yesod-static- Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework.

Safe HaskellNone




Serve static files from a Yesod app.

This is great for developing your application, but also for a dead-simple deployment. Caching headers are automatically taken care of.

If you are running a proxy server (like Apache or Nginx), you may want to have that server do the static serving instead.

In fact, in an ideal setup you'll serve your static files from a separate domain name to save time on transmitting cookies. In that case, you may wish to use urlParamRenderOverride to redirect requests to this subsite to a separate domain name.

Note that this module's static subsite ignores all files and directories that are hidden by Unix conventions (i.e. start with a dot, such as ".ssh") and the directory "tmp" on the root of the directory with static files.



data family Route a :: * #

The type-safe URLs associated with a site argument.


RedirectUrl master (Route master) 


toTextUrl :: (MonadHandler m, (* ~ HandlerSite m) master) => Route master -> m Text #

((~) * key Text, (~) * val Text) => RedirectUrl master (Route master, [(key, val)]) 


toTextUrl :: (MonadHandler m, (* ~ HandlerSite m) master) => (Route master, [(key, val)]) -> m Text #

((~) * key Text, (~) * val Text) => RedirectUrl master (Route master, Map key val) 


toTextUrl :: (MonadHandler m, (* ~ HandlerSite m) master) => (Route master, Map key val) -> m Text #

Eq (Route LiteApp) 
Eq (Route WaiSubsite) 
Eq (Route Static) # 
Eq (Route EmbeddedStatic) # 
Ord (Route LiteApp) 
Ord (Route WaiSubsite) 
Read (Route LiteApp) 
Read (Route WaiSubsite) 
Read (Route Static) # 
Read (Route EmbeddedStatic) # 
Show (Route LiteApp) 
Show (Route WaiSubsite) 
Show (Route Static) # 
Show (Route EmbeddedStatic) # 
data Route LiteApp 
data Route WaiSubsite 
data Route Static # 
data Route EmbeddedStatic # 

Smart constructor

static :: FilePath -> IO Static Source #

Produce a default value of Static for a given file folder.

Does not have index files or directory listings. The static files' contents must not change, however new files can be added.

staticDevel :: FilePath -> IO Static Source #

Same as static, but does not assumes that the files do not change and checks their modification time whenever a request is made.

Combining CSS/JS

A common scenario on a site is the desire to include many external CSS and Javascript files on every page. Doing so via the Widget functionality in Yesod will work, but would also mean that the same content will be downloaded many times. A better approach would be to combine all of these files together into a single static file and serve that as a static resource for every page. That resource can be cached on the client, and bandwidth usage reduced.

This could be done as a manual process, but that becomes tedious. Instead, you can use some Template Haskell code which will combine these files into a single static file at compile time.

combineStylesheets' Source #


:: Bool

development? if so, perform no combining

-> CombineSettings 
-> Name

Static route constructor name, e.g. 'StaticR

-> [Route Static]

files to combine

-> Q Exp 

Combine multiple CSS files together. Common usage would be:

>>> combineStylesheets' development def 'StaticR [style1_css, style2_css]

Where development is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in development or production mode.

Since 1.2.0

combineScripts' Source #


:: Bool

development? if so, perform no combining

-> CombineSettings 
-> Name

Static route constructor name, e.g. 'StaticR

-> [Route Static]

files to combine

-> Q Exp 

Combine multiple JS files together. Common usage would be:

>>> combineScripts' development def 'StaticR [script1_js, script2_js]

Where development is a variable in your site indicated whether you are in development or production mode.

Since 1.2.0


data CombineSettings Source #

Data type for holding all settings for combining files.

This data type is a settings type. For more information, see:

Since 1.2.0

csStaticDir :: CombineSettings -> FilePath Source #

File path containing static files.

Default: static

Since 1.2.0

csCssPostProcess :: CombineSettings -> [FilePath] -> ByteString -> IO ByteString Source #

Post processing to be performed on CSS files.

Default: Pass-through.

Since 1.2.0

csJsPostProcess :: CombineSettings -> [FilePath] -> ByteString -> IO ByteString Source #

Post processing to be performed on Javascript files.

Default: Pass-through.

Since 1.2.0

csCssPreProcess :: CombineSettings -> Text -> IO Text Source #

Pre-processing to be performed on CSS files.

Default: convert all occurences of static to ../

Since 1.2.0

csJsPreProcess :: CombineSettings -> Text -> IO Text Source #

Pre-processing to be performed on Javascript files.

Default: Pass-through.

Since 1.2.0

csCombinedFolder :: CombineSettings -> FilePath Source #

Subfolder to put combined files into.

Default: combined

Since 1.2.0

Template Haskell helpers

staticFiles :: FilePath -> Q [Dec] Source #

Template Haskell function that automatically creates routes for all of your static files.

For example, if you used

staticFiles "static/"

and you had files "static/style.css" and "static/js/script.js", then the following top-level definitions would be created:

style_css    = StaticRoute ["style.css"]    []
js_script_js = StaticRoute ["js", "script.js"] []

Note that dots (.), dashes (-) and slashes (/) are replaced by underscores (_) to create valid Haskell identifiers.

staticFilesList :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Same as staticFiles, but takes an explicit list of files to create identifiers for. The files path given are relative to the static folder. For example, to create routes for the files "static/js/jquery.js" and "static/css/normalize.css", you would use:

staticFilesList \"static\" [\"js\/jquery.js\", \"css\/normalize.css\"]

This can be useful when you have a very large number of static files, but only need to refer to a few of them from Haskell.

publicFiles :: FilePath -> Q [Dec] Source #

Same as staticFiles, but doesn't append an ETag to the query string.

Using publicFiles will speed up the compilation, since there won't be any need for hashing files during compile-time. However, since the ETag ceases to be part of the URL, the Static subsite won't be able to set the expire date too far on the future. Browsers still will be able to cache the contents, however they'll need send a request to the server to see if their copy is up-to-date.



embed :: FilePath -> Q Exp Source #

Produce a Static based on embedding all of the static files' contents in the executable at compile time.

You should use Yesod.EmbeddedStatic instead, it is much more powerful.

Nota Bene: if you replace the scaffolded static call in Settings/StaticFiles.hs you will need to change the scaffolded addStaticContent. Otherwise, some of your assets will be 404'ed. This is because by default yesod will generate compile those assets to static/tmp which for static is fine since they are served out of the directory itself. With embedded static, that will not work. You can easily change addStaticContent to _ _ _ -> return Nothing as a workaround. This will cause yesod to embed those assets into the generated HTML file itself.