yesod-auth- Authentication for Yesod.

Safe HaskellNone





data family Route a1

The type-safe URLs associated with a site argument.

data AuthPlugin master Source




apName :: Text
apDispatch :: Method -> [Piece] -> AuthHandler master TypedContent
apLogin :: (Route Auth -> Route master) -> WidgetT master IO ()

class (Yesod master, PathPiece (AuthId master), RenderMessage master FormMessage) => YesodAuth master whereSource

Associated Types

type AuthId master Source


authLayout :: WidgetT master IO () -> HandlerT master IO HtmlSource

specify the layout. Uses defaultLayout by default

loginDest :: master -> Route masterSource

Default destination on successful login, if no other destination exists.

logoutDest :: master -> Route masterSource

Default destination on successful logout, if no other destination exists.

getAuthId :: Creds master -> HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master))Source

Determine the ID associated with the set of credentials.

authPlugins :: master -> [AuthPlugin master]Source

Which authentication backends to use.

loginHandler :: AuthHandler master HtmlSource

What to show on the login page.



:: master 
-> [Text]


-> AuthMessage 
-> Text 

Used for i18n of messages provided by this package.

redirectToReferer :: master -> BoolSource

After login and logout, redirect to the referring page, instead of loginDest and logoutDest. Default is False.

authHttpManager :: master -> ManagerSource

Return an HTTP connection manager that is stored in the foundation type. This allows backends to reuse persistent connections. If none of the backends you're using use HTTP connections, you can safely return error "authHttpManager" here.

onLogin :: HandlerT master IO ()Source

Called on a successful login. By default, calls setMessageI NowLoggedIn.

onLogout :: HandlerT master IO ()Source

Called on logout. By default, does nothing

maybeAuthId :: HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master))Source

Retrieves user credentials, if user is authenticated.

By default, this calls defaultMaybeAuthId to get the user ID from the session. This can be overridden to allow authentication via other means, such as checking for a special token in a request header. This is especially useful for creating an API to be accessed via some means other than a browser.

Since 1.2.0

onErrorHtml :: MonadResourceBase m => Route master -> Text -> HandlerT master m HtmlSource

Called on login error for HTTP requests. By default, calls setMessage and redirects to dest.

type YesodAuthPersist master = (YesodAuth master, PersistMonadBackend (YesodPersistBackend master (HandlerT master IO)) ~ PersistEntityBackend (AuthEntity master), Key (AuthEntity master) ~ AuthId master, PersistStore (YesodPersistBackend master (HandlerT master IO)), PersistEntity (AuthEntity master), YesodPersist master, Typeable (AuthEntity master))Source

Constraint which states that the given site is an instance of YesodAuth and that its AuthId is in fact a persistent Key for the given value. This is the common case in Yesod, and means that you can easily look up the full informatin on a given user.

Since 1.2.0

type AuthEntity master = KeyEntity (AuthId master)Source

If the AuthId for a given site is a persistent ID, this will give the value for that entity. E.g.:

 type AuthId MySite = UserId
 AuthEntity MySite ~ User

Since 1.2.0

Plugin interface

data Creds master Source

User credentials




credsPlugin :: Text

How the user was authenticated

credsIdent :: Text

Identifier. Exact meaning depends on plugin.

credsExtra :: [(Text, Text)]



:: YesodAuth master 
=> Bool

if HTTP redirects should be done

-> Creds master

new credentials

-> HandlerT master IO () 

Sets user credentials for the session after checking them with authentication backends.



:: YesodAuth master 
=> Creds master

new credentials

-> HandlerT master IO TypedContent 



:: YesodAuth master 
=> Bool

if HTTP redirect to logoutDest should be done

-> HandlerT master IO () 

Clears current user credentials for the session.

Since 1.1.7

loginErrorMessage :: (YesodAuth master, MonadResourceBase m) => Route master -> Text -> HandlerT master m TypedContentSource

For HTML, set the message and redirect to the route. For JSON, send the message and a 401 status

User functions

defaultMaybeAuthId :: (YesodAuth master, PersistMonadBackend (b (HandlerT master IO)) ~ PersistEntityBackend val, b ~ YesodPersistBackend master, Key val ~ AuthId master, PersistStore (b (HandlerT master IO)), PersistEntity val, YesodPersist master, Typeable val) => HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master))Source

Retrieves user credentials from the session, if user is authenticated.

This function does not confirm that the credentials are valid, see maybeAuthIdRaw for more information.

Since 1.1.2

maybeAuth :: (YesodAuth master, PersistMonadBackend (b (HandlerT master IO)) ~ PersistEntityBackend val, b ~ YesodPersistBackend master, Key val ~ AuthId master, PersistStore (b (HandlerT master IO)), PersistEntity val, YesodPersist master, Typeable val) => HandlerT master IO (Maybe (Entity val))Source

Similar to maybeAuthId, but additionally look up the value associated with the user's database identifier to get the value in the database. This assumes that you are using a Persistent database.

Since 1.1.0

requireAuthId :: YesodAuthPersist master => HandlerT master IO (AuthId master)Source

Similar to maybeAuthId, but redirects to a login page if user is not authenticated.

Since 1.1.0

requireAuth :: YesodAuthPersist master => HandlerT master IO (Entity (AuthEntity master))Source

Similar to maybeAuth, but redirects to a login page if user is not authenticated.

Since 1.1.0



type AuthHandler master a = YesodAuth master => HandlerT Auth (HandlerT master IO) aSource


credsKey :: TextSource

Internal session key used to hold the authentication information.

Since 1.2.3