HList-0.2.3: Heterogeneous lists




The HList library

(C) 2004-2006, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

Extensible records

The are different models of labels that go with this module; see:




Record types as label-value pairs, where label is purely phantom. Thus the run-time representation of a field is the same as that of its value, and the record, at run-time, is indistinguishable from the HList of field values. At run-time, all information about the labels is erased.

newtype LVPair l v Source

Field of label l with value type v




valueLVPair :: v


HasField' HTrue l (HCons (LVPair l v) r) v 
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru), HasField l2 ru v2, HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l2 v2) ru ru, RecordLabels ru ls, HFind l2 ls n) => UnionSymRec' HTrue r1 (LVPair l2 v2) r2' (Record ru)

Field f2 is already in r1, so it will be in the union of r1 with the rest of r2.

To inject (HCons f2 r2) in that union, we should replace the field f2

HRearrange ls rout r' => HRearrange' l ls (HCons (LVPair l v) HNil) rout (HCons (LVPair l v) r') 
(Narrow rout r', H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l HNil) r (HCons (LVPair l v) HNil) rout) => Narrow r (HCons (LVPair l v) r') 
(HEq l l' b, HasField' b l (HCons (LVPair l' v') r) v) => HasField l (HCons (LVPair l' v') r) v 
(H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l HNil) a rin rout, NarrowM' rin rout b res) => NarrowM a (HCons (LVPair l v) b) res 
Fail (ExtraField l) => HRearrange HNil (HCons (LVPair l v) a) (ExtraField l)

For improved error messages

(RecordLabels r1 ls, HMember l ls b, UnionSymRec' b (Record r1) (LVPair l v) (Record r2') ru) => UnionSymRec (Record r1) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r2')) ru 
(RecordLabels r ls, HMember l ls b, HLeftUnionBool b r (LVPair l v) r''', HLeftUnion (Record r''') (Record r') r'') => HLeftUnion (Record r) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r')) r'' 
Eq v => Eq (LVPair l v) 
(Typeable x, Typeable y) => Typeable (LVPair x y) 
(ShowLabel l, Show v, ShowComponents r) => ShowComponents (HCons (LVPair l v) r) 
(HEq l1 l2 leq, HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 leq r) => HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l1 v1) (HCons (LVPair l2 v2) r)) 
Fail (ProxyFound x) => HasNoProxies (HCons (LVPair lab (Proxy x)) l) 
HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l v) r) => HExtend (LVPair l v) (Record r) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r)) 
RecordValues r' vs => RecordValues (HCons (LVPair l v) r') (HCons v vs) 
RecordLabels r' ls => RecordLabels (HCons (LVPair l v) r') (HCons l ls) 
HMaybied r r' => HMaybied (HCons (LVPair l (Proxy v)) r) (HCons (LVPair l (Maybe v)) r') 
(HMemberM l' (HCons l ls) b, H2ProjectByLabels' b (HCons l ls) (HCons (LVPair l' v') r') rin rout) => H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l ls) (HCons (LVPair l' v') r') rin rout 
(HLabelSet (HCons l ls), HSameLength ls vs) => HExtend (LVPair l v) (RecordP ls vs) (RecordP (HCons l ls) (HCons v vs)) 
(RecordR2P r ls vs, HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l v) r), HLabelSet (HCons l ls), HSameLength ls vs) => RecordR2P (HCons (LVPair l v) r) (HCons l ls) (HCons v vs) 

labelLVPair :: LVPair l v -> lSource

Label accessor

newLVPair :: l -> v -> LVPair l vSource


newtype Record r Source


Record r 


(UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru), HExtend f2 (Record ru) (Record (HCons f2 ru))) => UnionSymRec' HFalse r1 f2 r2' (Record (HCons f2 ru)) 
NarrowM a HNil (HJust (Record HNil)) 
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru), HasField l2 ru v2, HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l2 v2) ru ru, RecordLabels ru ls, HFind l2 ls n) => UnionSymRec' HTrue r1 (LVPair l2 v2) r2' (Record ru)

Field f2 is already in r1, so it will be in the union of r1 with the rest of r2.

To inject (HCons f2 r2) in that union, we should replace the field f2

UnionSymRec r1 (Record HNil) r1 
HLeftUnion r (Record HNil) r 
HasField l r v => HasField l (Record r) v 
NarrowM'' f (HJust (Record r)) (HJust (Record (HCons f r))) 
Eq r => Eq (Record r) 
ShowComponents r => Show (Record r) 
Typeable x => Typeable (Record x) 
(RecordLabels r' ls, H2ProjectByLabels ls r r' rout) => SubType (Record r) (Record r')

Subtyping for records

(RecordLabels r1 ls, HMember l ls b, UnionSymRec' b (Record r1) (LVPair l v) (Record r2') ru) => UnionSymRec (Record r1) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r2')) ru 
(RecordLabels r ls, HMember l ls b, HLeftUnionBool b r (LVPair l v) r''', HLeftUnion (Record r''') (Record r') r'') => HLeftUnion (Record r) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r')) r'' 
(HRLabelSet r'', HAppend r r' r'') => HAppend (Record r) (Record r') (Record r'') 
(RecordLabels a la, RecordLabels b lb, HTIntersect la lb lc, H2ProjectByLabels lc a c aout, H2ProjectByLabels lc b c bout, HRLabelSet c) => LubNarrow (Record a) (Record b) (Record c) 
HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l v) r) => HExtend (LVPair l v) (Record r) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r)) 

mkRecord :: HRLabelSet r => r -> Record rSource

Build a record

emptyRecord :: Record HNilSource

Build an empty record

Getting Labels

class RecordLabels r ls | r -> lsSource

Construct the (phantom) list of labels of the record.

This is a purely type-level function.


Getting Values

class RecordValues r ls | r -> ls whereSource

Construct the list of values of the record.


recordValues' :: r -> lsSource




A corresponding Show instance exists as

 show x = "Record {" ++ showComponents "" x ++ "}"

class ShowLabel l whereSource


showLabel :: l -> StringSource


Typeable x => ShowLabel x

Show label

Typeable x => ShowLabel (Proxy x)

Show label

Show n => ShowLabel (Label n)

Show label

(HNat x, Show desc) => ShowLabel (Label x ns desc)

Show label

(HNat x, Show desc) => ShowLabel (Label x ns desc)

Show label


class HasField l r v | l r -> v whereSource

This is a baseline implementation. We use a helper class, HasField, to abstract from the implementation.

Because hLookupByLabel is so frequent and important, we implement it separately, more efficiently. The algorithm is familiar assq, only the comparison operation is done at compile-time


hLookupByLabel :: l -> r -> vSource


HasField l r v => HasField l (Record r) v 
(HEq l l' b, HasField' b l (HCons (LVPair l' v') r) v) => HasField l (HCons (LVPair l' v') r) v 
(HEq l l' b, HasFieldP' b l (RecordP (HCons l' ls) vs) v) => HasField l (RecordP (HCons l' ls) vs) v 

class HasField' b l r v | b l r -> v whereSource


hLookupByLabel' :: b -> l -> r -> vSource


HasField l r v => HasField' HFalse l (HCons fld r) v 
HasField' HTrue l (HCons (LVPair l v) r) v 


hDeleteAtLabel label record


hUpdateAtLabel label value record

hUpdateAtLabel :: (HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l v) t l', HFind l ls n, RecordLabels t ls) => l -> v -> Record t -> Record l'Source

hTPupdateAtLabel :: (HasField l t a, HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l a) t l', HFind l ls n, RecordLabels t ls) => l -> a -> Record t -> Record l'Source

A variation on hUpdateAtLabel: type-preserving update.

We could also say:

 hTPupdateAtLabel l v r = hUpdateAtLabel l v r `asTypeOf` r

Then we were taking a dependency on Haskell's type equivalence. This would also constrain the actual implementation of hUpdateAtLabel.

Rename Label

hRenameLabel :: (HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l v) t2), HasField e t1 v, H2ProjectByLabels (HCons e HNil) t1 t t2) => e -> l -> Record t1 -> Record (HCons (LVPair l v) t2)Source

Rename the label of record


It is also an important operation: the basis of many deconstructors -- so we try to implement it efficiently.

hProjectByLabels :: (HRLabelSet a, H2ProjectByLabels ls t a b) => ls -> Record t -> Record aSource

hProjectByLabels ls r returns r with only the labels in ls remaining



class HLeftUnion r r' r'' | r r' -> r'' whereSource


hLeftUnion :: r -> r' -> r''Source


HLeftUnion r (Record HNil) r 
(RecordLabels r ls, HMember l ls b, HLeftUnionBool b r (LVPair l v) r''', HLeftUnion (Record r''') (Record r') r'') => HLeftUnion (Record r) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r')) r'' 

class HLeftUnionBool b r f r' | b r f -> r' whereSource


hLeftUnionBool :: b -> r -> f -> r'Source



Compute the symmetric union of two records r1 and r2 and return the pair of records injected into the union (ru1, ru2).

To be more precise, we compute the symmetric union type ru of two record types r1 and r2. The emphasis on types is important.

The two records (ru1,ru2) in the result of unionSR have the same type ru, but they are generally different values. Here the simple example: suppose

  r1 = (Label .=. True)  .*. emptyRecord
  r2 = (Label .=. False) .*. emptyRecord

Then unionSR r1 r2 will return (r1,r2). Both components of the result are different records of the same type.

To project from the union ru, use hProjectByLabels. It is possible to project from the union obtaining a record that was not used at all when creating the union.

We do assure however that if unionSR r1 r2 gave (r1u,r2u), then projecting r1u onto the type of r1 gives the value identical to r1. Ditto for r2.

class UnionSymRec r1 r2 ru | r1 r2 -> ru whereSource


unionSR :: r1 -> r2 -> (ru, ru)Source


UnionSymRec r1 (Record HNil) r1 
(RecordLabels r1 ls, HMember l ls b, UnionSymRec' b (Record r1) (LVPair l v) (Record r2') ru) => UnionSymRec (Record r1) (Record (HCons (LVPair l v) r2')) ru 

Reorder Labels

hRearrange :: (HLabelSet ls, HRearrange ls r r') => ls -> Record r -> Record r'Source

Rearranges a record by labels. Returns the record r, rearranged such that the labels are in the order given by ls. (recordLabels r) must be a permutation of ls.



Probably internals, that may not be useful

data DuplicatedLabel l Source


DuplicatedLabel l 

data ExtraField l Source




Fail (ExtraField l) => HRearrange HNil (HCons (LVPair l v) a) (ExtraField l)

For improved error messages

data FieldNotFound l Source




Fail (FieldNotFound l) => HRearrange' l ls HNil rout (FieldNotFound l)

For improved error messages

class H2ProjectByLabels ls r rin rout | ls r -> rin rout whereSource


 r === rin `disjoint-union` rout
 labels rin === ls
     where (rin,rout) = hProjectByLabels ls r


h2projectByLabels :: ls -> r -> (rin, rout)Source


H2ProjectByLabels HNil r HNil r 
(HMember l' ls b, H2ProjectByLabels' b ls (RecordP (HCons l' ls') vs') rin rout) => H2ProjectByLabels ls (RecordP (HCons l' ls') vs') rin rout 
H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l ls) HNil HNil HNil 
(HMemberM l' (HCons l ls) b, H2ProjectByLabels' b (HCons l ls) (HCons (LVPair l' v') r') rin rout) => H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l ls) (HCons (LVPair l' v') r') rin rout 
H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l ls) (RecordP HNil HNil) (RecordP HNil HNil) (RecordP HNil HNil) 

class H2ProjectByLabels' b ls r rin rout | b ls r -> rin rout whereSource


h2projectByLabels' :: b -> ls -> r -> (rin, rout)Source


H2ProjectByLabels ls r' rin rout => H2ProjectByLabels' HNothing ls (HCons f' r') rin (HCons f' rout) 
H2ProjectByLabels ls (RecordP ls' vs') rin (RecordP lo vo) => H2ProjectByLabels' HFalse ls (RecordP (HCons l' ls') (HCons v' vs')) rin (RecordP (HCons l' lo) (HCons v' vo)) 
H2ProjectByLabels ls (RecordP ls' vs') (RecordP lin vin) rout => H2ProjectByLabels' HTrue ls (RecordP (HCons l' ls') (HCons v' vs')) (RecordP (HCons l' lin) (HCons v' vin)) rout 
H2ProjectByLabels ls' r' rin rout => H2ProjectByLabels' (HJust ls') ls (HCons f' r') (HCons f' rin) rout 

class HLabelSet ls Source


HLabelSet HNil 
(HMember x ls xmem, HLabelSet' x ls xmem) => HLabelSet (HCons x ls) 

class HLabelSet' x ls xmem Source


class HRLabelSet ps Source

Propery of a proper label set for a record: no duplication of labels


HRLabelSet HNil 
HRLabelSet (HCons x HNil) 
(HEq l1 l2 leq, HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 leq r) => HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l1 v1) (HCons (LVPair l2 v2) r)) 

class HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 leq r Source


Fail (DuplicatedLabel l1) => HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 HTrue r 
(HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l2 v2) r), HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l1 v1) r)) => HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 HFalse r 

class HRearrange ls r r' | ls r -> r' whereSource

Helper class for hRearrange


hRearrange2 :: ls -> r -> r'Source


HRearrange HNil HNil HNil 
Fail (ExtraField l) => HRearrange HNil (HCons (LVPair l v) a) (ExtraField l)

For improved error messages

(H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l HNil) r rin rout, HRearrange' l ls rin rout r') => HRearrange (HCons l ls) r r' 

class HRearrange' l ls rin rout r' | l ls rin rout -> r' whereSource

Helper class 2 for hRearrange


hRearrange2' :: l -> ls -> rin -> rout -> r'Source


Fail (FieldNotFound l) => HRearrange' l ls HNil rout (FieldNotFound l)

For improved error messages

HRearrange ls rout r' => HRearrange' l ls (HCons (LVPair l v) HNil) rout (HCons (LVPair l v) r') 

class UnionSymRec' b r1 f2 r2' ru | b r1 f2 r2' -> ru whereSource


unionSR' :: b -> r1 -> f2 -> r2' -> (ru, ru)Source


(UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru), HExtend f2 (Record ru) (Record (HCons f2 ru))) => UnionSymRec' HFalse r1 f2 r2' (Record (HCons f2 ru)) 
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru), HasField l2 ru v2, HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l2 v2) ru ru, RecordLabels ru ls, HFind l2 ls n) => UnionSymRec' HTrue r1 (LVPair l2 v2) r2' (Record ru)

Field f2 is already in r1, so it will be in the union of r1 with the rest of r2.

To inject (HCons f2 r2) in that union, we should replace the field f2