zippo-0.1: A simple lens-based, generic, heterogenous, type-checked zipper library

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered





We provide a simple, heterogenous, fully type-checked, generic zipper implementation. This flavor of zipper doesn't use "left" and "right" for navigation, and instead relies on lenses to indicate a child type to "move to".

Zipper type

data Zipper st b Source

Our zipper type, parameterized by a focus and "history stack", supporting completely type-checked zipper operations.

Zipper history

data Top a Source


~ * a b => Hist Top a b 

data (st :> b) c Source


Hist st a b => Hist (:> st b) a c 

class Hist st a c Source


~ * a b => Hist Top a b 
Hist st a b => Hist (:> st b) a c 

Zipper operations

zipper :: a -> Zipper Top aSource

"enter" a data type. Move the focus with move and moveUp. Exit the zipper with close.

 zipper = Zipper Top

close :: Hist st a b => Zipper st b -> aSource

exit the zipper, rebuilding the structure a:

 close (Zipper st b) = runHist st b


move :: Monad m => LensM m b c -> Zipper st b -> m (Zipper (st :> b) c)Source

navigate to a child element indicated by the passed lens, returning the new Zipper in the monad m. This will be Maybe when the standard (:~>) Lens is used. For pure lenses, use moveP.

moveP :: (b :-> c) -> Zipper st b -> Zipper (st :> b) cSource

navigate to a child element indicated by the passed pure lens

 moveP l = runIdentity . move l

moveUp :: Zipper (st :> b) c -> Zipper st bSource

navigate up a level in a zipper not already at Top

 moveUp (Zipper (Snoc st cont) c) = Zipper st $ cont c


focus :: Zipper st b :-> bSource

A lens on the focus of the zipper.

setf :: Zipper st b -> b -> Zipper st bSource

Set the zipper focus

 setf = set focus

modf :: (b -> b) -> Zipper st b -> Zipper st bSource

Modify the zipper focus

 modf = modify focus