{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, FlexibleInstances, GADTs,
    OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards, DefaultSignatures #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Network.Wreq.Internal.Types
-- Copyright   : (c) 2014 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- HTTP client types.

module Network.Wreq.Internal.Types
    -- * Client configuration
    , Mgr
    , Auth(..)
    , AWSAuthVersion(..)
    , ResponseChecker
    -- * Request payloads
    , Payload(..)
    , Postable(..)
    , Putable(..)
    -- ** URL-encoded forms
    , FormParam(..)
    , FormValue(..)
    -- * Headers
    , ContentType
    , Link(..)
    -- * Errors
    , JSONError(..)
    -- * Request types
    , Req(..)
    , reqURL
    -- * Sessions
    , Session(..)
    , Run
    , RunHistory
    , Body(..)
    -- * Caches
    , CacheEntry(..)
    ) where

import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Network.HTTP.Client (CookieJar, Manager, ManagerSettings, Request,
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Response, Proxy)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Header)
import Prelude hiding (head)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP

-- | A MIME content type, e.g. @\"application/octet-stream\"@.
type ContentType = S.ByteString

type Mgr = Either ManagerSettings Manager

-- | Options for configuring a client.
data Options = Options {
    manager :: Mgr
  -- ^ Either configuration for a 'Manager', or an actual 'Manager'.
  -- If only 'ManagerSettings' are provided, then by default a new
  -- 'Manager' will be created for each request.
  -- /Note/: when issuing HTTP requests using 'Options'-based
  -- functions from the the "Network.Wreq.Session" module
  -- ('Network.Wreq.Session.getWith', 'Network.Wreq.Session.putWith',
  -- etc.), this field will be ignored.
  -- An example of using a specific manager:
  -- @
  --import "Network.HTTP.Client" ('Network.HTTP.Client.withManager')
  --'Network.HTTP.Client.withManager' $ \\mgr -> do
  --  let opts = 'Network.Wreq.defaults' { 'manager' = Right mgr }
  --  'Network.Wreq.getWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\"
  -- @
  -- An example of changing settings (this will use a separate
  -- 'Manager' for every request, so make sense only if you're issuing
  -- a tiny handful of requets):
  -- @
  --import "Network.HTTP.Client" ('Network.HTTP.Client.defaultManagerSettings')
  --let settings = 'Network.HTTP.Client.defaultManagerSettings' { managerConnCount = 5 }
  --    opts = 'Network.Wreq.defaults' { 'manager' = Left settings }
  --'Network.Wreq.getWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\"
  -- @
  , proxy :: Maybe Proxy
  -- ^ Host name and port for a proxy to use, if any.
  , auth :: Maybe Auth
  -- ^ Authentication information.
  -- Example (note the use of TLS):
  -- @
  --let opts = 'Network.Wreq.defaults' { 'auth' = 'Network.Wreq.basicAuth' \"user\" \"pass\" }
  --'Network.Wreq.getWith' opts \"https:\/\/httpbin.org\/basic-auth\/user\/pass\"
  -- @
  , headers :: [Header]
  -- ^ Additional headers to send with each request.
  -- @
  --let opts = 'Network.Wreq.defaults' { 'headers' = [(\"Accept\", \"*\/*\")] }
  --'Network.Wreq.getWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\"
  -- @
  , params :: [(Text, Text)]
  -- ^ Key-value pairs to assemble into a query string to add to the
  -- end of a URL.
  -- For example, given:
  -- @
  --let opts = 'Network.Wreq.defaults' { params = [(\"sort\", \"ascending\"), (\"key\", \"name\")] }
  --'Network.Wreq.getWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\"
  -- @
  -- This will generate a URL of the form:
  -- >http://httpbin.org/get?sort=ascending&key=name
  , redirects :: Int
  -- ^ The maximum number of HTTP redirects to follow before giving up
  -- and throwing an exception.
  -- In this example, a 'Network.HTTP.Client.HttpException' will be
  -- thrown with a 'Network.HTTP.Client.TooManyRedirects' constructor,
  -- because the maximum number of redirects allowed will be exceeded:
  -- @
  --let opts = 'Network.Wreq.defaults' { 'redirects' = 3 }
  --'Network.Wreq.getWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/redirect/5\"
  -- @
  , cookies :: Maybe CookieJar
  -- ^ Cookies to set when issuing requests.
  -- /Note/: when issuing HTTP requests using 'Options'-based
  -- functions from the the "Network.Wreq.Session" module
  -- ('Network.Wreq.Session.getWith', 'Network.Wreq.Session.putWith',
  -- etc.), this field will be used only for the /first/ HTTP request
  -- to be issued during a 'Network.Wreq.Session.Session'. Any changes
  -- changes made for subsequent requests will be ignored.
  , checkResponse :: Maybe ResponseChecker
  -- ^ Function that checks the status code and potentially returns an
  -- exception.
  -- This defaults to 'Nothing', which will just use the default of
  -- 'Network.HTTP.Client.Request' which throws a 'StatusException' if
  -- the status is not 2XX.
  } deriving (Typeable)

-- | A function that checks the result of a HTTP request and
-- potentially returns an exception.
type ResponseChecker = Request -> Response HTTP.BodyReader -> IO ()

-- | Supported authentication types.
-- Do not use HTTP authentication unless you are using TLS encryption.
-- These authentication tokens can easily be captured and reused by an
-- attacker if transmitted in the clear.
data Auth = BasicAuth S.ByteString S.ByteString
            -- ^ Basic authentication. This consists of a plain
            -- username and password.
          | OAuth2Bearer S.ByteString
            -- ^ An OAuth2 bearer token. This is treated by many
            -- services as the equivalent of a username and password.
          | OAuth2Token S.ByteString
            -- ^ A not-quite-standard OAuth2 bearer token (that seems
            -- to be used only by GitHub). This is treated by whoever
            -- accepts it as the equivalent of a username and
            -- password.
          | AWSAuth AWSAuthVersion S.ByteString S.ByteString (Maybe S.ByteString)
            -- ^ Amazon Web Services request signing
            -- AWSAuthVersion key secret (optional: session-token)
          | AWSFullAuth AWSAuthVersion S.ByteString S.ByteString  (Maybe S.ByteString) (Maybe (S.ByteString, S.ByteString))
            -- ^ Amazon Web Services request signing
            -- AWSAuthVersion key secret Maybe (service, region)
          | OAuth1 S.ByteString S.ByteString S.ByteString S.ByteString
            -- ^ OAuth1 request signing
            -- OAuth1 consumerToken consumerSecret token secret
          deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

data AWSAuthVersion = AWSv4
                      -- ^ AWS request signing version 4
                    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Show Options where
  show (Options{..}) = concat [
      "Options { "
    , "manager = ", case manager of
                      Left _  -> "Left _"
                      Right _ -> "Right _"
    , ", proxy = ", show proxy
    , ", auth = ", show auth
    , ", headers = ", show headers
    , ", params = ", show params
    , ", redirects = ", show redirects
    , ", cookies = ", show cookies
    , " }"

-- | A type that can be converted into a POST request payload.
class Postable a where
    postPayload :: a -> Request -> IO Request
    default postPayload :: Putable a => a -> Request -> IO Request
    postPayload = putPayload
    -- ^ Represent a value in the request body (and perhaps the
    -- headers) of a POST request.

-- | A type that can be converted into a PUT request payload.
class Putable a where
    putPayload :: a -> Request -> IO Request
    -- ^ Represent a value in the request body (and perhaps the
    -- headers) of a PUT request.

-- | A product type for representing more complex payload types.
data Payload where
    Raw  :: ContentType -> RequestBody -> Payload
  deriving (Typeable)

-- | A type that can be rendered as the value portion of a key\/value
-- pair for use in an @application\/x-www-form-urlencoded@ POST
-- body. Intended for use with the 'FormParam' type.
-- The instances for 'String', strict 'Data.Text.Text', and lazy
-- 'Data.Text.Lazy.Text' are all encoded using UTF-8 before being
-- URL-encoded.
-- The instance for 'Maybe' gives an empty string on 'Nothing',
-- and otherwise uses the contained type's instance.
class FormValue a where
    renderFormValue :: a -> S.ByteString
    -- ^ Render the given value.

-- | A key\/value pair for an @application\/x-www-form-urlencoded@
-- POST request body.
data FormParam where
    (:=) :: (FormValue v) => S.ByteString -> v -> FormParam

instance Show FormParam where
    show (a := b) = show a ++ " := " ++ show (renderFormValue b)

infixr 3 :=

-- | The error type used by 'Network.Wreq.asJSON' and
-- 'Network.Wreq.asValue' if a failure occurs when parsing a response
-- body as JSON.
data JSONError = JSONError String
               deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception JSONError

-- | An element of a @Link@ header.
data Link = Link {
      linkURL :: S.ByteString
    , linkParams :: [(S.ByteString, S.ByteString)]
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | A request that is ready to be submitted.
data Req = Req Mgr Request

-- | Return the URL associated with the given 'Req'.
-- This includes the port number if not standard, and the query string
-- if one exists.
reqURL :: Req -> S.ByteString
reqURL (Req _ req) = mconcat [
    if https then "https" else "http"
  , "://"
  , HTTP.host req
  , case (HTTP.port req, https) of
      (80, False) -> ""
      (443, True) -> ""
      (p, _)      -> S.pack (show p)
  , HTTP.path req
  , case HTTP.queryString req of
      qs | S.null qs -> ""
         | otherwise -> "?" <> qs
  where https = HTTP.secure req

-- | A function that runs a request and returns the associated
-- response.
type Run body = Req -> IO (Response body)

type RunHistory body = Req -> IO (HTTP.HistoriedResponse body)

-- | A session that spans multiple requests.  This is responsible for
-- cookie management and TCP connection reuse.
data Session = Session {
      seshCookies :: Maybe (IORef CookieJar)
    , seshManager :: Manager
    , seshRun :: Session -> Run Body -> Run Body
    , seshRunHistory :: Session -> RunHistory Body -> RunHistory Body

instance Show Session where
    show _ = "Session"

data CacheEntry body = CacheEntry {
    entryCreated  :: UTCTime
  , entryExpires  :: Maybe UTCTime
  , entryResponse :: Response body
  } deriving (Functor)

data Body = NoBody
          | StringBody L.ByteString
          | ReaderBody HTTP.BodyReader

instance Show (CacheEntry body) where
    show _ = "CacheEntry"