{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Codec.Xlsx.Types.Drawing.Common where

import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
import Text.XML
import Text.XML.Cursor

import Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal
import Codec.Xlsx.Writer.Internal

-- | This simple type represents an angle in 60,000ths of a degree.
-- Positive angles are clockwise (i.e., towards the positive y axis); negative
-- angles are counter-clockwise (i.e., towards the negative y axis).
newtype Angle =
  Angle Int
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData Angle

-- | A string with rich text formatting
-- TODO: horzOverflow, lIns, tIns, rIns, bIns, numCol, spcCol, rtlCol,
--   fromWordArt, forceAA, upright, compatLnSpc, prstTxWarp,
--   a_EG_TextAutofit, scene3d, a_EG_Text3D, extLst
-- See @CT_TextBody@ (p. 4034)
data TextBody = TextBody
  { _txbdRotation :: Angle
    -- ^ Specifies the rotation that is being applied to the text within the bounding box.
  , _txbdSpcFirstLastPara :: Bool
    -- ^ Specifies whether the before and after paragraph spacing defined by the user is
    -- to be respected.
  , _txbdVertOverflow :: TextVertOverflow
    -- ^ Determines whether the text can flow out of the bounding box vertically.
  , _txbdVertical :: TextVertical
    -- ^ Determines if the text within the given text body should be displayed vertically.
  , _txbdWrap :: TextWrap
    -- ^ Specifies the wrapping options to be used for this text body.
  , _txbdAnchor :: TextAnchoring
    -- ^ Specifies the anchoring position of the txBody within the shape.
  , _txbdAnchorCenter :: Bool
    -- ^ Specifies the centering of the text box. The way it works fundamentally is
    -- to determine the smallest possible "bounds box" for the text and then to center
    -- that "bounds box" accordingly. This is different than paragraph alignment, which
    -- aligns the text within the "bounds box" for the text.
  , _txbdParagraphs :: [TextParagraph]
    -- ^ Paragraphs of text within the containing text body
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextBody

-- | Text vertical overflow
-- See "ST_TextVertOverflowType (Text Vertical Overflow)" (p. 3083)
data TextVertOverflow
  = TextVertOverflowClip
    -- ^ Pay attention to top and bottom barriers. Provide no indication that there is
    -- text which is not visible.
  | TextVertOverflowEllipsis
    -- ^ Pay attention to top and bottom barriers. Use an ellipsis to denote that
    -- there is text which is not visible.
  | TextVertOverflow
    -- ^ Overflow the text and pay no attention to top and bottom barriers.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextVertOverflow

-- | If there is vertical text, determines what kind of vertical text is going to be used.
--  See "ST_TextVerticalType (Vertical Text Types)" (p. 3083)
data TextVertical
  = TextVerticalEA
    -- ^ A special version of vertical text, where some fonts are displayed as if rotated
    -- by 90 degrees while some fonts (mostly East Asian) are displayed vertical.
  | TextVerticalHorz
    -- ^ Horizontal text. This should be default.
  | TextVerticalMongolian
    -- ^ A special version of vertical text, where some fonts are displayed as if rotated
    -- by 90 degrees while some fonts (mostly East Asian) are displayed vertical. The
    -- difference between this and the 'TextVerticalEA' is the text flows top down then
    -- LEFT RIGHT, instead of RIGHT LEFT
  | TextVertical
    -- ^ Determines if all of the text is vertical orientation (each line is 90 degrees
    -- rotated clockwise, so it goes from top to bottom; each next line is to the left
    -- from the previous one).
  | TextVertical270
    -- ^ Determines if all of the text is vertical orientation (each line is 270 degrees
    -- rotated clockwise, so it goes from bottom to top; each next line is to the right
    -- from the previous one).
  | TextVerticalWordArt
    -- ^ Determines if all of the text is vertical ("one letter on top of another").
  | TextVerticalWordArtRtl
    -- ^  Specifies that vertical WordArt should be shown from right to left rather than
    -- left to right.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextVertical

-- | Text wrapping types
-- See "ST_TextWrappingType (Text Wrapping Types)" (p. 3084)
data TextWrap
    = TextWrapNone
    -- ^ No wrapping occurs on this text body. Words spill out without
    -- paying attention to the bounding rectangle boundaries.
    | TextWrapSquare
    -- ^ Determines whether we wrap words within the bounding rectangle.
    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextWrap

-- | This type specifies a list of available anchoring types for text.
-- See "ST_TextAnchoringType (Text Anchoring Types)" (p. 3058)
data TextAnchoring
  = TextAnchoringBottom
    -- ^ Anchor the text at the bottom of the bounding rectangle.
  | TextAnchoringCenter
    -- ^ Anchor the text at the middle of the bounding rectangle.
  | TextAnchoringDistributed
    -- ^  Anchor the text so that it is distributed vertically. When text is horizontal,
    -- this spaces out the actual lines of text and is almost always identical in
    -- behavior to 'TextAnchoringJustified' (special case: if only 1 line, then anchored
    -- in middle). When text is vertical, then it distributes the letters vertically.
    -- This is different than 'TextAnchoringJustified', because it always forces distribution
    -- of the words, even if there are only one or two words in a line.
  | TextAnchoringJustified
    -- ^ Anchor the text so that it is justified vertically. When text is horizontal,
    -- this spaces out the actual lines of text and is almost always identical in
    -- behavior to 'TextAnchoringDistributed' (special case: if only 1 line, then anchored at
    -- top). When text is vertical, then it justifies the letters vertically. This is
    -- different than 'TextAnchoringDistributed' because in some cases such as very little
    -- text in a line, it does not justify.
  | TextAnchoringTop
    -- ^ Anchor the text at the top of the bounding rectangle.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextAnchoring

-- See "p (Text Paragraphs)" (p. 3211)
data TextParagraph = TextParagraph
  { _txpaDefCharProps :: Maybe TextCharacterProperties
  , _txpaRuns :: [TextRun]
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextParagraph

-- | Text character properties
-- TODO: kumimoji, lang, altLang, sz, strike, kern, cap, spc,
--   normalizeH, baseline, noProof, dirty, err, smtClean, smtId,
--   bmk, ln, a_EG_FillProperties, a_EG_EffectProperties, highlight,
--   a_EG_TextUnderlineLine, a_EG_TextUnderlineFill, latin, ea, cs,
--   sym, hlinkClick, hlinkMouseOver, rtl, extLst
-- See @CT_TextCharacterProperties@ (p. 4039)
data TextCharacterProperties = TextCharacterProperties
  { _txchBold :: Bool
  , _txchItalic :: Bool
  , _txchUnderline :: Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextCharacterProperties

-- | Text run
-- TODO: br, fld
data TextRun = RegularRun
  { _txrCharProps :: Maybe TextCharacterProperties
  , _txrText :: Text
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData TextRun

-- | This simple type represents a one dimensional position or length
-- See "ST_Coordinate (Coordinate)" (p. 2921)
data Coordinate
  = UnqCoordinate Int
    -- ^ see "ST_CoordinateUnqualified (Coordinate)" (p. 2922)
  | UniversalMeasure UnitIdentifier
    -- ^ see "ST_UniversalMeasure (Universal Measurement)" (p. 3793)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData Coordinate

-- | Units used in "Universal measure" coordinates
-- see "ST_UniversalMeasure (Universal Measurement)" (p. 3793)
data UnitIdentifier
  = UnitCm -- "cm" As defined in ISO 31.
  | UnitMm -- "mm" As defined in ISO 31.
  | UnitIn -- "in" 1 in = 2.54 cm (informative)
  | UnitPt -- "pt" 1 pt = 1/72 in (informative)
  | UnitPc -- "pc" 1 pc = 12 pt (informative)
  | UnitPi -- "pi" 1 pi = 12 pt (informative)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData UnitIdentifier

-- See @CT_Point2D@ (p. 3989)
data Point2D = Point2D
  { _pt2dX :: Coordinate
  , _pt2dY :: Coordinate
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData Point2D

unqPoint2D :: Int -> Int -> Point2D
unqPoint2D x y = Point2D (UnqCoordinate x) (UnqCoordinate y)

-- | Positive position or length in EMUs, maximu allowed value is 27273042316900.
-- see "ST_PositiveCoordinate (Positive Coordinate)" (p. 2942)
newtype PositiveCoordinate =
  PositiveCoordinate Integer
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance NFData PositiveCoordinate

data PositiveSize2D = PositiveSize2D
  { _ps2dX :: PositiveCoordinate
  , _ps2dY :: PositiveCoordinate
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData PositiveSize2D

positiveSize2D :: Integer -> Integer -> PositiveSize2D
positiveSize2D x y =
  PositiveSize2D (PositiveCoordinate x) (PositiveCoordinate y)

cmSize2D :: Integer -> Integer -> PositiveSize2D
cmSize2D x y = positiveSize2D (cm2emu x) (cm2emu y)

cm2emu :: Integer -> Integer
cm2emu cm = 360000 * cm

-- See "xfrm (2D Transform for Individual Objects)" (p. 2849)
data Transform2D = Transform2D
  { _trRot :: Angle
    -- ^ Specifies the rotation of the Graphic Frame.
  , _trFlipH :: Bool
    -- ^ Specifies a horizontal flip. When true, this attribute defines
    -- that the shape is flipped horizontally about the center of its bounding box.
  , _trFlipV :: Bool
    -- ^ Specifies a vertical flip. When true, this attribute defines
    -- that the shape is flipped vetically about the center of its bounding box.
  , _trOffset :: Maybe Point2D
    -- ^ See "off (Offset)" (p. 2847)
  , _trExtents :: Maybe PositiveSize2D
    -- ^ See "ext (Extents)" (p. 2846) or
    -- "ext (Shape Extent)" (p. 3165)
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData Transform2D

-- TODO: custGeom
data Geometry =
  -- TODO: prst, avList
  -- currently uses "rect" with empty avList
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData Geometry

-- See "spPr (Shape Properties)" (p. 2751)
data ShapeProperties = ShapeProperties
  { _spXfrm :: Maybe Transform2D
  , _spGeometry :: Maybe Geometry
  , _spFill :: Maybe FillProperties
  , _spOutline :: Maybe LineProperties
    -- TODO: bwMode, a_EG_EffectProperties, scene3d, sp3d, extLst
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData ShapeProperties

-- | Specifies an outline style that can be applied to a number of
-- different objects such as shapes and text.
-- TODO: cap, cmpd, algn, a_EG_LineDashProperties,
--   a_EG_LineJoinProperties, headEnd, tailEnd, extLst
-- See "ln (Outline)" (p. 2744)
data LineProperties = LineProperties
  { _lnFill :: Maybe FillProperties
  , _lnWidth :: Int
  -- ^ Specifies the width to be used for the underline stroke.  The
  -- value is in EMU, is greater of equal to 0 and maximum value is
  -- 20116800.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData LineProperties

-- | Color choice for some drawing element
-- TODO: scrgbClr, hslClr, sysClr, schemeClr, prstClr
-- See @EG_ColorChoice@ (p. 3996)
data ColorChoice =
  RgbColor Text
  -- ^ Specifies a color using the red, green, blue RGB color
  -- model. Red, green, and blue is expressed as sequence of hex
  -- digits, RRGGBB. A perceptual gamma of 2.2 is used.
  -- See "srgbClr (RGB Color Model - Hex Variant)" (p. 2773)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData ColorChoice

-- TODO: gradFill, pattFill
data FillProperties =
  -- ^ See "noFill (No Fill)" (p. 2872)
  | SolidFill (Maybe ColorChoice)
  -- ^ Solid fill
  -- See "solidFill (Solid Fill)" (p. 2879)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance NFData FillProperties

-- | solid fill with color specified by hexadecimal RGB color
solidRgb :: Text -> FillProperties
solidRgb t = SolidFill . Just $ RgbColor t

makeLenses ''ShapeProperties

  Default instances

instance Default ShapeProperties where
    def = ShapeProperties Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

instance Default LineProperties where
  def = LineProperties Nothing 0


instance FromCursor TextBody where
  fromCursor cur = do
    cur' <- cur $/ element (a_ "bodyPr")
    _txbdRotation <- fromAttributeDef "rot" (Angle 0) cur'
    _txbdSpcFirstLastPara <- fromAttributeDef "spcFirstLastPara" False cur'
    _txbdVertOverflow <- fromAttributeDef "vertOverflow" TextVertOverflow cur'
    _txbdVertical <- fromAttributeDef "vert" TextVerticalHorz cur'
    _txbdWrap <- fromAttributeDef "wrap" TextWrapSquare cur'
    _txbdAnchor <- fromAttributeDef "anchor" TextAnchoringTop cur'
    _txbdAnchorCenter <- fromAttributeDef "anchorCtr" False cur'
    let _txbdParagraphs = cur $/ element (a_ "p") >=> fromCursor
    return TextBody {..}

instance FromCursor TextParagraph where
  fromCursor cur = do
    let _txpaDefCharProps =
          join . listToMaybe $
          cur $/ element (a_ "pPr") >=> maybeFromElement (a_ "defRPr")
        _txpaRuns = cur $/ element (a_ "r") >=> fromCursor
    return TextParagraph {..}

instance FromCursor TextCharacterProperties where
  fromCursor cur = do
    _txchBold <- fromAttributeDef "b" False cur
    _txchItalic <- fromAttributeDef "i" False cur
    _txchUnderline <- fromAttributeDef "u" False cur
    return TextCharacterProperties {..}

instance FromCursor TextRun where
  fromCursor cur = do
    _txrCharProps <- maybeFromElement (a_ "rPr") cur
    _txrText <- cur $/ element (a_ "t") &/ content
    return RegularRun {..}

-- See "ST_Angle (Angle)" (p. 2912)
instance FromAttrVal Angle where
  fromAttrVal t = first Angle <$> fromAttrVal t

-- See "ST_TextVertOverflowType (Text Vertical Overflow)" (p. 3083)
instance FromAttrVal TextVertOverflow where
  fromAttrVal "overflow" = readSuccess TextVertOverflow
  fromAttrVal "ellipsis" = readSuccess TextVertOverflowEllipsis
  fromAttrVal "clip" = readSuccess TextVertOverflowClip
  fromAttrVal t = invalidText "TextVertOverflow" t

instance FromAttrVal TextVertical where
  fromAttrVal "horz" = readSuccess TextVerticalHorz
  fromAttrVal "vert" = readSuccess TextVertical
  fromAttrVal "vert270" = readSuccess TextVertical270
  fromAttrVal "wordArtVert" = readSuccess TextVerticalWordArt
  fromAttrVal "eaVert" = readSuccess TextVerticalEA
  fromAttrVal "mongolianVert" = readSuccess TextVerticalMongolian
  fromAttrVal "wordArtVertRtl" = readSuccess TextVerticalWordArtRtl
  fromAttrVal t = invalidText "TextVertical" t

instance FromAttrVal TextWrap where
  fromAttrVal "none" = readSuccess TextWrapNone
  fromAttrVal "square" = readSuccess TextWrapSquare
  fromAttrVal t = invalidText "TextWrap" t

-- See "ST_TextAnchoringType (Text Anchoring Types)" (p. 3058)
instance FromAttrVal TextAnchoring where
  fromAttrVal "t" = readSuccess TextAnchoringTop
  fromAttrVal "ctr" = readSuccess TextAnchoringCenter
  fromAttrVal "b" = readSuccess TextAnchoringBottom
  fromAttrVal "just" = readSuccess TextAnchoringJustified
  fromAttrVal "dist" = readSuccess TextAnchoringDistributed
  fromAttrVal t = invalidText "TextAnchoring" t

instance FromCursor ShapeProperties where
  fromCursor cur = do
    _spXfrm <- maybeFromElement (a_ "xfrm") cur
    let _spGeometry = listToMaybe $ cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor
        _spFill = listToMaybe $ cur $/ anyElement >=> fillPropsFromNode . node
    _spOutline <- maybeFromElement (a_ "ln") cur
    return ShapeProperties {..}

instance FromCursor Transform2D where
    fromCursor cur = do
        _trRot     <- fromAttributeDef "rot" (Angle 0) cur
        _trFlipH   <- fromAttributeDef "flipH" False cur
        _trFlipV   <- fromAttributeDef "flipV" False cur
        _trOffset  <- maybeFromElement (a_ "off") cur
        _trExtents <- maybeFromElement (a_ "ext") cur
        return Transform2D{..}

instance FromCursor Geometry where
    fromCursor = geometryFromNode . node

geometryFromNode :: Node -> [Geometry]
geometryFromNode n | n `nodeElNameIs` a_ "prstGeom" =
                         return PresetGeometry
                   | otherwise = fail "no matching geometry node"

instance FromCursor LineProperties where
    fromCursor cur = do
        let _lnFill = listToMaybe $ cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor
        _lnWidth <- fromAttributeDef "w" 0 cur
        return LineProperties{..}

instance FromCursor Point2D where
    fromCursor cur = do
        x <- coordinate =<< fromAttribute "x" cur
        y <- coordinate =<< fromAttribute "y" cur
        return $ Point2D x y

instance FromCursor PositiveSize2D where
    fromCursor cur = do
        cx <- PositiveCoordinate <$> fromAttribute "cx" cur
        cy <- PositiveCoordinate <$> fromAttribute "cy" cur
        return $ PositiveSize2D cx cy

instance FromCursor FillProperties where
    fromCursor = fillPropsFromNode . node

fillPropsFromNode :: Node -> [FillProperties]
fillPropsFromNode n
  | n `nodeElNameIs` a_ "noFill" = return NoFill
  | n `nodeElNameIs` a_ "solidFill" = do
    let color =
          listToMaybe $ fromNode n $/ anyElement >=> colorChoiceFromNode . node
    return $ SolidFill color
  | otherwise = fail "no matching line fill node"

colorChoiceFromNode :: Node -> [ColorChoice]
colorChoiceFromNode n
  | n `nodeElNameIs` a_ "srgbClr" = do
    val <- fromAttribute "val" $ fromNode n
    return $ RgbColor val
  | otherwise = fail "no matching color choice node"

coordinate :: MonadFail m => Text -> m Coordinate
coordinate t =  case T.decimal t of
  Right (d, leftover) | leftover == T.empty ->
      return $ UnqCoordinate d
  _ ->
      case T.rational t of
          Right (r, "cm") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitCm r
          Right (r, "mm") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitMm r
          Right (r, "in") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitIn r
          Right (r, "pt") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitPt r
          Right (r, "pc") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitPc r
          Right (r, "pi") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitPi r
          _               -> fail $ "invalid coordinate: " ++ show t


instance ToElement TextBody where
  toElement nm TextBody {..} = elementListSimple nm (bodyPr : paragraphs)
      bodyPr = leafElement (a_ "bodyPr") bodyPrAttrs
      bodyPrAttrs =
          [ "rot" .=? justNonDef (Angle 0) _txbdRotation
          , "spcFirstLastPara" .=? justTrue _txbdSpcFirstLastPara
          , "vertOverflow" .=? justNonDef TextVertOverflow _txbdVertOverflow
          , "vert" .=? justNonDef TextVerticalHorz _txbdVertical
          , "wrap" .=? justNonDef TextWrapSquare _txbdWrap
          , "anchor" .=? justNonDef TextAnchoringTop _txbdAnchor
          , "anchorCtr" .=? justTrue _txbdAnchorCenter
      paragraphs = map (toElement (a_ "p")) _txbdParagraphs

instance ToElement TextParagraph where
  toElement nm TextParagraph {..} = elementListSimple nm elements
      elements =
        case _txpaDefCharProps of
          Just props -> (defRPr props) : runs
          Nothing -> runs
      defRPr props =
        elementListSimple (a_ "pPr") [toElement (a_ "defRPr") props]
      runs = map (toElement (a_ "r")) _txpaRuns

instance ToElement TextCharacterProperties where
  toElement nm TextCharacterProperties {..} = leafElement nm attrs
      attrs = ["b" .= _txchBold, "i" .= _txchItalic, "u" .= _txchUnderline]

instance ToElement TextRun where
  toElement nm RegularRun {..} = elementListSimple nm elements
      elements =
          [ toElement (a_ "rPr") <$> _txrCharProps
          , Just $ elementContent (a_ "t") _txrText

instance ToAttrVal TextVertOverflow where
  toAttrVal TextVertOverflow = "overflow"
  toAttrVal TextVertOverflowEllipsis = "ellipsis"
  toAttrVal TextVertOverflowClip = "clip"

instance ToAttrVal TextVertical where
  toAttrVal TextVerticalHorz = "horz"
  toAttrVal TextVertical = "vert"
  toAttrVal TextVertical270 = "vert270"
  toAttrVal TextVerticalWordArt = "wordArtVert"
  toAttrVal TextVerticalEA = "eaVert"
  toAttrVal TextVerticalMongolian = "mongolianVert"
  toAttrVal TextVerticalWordArtRtl = "wordArtVertRtl"

instance ToAttrVal TextWrap where
  toAttrVal TextWrapNone = "none"
  toAttrVal TextWrapSquare = "square"

-- See "ST_TextAnchoringType (Text Anchoring Types)" (p. 3058)
instance ToAttrVal TextAnchoring where
  toAttrVal TextAnchoringTop = "t"
  toAttrVal TextAnchoringCenter = "ctr"
  toAttrVal TextAnchoringBottom = "b"
  toAttrVal TextAnchoringJustified = "just"
  toAttrVal TextAnchoringDistributed = "dist"

instance ToAttrVal Angle where
  toAttrVal (Angle x) = toAttrVal x

instance ToElement ShapeProperties where
    toElement nm ShapeProperties{..} = elementListSimple nm elements
        elements = catMaybes [ toElement (a_ "xfrm") <$> _spXfrm
                             , geometryToElement <$> _spGeometry
                             , fillPropsToElement <$> _spFill
                             , toElement (a_ "ln")  <$> _spOutline ]

instance ToElement Point2D where
    toElement nm Point2D{..} = leafElement nm [ "x" .= _pt2dX
                                              , "y" .= _pt2dY

instance ToElement PositiveSize2D where
    toElement nm PositiveSize2D{..} = leafElement nm [ "cx" .= _ps2dX
                                                     , "cy" .= _ps2dY ]

instance ToAttrVal Coordinate where
    toAttrVal (UnqCoordinate x) = toAttrVal x
    toAttrVal (UniversalMeasure unit x) = toAttrVal x <> unitToText unit
        unitToText UnitCm = "cm"
        unitToText UnitMm = "mm"
        unitToText UnitIn = "in"
        unitToText UnitPt = "pt"
        unitToText UnitPc = "pc"
        unitToText UnitPi = "pi"

instance ToAttrVal PositiveCoordinate where
    toAttrVal (PositiveCoordinate x) = toAttrVal x

instance ToElement Transform2D where
    toElement nm Transform2D{..} = elementList nm attrs elements
        attrs = catMaybes [ "rot"   .=? justNonDef (Angle 0) _trRot
                          , "flipH" .=? justTrue _trFlipH
                          , "flipV" .=? justTrue _trFlipV ]
        elements = catMaybes [ toElement (a_ "off") <$> _trOffset
                             , toElement (a_ "ext") <$> _trExtents ]

geometryToElement :: Geometry -> Element
geometryToElement PresetGeometry =
  leafElement (a_ "prstGeom") ["prst" .= ("rect" :: Text)]

instance ToElement LineProperties where
  toElement nm LineProperties {..} = elementList nm attrs elements
      attrs = catMaybes ["w" .=? justNonDef 0 _lnWidth]
      elements = catMaybes [fillPropsToElement <$> _lnFill]

fillPropsToElement :: FillProperties -> Element
fillPropsToElement NoFill = emptyElement (a_ "noFill")
fillPropsToElement (SolidFill color) =
  elementListSimple (a_ "solidFill") $ catMaybes [colorChoiceToElement <$> color]

colorChoiceToElement :: ColorChoice -> Element
colorChoiceToElement (RgbColor color) =
  leafElement (a_ "srgbClr") ["val" .= color]

-- | Add DrawingML namespace to name
a_ :: Text -> Name
a_ x =
  Name {nameLocalName = x, nameNamespace = Just drawingNs, namePrefix = Just "a"}

drawingNs :: Text
drawingNs = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"