{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Codec.Xlsx.Types.AutoFilter where

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Text.XML
import Text.XML.Cursor hiding (bool)
import qualified Xeno.DOM as Xeno

import Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Common
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.ConditionalFormatting (IconSetType)
import Codec.Xlsx.Writer.Internal

-- | The filterColumn collection identifies a particular column in the
-- AutoFilter range and specifies filter information that has been
-- applied to this column. If a column in the AutoFilter range has no
-- criteria specified, then there is no corresponding filterColumn
-- collection expressed for that column.
-- See "filterColumn (AutoFilter Column)" (p. 1717)
data FilterColumn
  = Filters FilterByBlank [FilterCriterion]
  | ColorFilter ColorFilterOptions
  | ACustomFilter CustomFilter
  | CustomFiltersOr CustomFilter CustomFilter
  | CustomFiltersAnd CustomFilter CustomFilter
  | DynamicFilter DynFilterOptions
  | IconFilter (Maybe Int) IconSetType
  -- ^ Specifies the icon set and particular icon within that set to
  -- filter by. Icon is specified using zero-based index of an icon in
  -- an icon set. 'Nothing' means "no icon"
  | BottomNFilter EdgeFilterOptions
  -- ^ Specifies the bottom N (percent or number of items) to filter by
  | TopNFilter EdgeFilterOptions
  -- ^ Specifies the top N (percent or number of items) to filter by
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData FilterColumn

data FilterByBlank
  = FilterByBlank
  | DontFilterByBlank
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData FilterByBlank

data FilterCriterion
  = FilterValue Text
  | FilterDateGroup DateGroup
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData FilterCriterion

-- | Used to express a group of dates or times which are used in an
-- AutoFilter criteria
-- Section "dateGroupItem (Date Grouping)" (p. 1714)
data DateGroup
  = DateGroupByYear Int
  | DateGroupByMonth Int Int
  | DateGroupByDay Int Int Int
  | DateGroupByHour Int Int Int Int
  | DateGroupByMinute Int Int Int Int Int
  | DateGroupBySecond Int Int Int Int Int Int
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData DateGroup

data CustomFilter = CustomFilter
  { cfltOperator :: CustomFilterOperator
  , cfltValue :: Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData CustomFilter

data CustomFilterOperator
  = FltrEqual
    -- ^ Show results which are equal to criteria.
  | FltrGreaterThan
    -- ^ Show results which are greater than criteria.
  | FltrGreaterThanOrEqual
    -- ^ Show results which are greater than or equal to criteria.
  | FltrLessThan
    -- ^ Show results which are less than criteria.
  | FltrLessThanOrEqual
    -- ^ Show results which are less than or equal to criteria.
  | FltrNotEqual
    -- ^ Show results which are not equal to criteria.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData CustomFilterOperator

data EdgeFilterOptions = EdgeFilterOptions
  { _efoUsePercents :: Bool
  -- ^ Flag indicating whether or not to filter by percent value of
  -- the column. A false value filters by number of items.
  , _efoVal :: Double
  -- ^ Top or bottom value to use as the filter criteria.
  -- Example: "Filter by Top 10 Percent" or "Filter by Top 5 Items"
  , _efoFilterVal :: Maybe Double
  -- ^ The actual cell value in the range which is used to perform the
  -- comparison for this filter.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData EdgeFilterOptions

-- | Specifies the color to filter by and whether to use the cell's
-- fill or font color in the filter criteria. If the cell's font or
-- fill color does not match the color specified in the criteria, the
-- rows corresponding to those cells are hidden from view.
-- See "colorFilter (Color Filter Criteria)" (p. 1712)
data ColorFilterOptions = ColorFilterOptions
  { _cfoCellColor :: Bool
  -- ^ Flag indicating whether or not to filter by the cell's fill
  -- color. 'True' indicates to filter by cell fill. 'False' indicates
  -- to filter by the cell's font color.
  -- For rich text in cells, if the color specified appears in the
  -- cell at all, it shall be included in the filter.
  , _cfoDxfId :: Maybe Int
  -- ^ Id of differential format record (dxf) in the Styles Part (see
  -- '_styleSheetDxfs') which expresses the color value to filter by.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData ColorFilterOptions

-- | Specifies dynamic filter criteria. These criteria are considered
-- dynamic because they can change, either with the data itself (e.g.,
-- "above average") or with the current system date (e.g., show values
-- for "today"). For any cells whose values do not meet the specified
-- criteria, the corresponding rows shall be hidden from view when the
-- filter is applied.
-- '_dfoMaxVal' shall be required for 'DynFilterTday',
-- 'DynFilterYesterday', 'DynFilterTomorrow', 'DynFilterNextWeek',
-- 'DynFilterThisWeek', 'DynFilterLastWeek', 'DynFilterNextMonth',
-- 'DynFilterThisMonth', 'DynFilterLastMonth', 'DynFilterNextQuarter',
-- 'DynFilterThisQuarter', 'DynFilterLastQuarter',
-- 'DynFilterNextYear', 'DynFilterThisYear', 'DynFilterLastYear', and
-- 'DynFilterYearToDate.
-- The above criteria are based on a value range; that is, if today's
-- date is September 22nd, then the range for thisWeek is the values
-- greater than or equal to September 17 and less than September
-- 24. In the thisWeek range, the lower value is expressed
-- '_dfoval'. The higher value is expressed using '_dfoMmaxVal'.
-- These dynamic filters shall not require '_dfoVal or '_dfoMaxVal':
-- 'DynFilterQ1', 'DynFilterQ2', 'DynFilterQ3', 'DynFilterQ4',
-- 'DynFilterM1', 'DynFilterM2', 'DynFilterM3', 'DynFilterM4',
-- 'DynFilterM5', 'DynFilterM6', 'DynFilterM7', 'DynFilterM8',
-- 'DynFilterM9', 'DynFilterM10', 'DynFilterM11' and 'DynFilterM12'.
-- The above criteria shall not specify the range using valIso and
-- maxValIso because Q1 always starts from M1 to M3, and M1 is always
-- January.
-- These types of dynamic filters shall use valIso and shall not use
-- '_dfoMaxVal': 'DynFilterAboveAverage' and 'DynFilterBelowAverage'
-- /Note:/ Specification lists 'valIso' and 'maxIso' to store datetime
-- values but it appears that Excel doesn't use them and stored them
-- as numeric values (as it does for datetimes in cell values)
-- See "dynamicFilter (Dynamic Filter)" (p. 1715)
data DynFilterOptions = DynFilterOptions
  { _dfoType :: DynFilterType
  , _dfoVal :: Maybe Double
  -- ^ A minimum numeric value for dynamic filter.
  , _dfoMaxVal :: Maybe Double
  -- ^ A maximum value for dynamic filter.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData DynFilterOptions

-- | Specifies concrete type of dynamic filter used
-- See 18.18.26 "ST_DynamicFilterType (Dynamic Filter)" (p. 2452)
data DynFilterType
  = DynFilterAboveAverage
  -- ^ Shows values that are above average.
  | DynFilterBelowAverage
  -- ^ Shows values that are below average.
  | DynFilterLastMonth
  -- ^ Shows last month's dates.
  | DynFilterLastQuarter
  -- ^ Shows last calendar quarter's dates.
  | DynFilterLastWeek
  -- ^ Shows last week's dates, using Sunday as the first weekday.
  | DynFilterLastYear
  -- ^ Shows last year's dates.
  | DynFilterM1
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in January, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM10
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in October, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM11
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in November, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM12
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in December, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM2
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in February, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM3
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in March, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM4
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in April, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM5
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in May, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM6
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in June, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM7
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in July, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM8
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in August, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterM9
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in September, regardless of year.
  | DynFilterNextMonth
  -- ^ Shows next month's dates.
  | DynFilterNextQuarter
  -- ^ Shows next calendar quarter's dates.
  | DynFilterNextWeek
  -- ^ Shows next week's dates, using Sunday as the first weekday.
  | DynFilterNextYear
  -- ^ Shows next year's dates.
  | DynFilterNull
  -- ^ Common filter type not available.
  | DynFilterQ1
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in the 1st calendar quarter,
  -- regardless of year.
  | DynFilterQ2
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in the 2nd calendar quarter,
  -- regardless of year.
  | DynFilterQ3
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in the 3rd calendar quarter,
  -- regardless of year.
  | DynFilterQ4
  -- ^ Shows the dates that are in the 4th calendar quarter,
  -- regardless of year.
  | DynFilterThisMonth
  -- ^ Shows this month's dates.
  | DynFilterThisQuarter
  -- ^ Shows this calendar quarter's dates.
  | DynFilterThisWeek
  -- ^ Shows this week's dates, using Sunday as the first weekday.
  | DynFilterThisYear
  -- ^ Shows this year's dates.
  | DynFilterToday
  -- ^ Shows today's dates.
  | DynFilterTomorrow
  -- ^ Shows tomorrow's dates.
  | DynFilterYearToDate
  -- ^ Shows the dates between the beginning of the year and today, inclusive.
  | DynFilterYesterday
  -- ^ Shows yesterday's dates.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData DynFilterType

-- | AutoFilter temporarily hides rows based on a filter criteria,
-- which is applied column by column to a table of datain the
-- worksheet.
-- TODO: sortState, extList
-- See "autoFilter (AutoFilter Settings)" (p. 1596)
data AutoFilter = AutoFilter
  { _afRef :: Maybe CellRef
  , _afFilterColumns :: Map Int FilterColumn
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData AutoFilter

makeLenses ''AutoFilter

  Default instances

instance Default AutoFilter where
    def = AutoFilter Nothing M.empty


instance FromCursor AutoFilter where
  fromCursor cur = do
    _afRef <- maybeAttribute "ref" cur
    let _afFilterColumns = M.fromList $ cur $/ element (n_ "filterColumn") >=> \c -> do
          colId <- fromAttribute "colId" c
          fcol <- c $/ anyElement >=> fltColFromNode . node
          return (colId, fcol)
    return AutoFilter {..}

instance FromXenoNode AutoFilter where
  fromXenoNode root = do
    _afRef <- parseAttributes root $ maybeAttr "ref"
    _afFilterColumns <-
      fmap M.fromList . collectChildren root $ fromChildList "filterColumn"
    return AutoFilter {..}

instance FromXenoNode (Int, FilterColumn) where
  fromXenoNode root = do
    colId <- parseAttributes root $ fromAttr "colId"
    fCol <-
      collectChildren root $ asum [filters, color, custom, dynamic, icon, top10]
    return (colId, fCol)
      filters =
        requireAndParse "filters" $ \node -> do
          filterBlank <-
            parseAttributes node $ fromAttrDef "blank" DontFilterByBlank
          filterCriteria <- childListAny node
          return $ Filters filterBlank filterCriteria
      color =
        requireAndParse "colorFilter" $ \node ->
          parseAttributes node $ do
            _cfoCellColor <- fromAttrDef "cellColor" True
            _cfoDxfId <- maybeAttr "dxfId"
            return $ ColorFilter ColorFilterOptions {..}
      custom =
        requireAndParse "customFilters" $ \node -> do
          isAnd <- parseAttributes node $ fromAttrDef "and" False
          cfilters <- collectChildren node $ fromChildList "customFilter"
          case cfilters of
            [f] -> return $ ACustomFilter f
            [f1, f2] ->
              if isAnd
                then return $ CustomFiltersAnd f1 f2
                else return $ CustomFiltersOr f1 f2
            _ ->
              Left $
              "expected 1 or 2 custom filters but found " <>
              T.pack (show $ length cfilters)
      dynamic =
        requireAndParse "dynamicFilter" . flip parseAttributes $ do
          _dfoType <- fromAttr "type"
          _dfoVal <- maybeAttr "val"
          _dfoMaxVal <- maybeAttr "maxVal"
          return $ DynamicFilter DynFilterOptions {..}
      icon =
        requireAndParse "iconFilter" . flip parseAttributes $
        IconFilter <$> maybeAttr "iconId" <*> fromAttr "iconSet"
      top10 =
        requireAndParse "top10" . flip parseAttributes $ do
          top <- fromAttrDef "top" True
          percent <- fromAttrDef "percent" False
          val <- fromAttr "val"
          filterVal <- maybeAttr "filterVal"
          let opts = EdgeFilterOptions percent val filterVal
          if top
            then return $ TopNFilter opts
            else return $ BottomNFilter opts

instance FromXenoNode CustomFilter where
  fromXenoNode root =
    parseAttributes root $
    CustomFilter <$> fromAttrDef "operator" FltrEqual <*> fromAttr "val"

fltColFromNode :: Node -> [FilterColumn]
fltColFromNode n | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "filters") = do
                     let filterCriteria = cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor
                     filterBlank <- fromAttributeDef "blank" DontFilterByBlank cur
                     return $ Filters filterBlank filterCriteria
                 | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "colorFilter") = do
                     _cfoCellColor <- fromAttributeDef "cellColor" True cur
                     _cfoDxfId <- maybeAttribute "dxfId" cur
                     return $ ColorFilter ColorFilterOptions {..}
                 | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "customFilters") = do
                     isAnd <- fromAttributeDef "and" False cur
                     let cFilters = cur $/ element (n_ "customFilter") >=> \c -> do
                           op <- fromAttributeDef "operator" FltrEqual c
                           val <- fromAttribute "val" c
                           return $ CustomFilter op val
                     case cFilters of
                       [f] ->
                         return $ ACustomFilter f
                       [f1, f2] ->
                         if isAnd
                           then return $ CustomFiltersAnd f1 f2
                           else return $ CustomFiltersOr f1 f2
                       _ ->
                         fail "bad custom filter"
                 | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "dynamicFilter") = do
                     _dfoType <- fromAttribute "type" cur
                     _dfoVal <- maybeAttribute "val" cur
                     _dfoMaxVal <- maybeAttribute "maxVal" cur
                     return $ DynamicFilter DynFilterOptions{..}
                 | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "iconFilter") = do
                     iconId <- maybeAttribute "iconId" cur
                     iconSet <- fromAttribute "iconSet" cur
                     return $ IconFilter iconId iconSet
                 | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "top10") = do
                     top <- fromAttributeDef "top" True cur
                     let percent = fromAttributeDef "percent" False cur
                         val = fromAttribute "val" cur
                         filterVal = maybeAttribute "filterVal" cur
                     if top
                       then fmap TopNFilter $
                            EdgeFilterOptions <$> percent <*> val <*> filterVal
                       else fmap BottomNFilter $
                            EdgeFilterOptions <$> percent <*> val <*> filterVal
                 | otherwise = fail "no matching nodes"
    cur = fromNode n

instance FromCursor FilterCriterion where
  fromCursor = filterCriterionFromNode . node

instance FromXenoNode FilterCriterion where
  fromXenoNode root =
    case Xeno.name root of
      "filter" -> parseAttributes root $ do FilterValue <$> fromAttr "val"
      "dateGroupItem" ->
        parseAttributes root $ do
          grouping <- fromAttr "dateTimeGrouping"
          group <- case grouping of
            ("year" :: ByteString) ->
              DateGroupByYear <$> fromAttr "year"
            "month" ->
              DateGroupByMonth <$> fromAttr "year"
                               <*> fromAttr "month"
            "day" ->
              DateGroupByDay <$> fromAttr "year"
                             <*> fromAttr "month"
                             <*> fromAttr "day"
            "hour" ->
              DateGroupByHour <$> fromAttr "year"
                              <*> fromAttr "month"
                              <*> fromAttr "day"
                              <*> fromAttr "hour"
            "minute" ->
              DateGroupByMinute <$> fromAttr "year"
                                <*> fromAttr "month"
                                <*> fromAttr "day"
                                <*> fromAttr "hour"
                                <*> fromAttr "minute"
            "second" ->
              DateGroupBySecond <$> fromAttr "year"
                                <*> fromAttr "month"
                                <*> fromAttr "day"
                                <*> fromAttr "hour"
                                <*> fromAttr "minute"
                                <*> fromAttr "second"
            _ -> toAttrParser . Left $ "Unexpected date grouping"
          return $ FilterDateGroup group
      _ -> Left "Bad FilterCriterion"

-- TODO: follow the spec about the fact that dategroupitem always go after filter
filterCriterionFromNode :: Node -> [FilterCriterion]
filterCriterionFromNode n
  | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "filter") = do
    v <- fromAttribute "val" cur
    return $ FilterValue v
  | n `nodeElNameIs` (n_ "dateGroupItem") = do
    g <- fromAttribute "dateTimeGrouping" cur
    let year = fromAttribute "year" cur
        month = fromAttribute "month" cur
        day = fromAttribute "day" cur
        hour = fromAttribute "hour" cur
        minute = fromAttribute "minute" cur
        second = fromAttribute "second" cur
    FilterDateGroup <$>
      case g of
        "year" -> DateGroupByYear <$> year
        "month" -> DateGroupByMonth <$> year <*> month
        "day" -> DateGroupByDay <$> year <*> month <*> day
        "hour" -> DateGroupByHour <$> year <*> month <*> day <*> hour
        "minute" ->
          DateGroupByMinute <$> year <*> month <*> day <*> hour <*> minute
        "second" ->
          DateGroupBySecond <$> year <*> month <*> day <*> hour <*> minute <*>
        _ -> fail $ "unexpected dateTimeGrouping " ++ show (g :: Text)
  | otherwise = fail "no matching nodes"
    cur = fromNode n

instance FromAttrVal CustomFilterOperator where
  fromAttrVal "equal" = readSuccess FltrEqual
  fromAttrVal "greaterThan" = readSuccess FltrGreaterThan
  fromAttrVal "greaterThanOrEqual" = readSuccess FltrGreaterThanOrEqual
  fromAttrVal "lessThan" = readSuccess FltrLessThan
  fromAttrVal "lessThanOrEqual" = readSuccess FltrLessThanOrEqual
  fromAttrVal "notEqual" = readSuccess FltrNotEqual
  fromAttrVal t = invalidText "CustomFilterOperator" t

instance FromAttrBs CustomFilterOperator where
  fromAttrBs "equal" = return FltrEqual
  fromAttrBs "greaterThan" = return FltrGreaterThan
  fromAttrBs "greaterThanOrEqual" = return FltrGreaterThanOrEqual
  fromAttrBs "lessThan" = return FltrLessThan
  fromAttrBs "lessThanOrEqual" = return FltrLessThanOrEqual
  fromAttrBs "notEqual" = return FltrNotEqual
  fromAttrBs x = unexpectedAttrBs "CustomFilterOperator" x

instance FromAttrVal FilterByBlank where
  fromAttrVal =
    fmap (first $ bool DontFilterByBlank FilterByBlank) . fromAttrVal

instance FromAttrBs FilterByBlank where
  fromAttrBs = fmap (bool DontFilterByBlank FilterByBlank) . fromAttrBs

instance FromAttrVal DynFilterType where
  fromAttrVal "aboveAverage" = readSuccess DynFilterAboveAverage
  fromAttrVal "belowAverage" = readSuccess DynFilterBelowAverage
  fromAttrVal "lastMonth" = readSuccess DynFilterLastMonth
  fromAttrVal "lastQuarter" = readSuccess DynFilterLastQuarter
  fromAttrVal "lastWeek" = readSuccess DynFilterLastWeek
  fromAttrVal "lastYear" = readSuccess DynFilterLastYear
  fromAttrVal "M1" = readSuccess DynFilterM1
  fromAttrVal "M10" = readSuccess DynFilterM10
  fromAttrVal "M11" = readSuccess DynFilterM11
  fromAttrVal "M12" = readSuccess DynFilterM12
  fromAttrVal "M2" = readSuccess DynFilterM2
  fromAttrVal "M3" = readSuccess DynFilterM3
  fromAttrVal "M4" = readSuccess DynFilterM4
  fromAttrVal "M5" = readSuccess DynFilterM5
  fromAttrVal "M6" = readSuccess DynFilterM6
  fromAttrVal "M7" = readSuccess DynFilterM7
  fromAttrVal "M8" = readSuccess DynFilterM8
  fromAttrVal "M9" = readSuccess DynFilterM9
  fromAttrVal "nextMonth" = readSuccess DynFilterNextMonth
  fromAttrVal "nextQuarter" = readSuccess DynFilterNextQuarter
  fromAttrVal "nextWeek" = readSuccess DynFilterNextWeek
  fromAttrVal "nextYear" = readSuccess DynFilterNextYear
  fromAttrVal "null" = readSuccess DynFilterNull
  fromAttrVal "Q1" = readSuccess DynFilterQ1
  fromAttrVal "Q2" = readSuccess DynFilterQ2
  fromAttrVal "Q3" = readSuccess DynFilterQ3
  fromAttrVal "Q4" = readSuccess DynFilterQ4
  fromAttrVal "thisMonth" = readSuccess DynFilterThisMonth
  fromAttrVal "thisQuarter" = readSuccess DynFilterThisQuarter
  fromAttrVal "thisWeek" = readSuccess DynFilterThisWeek
  fromAttrVal "thisYear" = readSuccess DynFilterThisYear
  fromAttrVal "today" = readSuccess DynFilterToday
  fromAttrVal "tomorrow" = readSuccess DynFilterTomorrow
  fromAttrVal "yearToDate" = readSuccess DynFilterYearToDate
  fromAttrVal "yesterday" = readSuccess DynFilterYesterday
  fromAttrVal t = invalidText "DynFilterType" t

instance FromAttrBs DynFilterType where
  fromAttrBs "aboveAverage" = return DynFilterAboveAverage
  fromAttrBs "belowAverage" = return DynFilterBelowAverage
  fromAttrBs "lastMonth" = return DynFilterLastMonth
  fromAttrBs "lastQuarter" = return DynFilterLastQuarter
  fromAttrBs "lastWeek" = return DynFilterLastWeek
  fromAttrBs "lastYear" = return DynFilterLastYear
  fromAttrBs "M1" = return DynFilterM1
  fromAttrBs "M10" = return DynFilterM10
  fromAttrBs "M11" = return DynFilterM11
  fromAttrBs "M12" = return DynFilterM12
  fromAttrBs "M2" = return DynFilterM2
  fromAttrBs "M3" = return DynFilterM3
  fromAttrBs "M4" = return DynFilterM4
  fromAttrBs "M5" = return DynFilterM5
  fromAttrBs "M6" = return DynFilterM6
  fromAttrBs "M7" = return DynFilterM7
  fromAttrBs "M8" = return DynFilterM8
  fromAttrBs "M9" = return DynFilterM9
  fromAttrBs "nextMonth" = return DynFilterNextMonth
  fromAttrBs "nextQuarter" = return DynFilterNextQuarter
  fromAttrBs "nextWeek" = return DynFilterNextWeek
  fromAttrBs "nextYear" = return DynFilterNextYear
  fromAttrBs "null" = return DynFilterNull
  fromAttrBs "Q1" = return DynFilterQ1
  fromAttrBs "Q2" = return DynFilterQ2
  fromAttrBs "Q3" = return DynFilterQ3
  fromAttrBs "Q4" = return DynFilterQ4
  fromAttrBs "thisMonth" = return DynFilterThisMonth
  fromAttrBs "thisQuarter" = return DynFilterThisQuarter
  fromAttrBs "thisWeek" = return DynFilterThisWeek
  fromAttrBs "thisYear" = return DynFilterThisYear
  fromAttrBs "today" = return DynFilterToday
  fromAttrBs "tomorrow" = return DynFilterTomorrow
  fromAttrBs "yearToDate" = return DynFilterYearToDate
  fromAttrBs "yesterday" = return DynFilterYesterday
  fromAttrBs x = unexpectedAttrBs "DynFilterType" x


instance ToElement AutoFilter where
  toElement nm AutoFilter {..} =
      (catMaybes ["ref" .=? _afRef])
      [ elementList
        (n_ "filterColumn")
        ["colId" .= colId]
        [fltColToElement fCol]
      | (colId, fCol) <- M.toList _afFilterColumns

fltColToElement :: FilterColumn -> Element
fltColToElement (Filters filterBlank filterCriteria) =
  let attrs = catMaybes ["blank" .=? justNonDef DontFilterByBlank filterBlank]
  in elementList
     (n_ "filters") attrs $ map filterCriterionToElement filterCriteria
fltColToElement (ColorFilter opts) = toElement (n_ "colorFilter") opts
fltColToElement (ACustomFilter f) =
  elementListSimple (n_ "customFilters") [toElement (n_ "customFilter") f]
fltColToElement (CustomFiltersOr f1 f2) =
    (n_ "customFilters")
    [toElement (n_ "customFilter") f | f <- [f1, f2]]
fltColToElement (CustomFiltersAnd f1 f2) =
    (n_ "customFilters")
    ["and" .= True]
    [toElement (n_ "customFilter") f | f <- [f1, f2]]
fltColToElement (DynamicFilter opts) = toElement (n_ "dynamicFilter") opts
fltColToElement (IconFilter iconId iconSet) =
  leafElement (n_ "iconFilter") $
  ["iconSet" .= iconSet] ++ catMaybes ["iconId" .=? iconId]
fltColToElement (BottomNFilter opts) = edgeFilter False opts
fltColToElement (TopNFilter opts) = edgeFilter True opts

edgeFilter :: Bool -> EdgeFilterOptions -> Element
edgeFilter top EdgeFilterOptions {..} =
  leafElement (n_ "top10") $
  ["top" .= top, "percent" .= _efoUsePercents, "val" .= _efoVal] ++
  catMaybes ["filterVal" .=? _efoFilterVal]

filterCriterionToElement :: FilterCriterion -> Element
filterCriterionToElement (FilterValue v) =
  leafElement (n_ "filter") ["val" .= v]
filterCriterionToElement (FilterDateGroup (DateGroupByYear y)) =
    (n_ "dateGroupItem")
    ["dateTimeGrouping" .= ("year" :: Text), "year" .= y]
filterCriterionToElement (FilterDateGroup (DateGroupByMonth y m)) =
    (n_ "dateGroupItem")
    ["dateTimeGrouping" .= ("month" :: Text), "year" .= y, "month" .= m]
filterCriterionToElement (FilterDateGroup (DateGroupByDay y m d)) =
    (n_ "dateGroupItem")
    ["dateTimeGrouping" .= ("day" :: Text), "year" .= y, "month" .= m, "day" .= d]
filterCriterionToElement (FilterDateGroup (DateGroupByHour y m d h)) =
    (n_ "dateGroupItem")
    [ "dateTimeGrouping" .= ("hour" :: Text)
    , "year" .= y
    , "month" .= m
    , "day" .= d
    , "hour" .= h
filterCriterionToElement (FilterDateGroup (DateGroupByMinute y m d h mi)) =
    (n_ "dateGroupItem")
    [ "dateTimeGrouping" .= ("minute" :: Text)
    , "year" .= y
    , "month" .= m
    , "day" .= d
    , "hour" .= h
    , "minute" .= mi
filterCriterionToElement (FilterDateGroup (DateGroupBySecond y m d h mi s)) =
    (n_ "dateGroupItem")
    [ "dateTimeGrouping" .= ("second" :: Text)
    , "year" .= y
    , "month" .= m
    , "day" .= d
    , "hour" .= h
    , "minute" .= mi
    , "second" .= s

instance ToElement CustomFilter where
  toElement nm CustomFilter {..} =
    leafElement nm ["operator" .= cfltOperator, "val" .= cfltValue]

instance ToAttrVal CustomFilterOperator where
  toAttrVal FltrEqual = "equal"
  toAttrVal FltrGreaterThan = "greaterThan"
  toAttrVal FltrGreaterThanOrEqual = "greaterThanOrEqual"
  toAttrVal FltrLessThan = "lessThan"
  toAttrVal FltrLessThanOrEqual = "lessThanOrEqual"
  toAttrVal FltrNotEqual = "notEqual"

instance ToAttrVal FilterByBlank where
  toAttrVal FilterByBlank = toAttrVal True
  toAttrVal DontFilterByBlank = toAttrVal False

instance ToElement ColorFilterOptions where
  toElement nm ColorFilterOptions {..} =
    leafElement nm $
    catMaybes ["cellColor" .=? justFalse _cfoCellColor, "dxfId" .=? _cfoDxfId]

instance ToElement DynFilterOptions where
  toElement nm DynFilterOptions {..} =
    leafElement nm $
    ["type" .= _dfoType] ++
    catMaybes ["val" .=? _dfoVal, "maxVal" .=? _dfoMaxVal]

instance ToAttrVal DynFilterType where
  toAttrVal DynFilterAboveAverage = "aboveAverage"
  toAttrVal DynFilterBelowAverage = "belowAverage"
  toAttrVal DynFilterLastMonth = "lastMonth"
  toAttrVal DynFilterLastQuarter = "lastQuarter"
  toAttrVal DynFilterLastWeek = "lastWeek"
  toAttrVal DynFilterLastYear = "lastYear"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM1 = "M1"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM10 = "M10"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM11 = "M11"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM12 = "M12"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM2 = "M2"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM3 = "M3"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM4 = "M4"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM5 = "M5"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM6 = "M6"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM7 = "M7"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM8 = "M8"
  toAttrVal DynFilterM9 = "M9"
  toAttrVal DynFilterNextMonth = "nextMonth"
  toAttrVal DynFilterNextQuarter = "nextQuarter"
  toAttrVal DynFilterNextWeek = "nextWeek"
  toAttrVal DynFilterNextYear = "nextYear"
  toAttrVal DynFilterNull = "null"
  toAttrVal DynFilterQ1 = "Q1"
  toAttrVal DynFilterQ2 = "Q2"
  toAttrVal DynFilterQ3 = "Q3"
  toAttrVal DynFilterQ4 = "Q4"
  toAttrVal DynFilterThisMonth = "thisMonth"
  toAttrVal DynFilterThisQuarter = "thisQuarter"
  toAttrVal DynFilterThisWeek = "thisWeek"
  toAttrVal DynFilterThisYear = "thisYear"
  toAttrVal DynFilterToday = "today"
  toAttrVal DynFilterTomorrow = "tomorrow"
  toAttrVal DynFilterYearToDate = "yearToDate"
  toAttrVal DynFilterYesterday = "yesterday"