generator-0.5.1: A list monad transformer and related functions.



Functions for iterating trees. A List whose underlying monad is also a List is a tree.

It's nodes are accessible, in contrast to the list monad, which can also be seen as a tree, except only its leafs are accessible and only in dfs order.

 import Control.Monad.Generator
 import Data.List.Class (genericTake, takeWhile, toList, lastL)

 bits = t ""
 t prev =
   generate $ do
     yield prev
     x <- lift "01"
     yields $ t (prev ++ [x])

 > take 3 (bfsLayers bits)

 > take 10 (bfs bits)

 > dfs (genericTake 4 bits)

 > toList $ genericTake 3 bits

Examples of pruning with prune and takeWhile:

 > dfs . takeWhile (not . isSuffixOf "11") $ genericTake 4 bits

 > lastL . takeWhile (not . isSuffixOf "11") $ genericTake 4 bits

 > lastL . prune (not . isSuffixOf "11") $ genericTake 4 bits



class (List t, List (ItemM t)) => Tree t Source

A 'type-class synonym' for Trees.


(List t, List (ItemM t)) => Tree t 

dfs :: (List l, MonadPlus (ItemM l)) => l a -> ItemM l aSource

Iterate a tree in DFS pre-order. (Depth First Search)

bfs :: Tree t => t a -> ItemM t aSource

Iterate a tree in BFS order. (Breadth First Search)

bfsLayers :: Tree t => t a -> ItemM t (ItemM t a)Source

Transform a tree into lists of the items in its different layers

bestFirstSearchOn :: (Ord b, Tree t) => (a -> b) -> t a -> ItemM t aSource

Best First Search given a scoring function.

prune :: (List l, MonadPlus (ItemM l)) => (a -> Bool) -> l a -> l aSource

Prune a tree or list given a predicate. Unlike takeWhile which stops a branch where the condition doesn't hold, prune cuts the whole branch (the underlying MonadPlus's mzero).

bestFirstSearchSortedChildrenOn :: (Ord b, Tree t) => (a -> b) -> t a -> ItemM t aSource

Best-First-Search given that a node's children are in sorted order (best first) and given a scoring function. Especially useful for trees where nodes have an infinite amount of children, where bestFirstSearchOn will get stuck.

Example: Find smallest Pythagorian Triplets

 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Monad.Generator
 import Control.Monad.Trans
 import Data.List.Tree
 import Data.Maybe

 pythagorianTriplets =
   catMaybes .
   fmap fst .
   bestFirstSearchSortedChildrenOn snd .
   generate $ do
     x <- lift [1..]
     yield (Nothing, x)
     y <- lift [1..]
     yield (Nothing, x + y)
     z <- lift [1..]
     yield (Nothing, x + y + z)
     lift . guard $ x^2 + y^2 == z^2
     yield (Just (x, y, z), 0)

 > print $ take 10 pythagorianTriplets