yaya-unsafe- Non-total extensions to the Yaya recursion scheme library.
Safe HaskellSafe



Definitions and instances that use direct recursion, which (because of laziness) can lead to non-termination.



anaM :: (Monad m, Steppable (->) t f, Traversable f) => CoalgebraM (->) m f a -> a -> m t Source #

This can’t be implemented in a total fashion. There is a similar approach that can be total – with ψ :: CoalgebraM (->) m f a, ana (Compose . ψ) results in something like Nu (Compose m f) which is akin to an effectful stream.

corecursivePrism :: (Steppable (->) t f, Recursive (->) t f, Traversable f) => CoalgebraPrism f a -> Prism' a t Source #

ganaM :: (Monad m, Monad n, Traversable n, Steppable (->) t f, Traversable f) => DistributiveLaw (->) n f -> GCoalgebraM (->) m n f a -> a -> m t Source #

ghylo :: (Comonad w, Monad m, Functor f) => DistributiveLaw (->) f w -> DistributiveLaw (->) m f -> GAlgebra (->) w f b -> GCoalgebra (->) m f a -> a -> b Source #

ghyloM :: (Comonad w, Traversable w, Monad m, Traversable f, Monad n, Traversable n) => DistributiveLaw (->) f w -> DistributiveLaw (->) n f -> GAlgebraM (->) m w f b -> GCoalgebraM (->) m n f a -> a -> m b Source #

hylo :: Functor f => Algebra (->) f b -> Coalgebra (->) f a -> a -> b Source #

Fusion of an ana and a cata.

hyloM :: (Monad m, Traversable f) => AlgebraM (->) m f b -> CoalgebraM (->) m f a -> a -> m b Source #

stream' Source #


:: (Projectable (->) input inputf, Steppable (->) output outputf, Functor outputf) 
=> CoalgebraM (->) Maybe outputf state

Lazily processes the state into additional output elements. This should return Nothing when the state doesn’t allow any more output to be generated, causing control to be transferred back to the accumulator algebra.

state -> Maybe (outputf state)
-> (state -> ((state -> state) -> input -> output) -> inputf input -> output)

The general state accumulation function, this is specialized in the other stream* functions. Given a state and a continuation function, converts the entire input to output.

TODO: Consider whether it’d be useful/possible to use

forall x. state -> ((state -> state) -> x -> output) -> inputf x -> output

to prevent the function from consuming more than one element of the input per call.

-> state

The initial state.

-> input

The Recursive (well, Projectable) input.

-> output

The Corecursive (well, Steppable) output.

This is the core operation for all metamorphisms. It generally shouldn’t be used directly, but is exposed in case you come up with a novel accumulation function to use.

Metamorphisms are conceptually a fold followed by an unfold (effectively the reverse of a hylomorphism). Many are equivalent to ana ψ . cata φ, but some can be processed incrementally, forming a family of “streaming metamorphisms”, which are the ones captured here.

FIXME: What happens when this is given a branching structure? Where does that cause a problem?

NB: See https://gist.github.com/sellout/4709e723cb649110af00217486c4466b for some commentary and explanation.

streamAna Source #


:: (Projectable (->) input inputf, Steppable (->) output outputf, Functor outputf) 
=> CoalgebraM (->) Maybe outputf state

Lazily processes the state into additional output elements. This should return Nothing when the state doesn’t allow any more output to be generated, causing control to be transferred back to the accumulator algebra.

state -> Maybe (outputf state)
-> AlgebraM (->) (Pair (state -> state)) inputf input

Accumulates more elements from the input into the state. It returns a function to modify the previous state as well as the remaining input. This passes control back to the processing coalgebra after each call, allowing as much output to be generated from as little input as possible.

inputf input -> (state -> state, input)
-> state

The initial state.

-> input

The Recursive (well, Projectable) input.

-> output

The Corecursive (well, Steppable) output.

Gibbons’ metamorphism. It lazily folds a (necessarily infinite) value, incrementally re-expanding that value into some new representation. See stream' for more on metamorphisms.

FIXME: What happens when this is given a finite structure?

The “Ana” in the name parallels the naming of streamGApo, where this form lacks the helper algebra, in the same way that ana lacks the helper algebra that gapo has.

streamGApo Source #


:: (Projectable (->) input inputf, Steppable (->) output outputf, Corecursive (->) output outputf, Functor outputf) 
=> Coalgebra (->) outputf state

The flushing coalgebra that consumes the remaining state after the input has been fully consumed.

-> CoalgebraM (->) Maybe outputf state

Lazily processes the state into additional output elements. This should return Nothing when the state doesn’t allow any more output to be generated, causing control to be transferred back to the accumulator algebra.

state -> Maybe (outputf state)
-> (inputf input -> Maybe (Pair (state -> state) input))

Accumulates more elements from the input into the state. It returns a function to modify the previous state as well as the remaining input. This passes control back to the processing coalgebra after each call, allowing as much output to be generated from as little input as possible. This should return Nothing when the input is consumed, causing control to be transferred to the flushing coalgebra instead of the processing coalgebra.

-> state

The initial state.

-> input

The Recursive (well, Projectable) input.

-> output

The Corecursive output.

Another form of Gibbons’ metamorphism. This one can be applied to non- infinite inputs and takes an additional “flushing” coalgebra to be applied after all the input has been consumed. See stream' for more on metamorphisms.

The “GApo” in the name comes from the parallel with gapo, where a “helper” Coalgebra (the “flusher” in this case) can be applied when the primary algebra “fails”. This is also why the arguments are re-ordered relative to Gibbons’ fstream – to make the parallel with gapo more obvious.

unsafeAna :: (Steppable (->) t f, Functor f) => Coalgebra (->) f a -> a -> t Source #

Instances leak transitively, so while Yaya.Unsafe.Fold.Instances exists, it should only be used when it is unavoidable. If you are explicitly folding a structure unsafely, use this function instead of importing that module.

unsafeCata :: (Projectable (->) t f, Functor f) => Algebra (->) f a -> t -> a Source #

Instances leak transitively, so while Yaya.Unsafe.Fold.Instances exists, it should only be used when it is unavoidable. If you are explicitly unfolding a structure unsafely, use this function instead of importing that module.

Should one prefer unsafeAna or unsafeCata in cases where both are applicable? - one may provide weaker constraints than the other in certain cases (e.g., on its own, unsafeCata only requires Projectable on the source, but unsafeAna requires Steppable on the target. Depending on what other constraints already exist on the function, either one may ultimately be less constrained. - they may fail differently: unsafeCata (folding a potentially-infinite structure) is likely to result in non-termination, whereas unsafeAna (building a potentially-infinite structure strictly) is likely to use up the memory or overflow the stack.