xmlhtml-0.1.4: XML parser and renderer with HTML 5 quirks mode




Parsers and renderers for XML and HTML 5. Although the formats are treated differently, the data types used by each are the same, which makes it easy to write code that works with the element structure of either XML or HTML 5 documents.


  • The XML parser does not parse internal DOCTYPE subsets. They are just stored as blocks of text, with minimal scanning done to match quotes and brackets to determine the end.
  • Since DTDs are not parsed, the XML parser fails on entity references, except for those defined internally. You cannot use this library for parsing XML documents with entity references outside the predefined set.
  • The HTML 5 parser is not a compliant HTML parser. Instead, it is a parser for valid HTML 5 content. It should only be used on content that you have reason to believe is probably correct, since the compatibility features of HTML 5 are missing. This is the wrong library on which to build a web spider.
  • Both parsers accept fragments of documents, by which is meant that they do not enforce the top-level structure of the document. Files may contain more than one root element, for example.



data Document Source

Represents a document fragment, including the format, encoding, and document type declaration as well as its content.


data Node Source

A node of a document structure. A node can be text, a comment, or an element. XML processing instructions are intentionally omitted as a simplification, and CDATA and plain text are both text nodes, since they ought to be semantically interchangeable.


TextNode !Text 
Comment !Text 


data DocType Source

A document type declaration. Note that DTD internal subsets are currently unimplemented.


data ExternalID Source

An external ID, as in a document type declaration. This can be a SYSTEM identifier, or a PUBLIC identifier, or can be omitted.


Public !Text !Text 
System !Text 

data InternalSubset Source

The internal subset is unparsed, but preserved in case it's actually wanted.

data Encoding Source

The character encoding of a document. Currently only the required character encodings are implemented.




Manipulating documents

isTextNode :: Node -> BoolSource

Determines whether the node is text or not.

isComment :: Node -> BoolSource

Determines whether the node is a comment or not.

isElement :: Node -> BoolSource

Determines whether the node is an element or not.

tagName :: Node -> Maybe TextSource

Gives the tag name of an element, or Nothing if the node isn't an element.

getAttribute :: Text -> Node -> Maybe TextSource

Retrieves the attribute with the given name. If the Node is not an element, the result is always Nothing

hasAttribute :: Text -> Node -> BoolSource

Checks if a given attribute exists in a Node.

setAttribute :: Text -> Text -> Node -> NodeSource

Sets the attribute name to the given value. If the Node is not an element, this is the identity.

nodeText :: Node -> TextSource

Gives the entire text content of a node, ignoring markup.

childNodes :: Node -> [Node]Source

Gives the child nodes of the given node. Only elements have child nodes.

childElements :: Node -> [Node]Source

Gives the child elements of the given node.

childElementsTag :: Text -> Node -> [Node]Source

Gives all of the child elements of the node with the given tag name.

childElementTag :: Text -> Node -> Maybe NodeSource

Gives the first child element of the node with the given tag name, or Nothing if there is no such child element.

descendantNodes :: Node -> [Node]Source

Gives the descendants of the given node in the order that they begin in the document.

descendantElements :: Node -> [Node]Source

Gives the descendant elements of the given node, in the order that their start tags appear in the document.

descendantElementsTag :: Text -> Node -> [Node]Source

Gives the descendant elements with a given tag name.

descendantElementTag :: Text -> Node -> Maybe NodeSource

Gives the first descendant element of the node with the given tag name, or Nothing if there is no such element.




:: String

Name of document source (perhaps a filename) for error messages

-> ByteString

Document contents

-> Either String Document

The document or an error message

Parses the given XML fragment.



:: String

Name of document source (perhaps a filename) for error messages

-> ByteString

Document contents

-> Either String Document

The document or an error message

Parses the given HTML fragment. This enables HTML quirks mode, which changes the parsing algorithm to parse valid HTML 5 documents correctly.
