HaTeX-3.5: The Haskell LaTeX library.

Safe HaskellNone




AMSMath support. Also numeric instances (Num, Fractional and Floating) for LaTeX and LaTeXT.


AMSMath package

amsmath :: PackageNameSource

AMSMath package. Example:

 usepackage [] amsmath

AMSMath functions

math :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Inline mathematical expressions.

mathDisplay :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Displayed mathematical expressions, i.e. in a seperate line / block.

Symbols and utilities

The unicode approximations do, of course, not reliably represent how LaTeX renders these symbols.

Brackets / delimiters

autoParens :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Surround a LaTeX math expression by parentheses whose height automatically matches the expression's. Translates to \left(...\right).

autoSquareBrackets :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Like autoParens, but with square brackets. Equivalent to autoBrackets"[""]".

autoBraces :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Like autoParens, but with curly brackets.

autoAngleBrackets :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Like autoParens, but with angle brackets 〈 ... 〉. Equivalent to autoBrackets langle rangle.

autoBrackets :: LaTeXC l => LaTeX -> LaTeX -> l -> lSource

Use custom LaTeX expressions as auto-scaled delimiters to surround math. Suitable delimiters include |...| (absolute value), ‖...‖ (norm, dblPipe), ⌊...⌋ (round-off Gauss brackets, lfloor / rfloor) etc..

langle :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Left angle bracket, 〈.

rangle :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Right angle bracket, 〉.

lfloor :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Left floor, ⌊.

rfloor :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Right floor, ⌋.

lceil :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Left ceiling, ⌈.

rceil :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Right ceiling, ⌉.

dblPipe :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Double vertical line, used as delimiter for norms (‖ ... ‖).

Superscript and subscript

(^:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource


(!:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource


Function symbols

Some symbols are preceded with t to be distinguished from predefined Haskell entities (like sin and cos).

tsin :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Sine function symbol.

arcsin :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Arcsine function symbol.

tcos :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Cosine function symbol.

arccos :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Arccosine function symbol.

ttan :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Tangent function symbol.

arctan :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Arctangent function symbol.

cot :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Cotangent function symbol.

arccot :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Arccotangent function symbol.

tsinh :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Hyperbolic sine function symbol.

tcosh :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Hyperbolic cosine function symbol.

ttanh :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Hyperbolic tangent function symbol.

coth :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Hyperbolic cotangent function symbol.

sec :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Secant function symbol.

csc :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Cosecant function symbol.

texp :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Exponential function symbol.

tlog :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Logarithm function symbol.

ln :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Natural logarithm symbol.

tsqrt :: LaTeXC l => Maybe l -> l -> lSource

Root notation. Use tsqrt (Just n) x for the nth root of x. When Nothing is supplied, the function will output a square root.

Operator symbols


pm :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Plus-or-minus operator (±).

mp :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Minus-or-plus operator (∓).

cdot :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Centered-dot operator (⋅).

times :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

"x-cross" multiplication operator (×).

div_ :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Division operator (.

frac :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Fraction operator.

(*:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Asterisk operator (*).

 infixl 7 *:

star :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Star operator (★).

circ :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Ring operator (∘).

bullet :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Bullet operator (∙).


(=:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource


 infixr 4 =:

(/=:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Not equal (≠).

 infixr 4 /=:

(<:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource


(<=:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Lesser or equal (≤).

(>:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource


(>=:) :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Greater or equal (≥).

ll :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Much less (≪).

gg :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Much greater (≫).

equiv :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Identical / defined-as / equivalent (≡).

propto :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Proportional-to (∝).


in_ :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Element-of (∈).

ni :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Mirrored element-of (∋).

notin :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Not element of (∉).

subset :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Subset-of (⊂).

supset :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Superset-of (⊃).

cap :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Set intersection (∩).

cup :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Set union (∪).

setminus :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Set minus (∖).

Misc operators

vee :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Angle pointing downwards (∨).

wedge :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Angle pointing upwards (∧).

oplus :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Circled plus operator (⊕).

ominus :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Circled minus operator (⊖).

otimes :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Circled multiplication cross (⊗).

oslash :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Circled slash (⊘).

odot :: LaTeXC l => l -> l -> lSource

Circled dot operator (⊙).

Greek alphabet

Functions of greek alphabet symbols.

Uppercase versions are suffixed with u. Variants are prefixed with var. The function pi_ is ended by an underscore symbol to distinguish it from the pi Prelude function.

alpha :: LaTeXC l => lSource

α symbol.

beta :: LaTeXC l => lSource

β symbol.

gamma :: LaTeXC l => lSource

γ symbol.

gammau :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Γ symbol.

delta :: LaTeXC l => lSource

δ symbol.

deltau :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Δ symbol.

epsilon :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ϵ symbol.

varepsilon :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ε symbol.

zeta :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ζ symbol.

eta :: LaTeXC l => lSource

η symbol.

theta :: LaTeXC l => lSource

θ symbol.

vartheta :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ϑ symbol.

thetau :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Θ symbol.

iota :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ι symbol.

kappa :: LaTeXC l => lSource

κ symbol.

lambda :: LaTeXC l => lSource

λ symbol.

lambdau :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Λ symbol.

mu :: LaTeXC l => lSource

μ symbol.

nu :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ν symbol.

xi :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ξ symbol.

xiu :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Ξ symbol.

pi_ :: LaTeXC l => lSource

π symbol.

varpi :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ϖ symbol.

piu :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Π symbol.

rho :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ρ symbol.

varrho :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ϱ symbol.

sigma :: LaTeXC l => lSource

σ symbol.

varsigma :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ς symbol.

sigmau :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Σ symbol.

tau :: LaTeXC l => lSource

τ symbol.

upsilon :: LaTeXC l => lSource

υ symbol.

upsilonu :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Υ symbol.

phi :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ϕ symbol.

varphi :: LaTeXC l => lSource

φ symbol.

phiu :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Φ symbol.

chi :: LaTeXC l => lSource

χ symbol.

psi :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ψ symbol.

psiu :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Ψ symbol.

omega :: LaTeXC l => lSource

ω symbol.

omegau :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Ω symbol.

Other symbols

to :: LaTeXC l => lSource

A right-arrow, →.

mapsto :: LaTeXC l => lSource

A right-arrow for function definitions, ↦.

forall :: LaTeXC l => lSource

For all symbol, ∀.

exists :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Exists symbol, ∃.

dagger :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Dagger symbol, †.

ddagger :: LaTeXC l => lSource

Double dagger symbol, ‡.


mathdefault :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Default math symbol font.

mathbf :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Bold face.

mathrm :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Roman, i.e. not-italic math.

mathcal :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Calligraphic math symbols.

mathsf :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Sans-serif math.

mathtt :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Typewriter font.

mathit :: LaTeXC l => l -> lSource

Italic math. Uses the same glyphs as mathdefault, but with spacings intended for multi-character symbols rather than juxtaposition of single-character symbols.


pmatrix :: (Render a, LaTeXC l) => Maybe HPos -> Matrix a -> lSource

LaTeX rendering of a matrix using pmatrix.Optional argument sets the alignment of the cells. Default (providing Nothing) is centered.

 ( M )

bmatrix :: (Render a, LaTeXC l) => Maybe HPos -> Matrix a -> lSource

LaTeX rendering of a matrix using bmatrix. Optional argument sets the alignment of the cells. Default (providing Nothing) is centered.

 [ M ]

b2matrix :: (Render a, LaTeXC l) => Maybe HPos -> Matrix a -> lSource

LaTeX rendering of a matrix using Bmatrix. Optional argument sets the alignment of the cells. Default (providing Nothing) is centered.

 { M }

vmatrix :: (Render a, LaTeXC l) => Maybe HPos -> Matrix a -> lSource

LaTeX rendering of a matrix using vmatrix. Optional argument sets the alignment of the cells. Default (providing Nothing) is centered.

 | M |

v2matrix :: (Render a, LaTeXC l) => Maybe HPos -> Matrix a -> lSource

LaTeX rendering of a matrix using Vmatrix. Optional argument sets the alignment of the cells. Default (providing Nothing) is centered.

 || M ||