{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Yesod.Paginator.Paginate
    ( paginate
    , paginate'
    , paginateWith
    , selectPaginated
    , selectPaginated'
    , selectPaginatedWith
    , getCurrentPage
    , PaginationConfig(..)
    , PageParamName(..)
    , defaultPaginationConfig

import Yesod.Paginator.Prelude

import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT)
import Database.Persist
import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Paginator.Pages
import Yesod.Paginator.PaginationConfig

-- | Paginate a list of items
paginate :: MonadHandler m => PerPage -> [a] -> m (Pages a)
paginate per =
    paginateWith defaultPaginationConfig { paginationConfigPerPage = per }

-- | Paginate a list of items given a pagination config
paginateWith :: MonadHandler m => PaginationConfig -> [a] -> m (Pages a)
paginateWith config items = paginate' (paginationConfigPerPage config) items
    <$> (getCurrentPageWith . paginationConfigPageParamName) config

-- | A version where the current page is given
-- This can be used to avoid the monadic context altogether.
-- >>> paginate' 3 ([1..10] :: [Int]) 1
-- Pages {pagesCurrent = Page {pageItems = [1,2,3], pageNumber = 1}, pagesPrevious = [], pagesNext = [2,3,4], pagesLast = 4}
-- >>> paginate' 3 ([1..10] :: [Int]) 2
-- Pages {pagesCurrent = Page {pageItems = [4,5,6], pageNumber = 2}, pagesPrevious = [1], pagesNext = [3,4], pagesLast = 4}
-- >>> paginate' 3 ([1..10] :: [Int]) 3
-- Pages {pagesCurrent = Page {pageItems = [7,8,9], pageNumber = 3}, pagesPrevious = [1,2], pagesNext = [4], pagesLast = 4}
-- >>> paginate' 3 ([1..10] :: [Int]) 4
-- Pages {pagesCurrent = Page {pageItems = [10], pageNumber = 4}, pagesPrevious = [1,2,3], pagesNext = [], pagesLast = 4}
-- >>> paginate' 3 ([1..10] :: [Int]) 5
-- Pages {pagesCurrent = Page {pageItems = [], pageNumber = 5}, pagesPrevious = [1,2,3,4], pagesNext = [], pagesLast = 4}
paginate' :: PerPage -> [a] -> PageNumber -> Pages a
paginate' per items p =
    toPages p per (genericLength items) $ genericTake per $ genericDrop
        (pageOffset p per)

-- | Paginate out of a persistent database
    :: ( MonadHandler m
       , PersistEntity record
       , PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend
       , PersistQueryRead backend
    => PerPage
    -> [Filter record]
    -> [SelectOpt record]
    -> ReaderT backend m (Pages (Entity record))
selectPaginated per = selectPaginatedWith defaultPaginationConfig
    { paginationConfigPerPage = per

-- | Paginate out of a persistent database given a pagination config
    :: ( MonadHandler m
       , PersistEntity record
       , PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend
       , PersistQueryRead backend
    => PaginationConfig
    -> [Filter record]
    -> [SelectOpt record]
    -> ReaderT backend m (Pages (Entity record))
selectPaginatedWith config filters options =
    selectPaginated' (paginationConfigPerPage config) filters options
        =<< lift ((getCurrentPageWith . paginationConfigPageParamName) config)

-- | A version where the current page is given
-- This can be used to avoid the @'MonadHandler'@ context.
    :: ( MonadIO m
       , PersistEntity record
       , PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend
       , PersistQueryRead backend
    => PerPage
    -> [Filter record]
    -> [SelectOpt record]
    -> PageNumber
    -> ReaderT backend m (Pages (Entity record))
selectPaginated' per filters options p =
    toPages p per <$> (fromIntegral <$> count filters) <*> selectList
        <> [ OffsetBy $ fromIntegral $ pageOffset p per
           , LimitTo $ fromIntegral per

getCurrentPage :: MonadHandler m => m PageNumber
getCurrentPage =
    getCurrentPageWith (paginationConfigPageParamName defaultPaginationConfig)

getCurrentPageWith :: MonadHandler m => PageParamName -> m PageNumber
getCurrentPageWith pageParamName = fromMaybe 1 . go <$> lookupGetParam
    (unPageParamName pageParamName)
    go :: Maybe Text -> Maybe PageNumber
    go mp = readIntegral . unpack =<< mp