not progress. To this end guard can be used to calculate when to stop part of an animation sequence.

empty :: Alternative f => f a #

The identity of <|>

Further documentation