wumpus-basic-0.14.0: Common drawing utilities built on wumpus-core.

Stabilityhighly unstable




Function types operating over the DrawingContext as a static argument.


Context functional types

data CF a Source

Most drawing operations in Wumpus-Basic have an implicit graphics state the DrawingContext, so the most primitive building block is a function from the DrawingContext to some polymorphic answer.

This functional type is represented concretely as the initials CF for contextual function.

 CF :: DrawingContext -> a 


data CF1 r1 a Source

Variation of CF with one parametric static argument.

The static argument is commonly a point representing the start point / origin of a drawing.

 CF1 :: DrawingContext -> r1 -> a 


Monad (CF1 r1) 
Functor (CF1 r1) 
Applicative (CF1 r1) 
DrawingCtxM (CF1 r1) 
Monoid a => Monoid (CF1 r1 a) 
OPlus a => OPlus (CF1 r1 a) 

data CF2 r1 r2 a Source

Variation of CF with two parametric static arguments.

The first argument is commonly a point representing the start point / origin of a drawing. The second argument might typically be the angle of displacement (for drawing arrowheads) or an end point (for drawing connectors between two points).

 CF2 :: DrawingContext -> r1 -> r2 -> a 


Monad (CF2 r1 r2) 
Functor (CF2 r1 r2) 
Applicative (CF2 r1 r2) 
DrawingCtxM (CF2 r1 r2) 
Monoid a => Monoid (CF2 r1 r2 a) 
OPlus a => OPlus (CF2 r1 r2 a) 

type LocCF u a = CF1 (Point2 u) aSource

Type specialized verison of CF1 where the static argument is the start point.

 LocCF :: DrawingContext -> Point2 u -> a 

type LocThetaCF u a = CF2 (Point2 u) Radian aSource

Type specialized verison of CF2 where the static arguments are the start point and the angle of displacement.

 LocThetaCF :: DrawingContext -> Point2 u -> Radian -> a 

type ConnectorCF u a = CF2 (Point2 u) (Point2 u) aSource

Type specialized verison of CF2 where the static arguments are the start point and the end point.

 ConnectorCF :: DrawingContext -> Point2 u -> Point2 u -> a 

type DLocCF a = LocCF Double aSource

Alias of LocCF where the unit type is specialized to Double.

type DLocThetaCF a = LocThetaCF Double aSource

Alias of LocThetaCF where the unit type is specialized to Double.

type DConnectorCF a = ConnectorCF Double aSource

Alias of ConnectorCF where the unit type is specialized to Double.

Run functions

runCF :: DrawingContext -> CF a -> aSource

Run a CF (context function) with the supplied DrawingContext.

runCF1 :: DrawingContext -> r1 -> CF1 r1 a -> aSource

Run a CF1 (context function) with the supplied DrawingContext and static argument.

runCF2 :: DrawingContext -> r1 -> r2 -> CF2 r1 r2 a -> aSource

Run a CF1 (context function) with the supplied DrawingContext and two static arguments.

Lift functions

lift0R1 :: CF a -> CF1 r1 aSource

Lift a zero-arity context function CF to an arity one context function CF1.

lift0R2 :: CF a -> CF2 r1 r2 aSource

Lift a zero-arity context function CF to an arity two context function CF2.

lift1R2 :: CF1 r1 a -> CF2 r1 r2 aSource

Lift an arity one context function CF1 to an arity two context function CF2.

promoteR1 :: (r1 -> CF a) -> CF1 r1 aSource

Promote a function from one argument to a Context function to an arity one Context function.

The type signature is as explanatory as a description:

 promoteR1 :: (r1 -> CF a) -> CF1 r1 a

promoteR2 :: (r1 -> r2 -> CF a) -> CF2 r1 r2 aSource

Promote a function from two arguments to a Context function to an arity two Context function.

The type signature is as explanatory as a description:

 promoteR2 :: (r1 -> r2 -> CF a) -> CF2 r1 r2 a

apply1R1 :: CF1 r1 a -> r1 -> CF aSource

Apply an arity-one Context function to a single argument, downcasting it by one level, making an arity-zero Context function.

The type signature is as explanatory as a description:

 apply1R1 :: CF1 r1 a -> r1 -> CF a

apply2R2 :: CF2 r1 r2 a -> r1 -> r2 -> CF aSource

Apply an arity-two Context function to two arguments, downcasting it by two levels, making an arity-zero Context function.

The type signature is as explanatory as a description:

 apply2R2 :: CF2 r1 r2 a -> r1 -> r2 -> CF a

apply1R2 :: CF2 r1 r2 a -> r2 -> CF1 r1 aSource

Apply an arity-two Context function to one argument, downcasting it by one level, making an arity-one Context function.

The type signature is as explanatory as a description:

 apply1R2 :: CF2 r1 r2 a -> r2 -> CF1 r1 a


drawingCtx :: CF DrawingContextSource

Extract the drawing context from a CtxFun.

 (ctx -> ctx)

queryCtx :: (DrawingContext -> a) -> CF aSource

Apply the projection function to the drawing context.

 (ctx -> a) -> (ctx -> a)

locCtx :: LocCF u DrawingContextSource

Extract the drawing context from a LocCF.

 (ctx -> pt -> ctx)

locPoint :: LocCF u (Point2 u)Source

Extract the start point from a LocCF.

 (ctx -> pt -> pt)

locThetaCtx :: LocThetaCF u DrawingContextSource

Extract the drawing context from a LocThetaCF.

 (ctx -> pt -> ang -> ctx)

locThetaPoint :: LocThetaCF u (Point2 u)Source

Extract the start point from a LocThetaCF.

 (ctx -> pt -> ang -> pt)

locThetaAng :: LocThetaCF u RadianSource

Extract the angle from a LocThetaCF.

 (ctx -> pt -> ang -> ang)

connCtx :: ConnectorCF u DrawingContextSource

Extract the drawing context from a ConnectorCF.

 (ctx -> pt1 -> pt2 -> ctx)

connStart :: ConnectorCF u (Point2 u)Source

Extract the start point from a ConnectorCF.

 (ctx -> pt1 -> pt2 -> pt1)

connEnd :: ConnectorCF u (Point2 u)Source

Extract the end point from a ConnectorCF.

 (ctx -> pt1 -> pt2 -> pt2)


at :: LocCF u a -> Point2 u -> CF aSource

Downcast a LocCF function by applying it to the supplied point, making an arity-zero Context function.

Remember a LocCF function is a CF1 context function where the static argument is specialized to a start point.

rot :: LocThetaCF u a -> Radian -> LocCF u aSource

Downcast a LocThetaCF function by applying it to the supplied angle, making an arity-one Context function (a LocCF).

connect :: ConnectorCF u a -> Point2 u -> Point2 u -> CF aSource

Downcast a ConnectorCF function by applying it to the start and end point, making an arity-zero Context function (a CF).

chain1 :: OPlus w => CF1 s1 (s1, w) -> CF1 s1 (s1, w) -> CF1 s1 (s1, w)Source

Chaining combinator - the answer of the first Context function is feed to the second Context function.

This contrasts with the usual idiom in Wumpus-Basic where composite graphics are built by applying both functions to the same initial static argument.


Evaluate the first Context Function with the drawing context and the initial state st0. The result of the evaluation is a new state st1 and and answer a1.

Evaluate the second Context Function with the drawing context and the new state st1, producing a new state s2 and an answer a2.

Return the result of combining the answers with op :: (ans -> ans -> ans) and the second state s2.

 (ctx -> s1 -> (w,s1)) -> (ctx -> s1 -> (w,s1)) -> (ctx -> s1 -> (w,s1))

This models chaining start points together, which is the model PostScript uses for text output when successively calling the show operator.