graph-rewriting-0.4.8: Monadic graph rewriting of hypergraphs with ports and multiedges



Rewrite rules are represented as nested monads: a Rule is a Pattern that returns a Rewrite the latter directly defining the transformation of the graph. The Rewrite itself is expected to return a list of newly created nodes.

For rule construction a few functions a provided: The most basic one is rewrite. But in most cases erase, rewire, and 'replace*' should be more convenient. These functions express rewrites that replace the matched nodes of the Pattern, which comes quite close to the L -> R form in which graph rewriting rules are usually expressed.



type Rule n = Pattern n (Rewrite n [Node])Source

rewrite :: (Match -> Rewrite n [Node]) -> Rule nSource

primitive rule construction with the matched nodes of the left hand side as a parameter

erase :: View [Port] n => Rule nSource

constructs a rule that deletes all of the matched nodes from the graph

rewire :: View [Port] n => [[Edge]] -> Rule nSource

Constructs a rule from a list of rewirings. Each rewiring specifies a list of hyperedges that are to be merged into a single hyperedge. All matched nodes of the left-hand side are removed.

data RHS v Source


Node v 
Wire Edge Edge 
Merge [Edge] 

replace :: (View [Port] n, View v n) => Int -> ([Edge] -> [RHS v]) -> Rule nSource

Constructs a rule that replaces the matched nodes of the left-hand side by new nodes and rewirings. It generates an amount of new edges specified by the Int. In most cases the functions below named replace* should be sufficient.

(>>>) :: Rule n -> Rule n -> Rule nSource

Replaces the matched nodes by a list of new nodes and rewirings.

Replaces the matched nodes by a list of new nodes and rewirings. It also generates one new edge.

Replaces the matched nodes by a list of new nodes and rewirings. It also generates two new edges.

You get the idea.

Apply two rules consecutively. Second rule is only applied if first one succeeds. Fails if (and only if) first rule fails.

exhaustive :: Rule n -> Rule nSource

Apply a rule repeatedly as long as it is applicable. Fails if rule cannot be applied at all.

everywhere :: Rule n -> Rule nSource

Apply a rule to all current redexes one by one. Neither new redexes or destroyed redexes are reduced.

apply :: Rule n -> Rewrite n [Node]Source

Apply rule at an arbitrary position if applicable