hp2any-core-0.10.1: Heap profiling helper library




This module defines the commonly used data structures and basic types of the heap profiling framework.

Profiling information is a sequence of time-stamped samples, therefore the ideal data structure should have an efficient snoc operation. Also, it should make it easy to extract an interval given by a start and an end time. On top of the raw data, we also want to access some statistics as efficiently as possible.

We can separate two phases: looking at the profile during execution and later. In the first case we might not want statistics, just live monitoring, while we probably want to analyse archived profiles more deeply. Therefore, it makes sense to define two separate data structures for these two purposes, and give them a common interface for extracting the necessary data. The simple case is covered by the Profile type defined here, while a more complex structure providing fast off-line queries is defined in the Profiling.Heap.Stats module.



type CostCentreId = IntSource

Cost centres are identified by integers for simplicity (so we can use IntMap).

type CostCentreName = ByteStringSource

At this level cost centre names have no internal structure that we would care about. While in some cases they reflect the call hierarchy, we are not splitting them at this point, because all kinds of names can appear here.

type Time = DoubleSource

Time is measured in seconds.

type Cost = Int64Source

Costs are measured in bytes.

type ProfileSample = [(CostCentreId, Cost)]Source

A sampling point is simply a list of cost centres with the associated cost. There is no need for a fancy data structure here, since we normally process every value in this collection, and it's usually not big either, only holding a few dozen entries at most.

Profile data structure

data Profile Source

A raw heap profile that's easy to grow further, therefore it is used during loading.




prSamples :: ![(Time, ProfileSample)]

Samples in decreasing time order (latest first).

prNames :: !(IntMap CostCentreName)

A map from cost centre ids to names.

prNamesInv :: !(Trie CostCentreId)

A map from cost centre names to ids.

prJob :: !String

Information about the job (command line).

prDate :: !String

Job start time and date.

emptyProfile :: ProfileSource

An initial Profile structure that can be used in accumulations.

Query interface

class ProfileQuery p whereSource

The ProfileQuery class contains all kinds of reading operations. The minimal definition consists of job, date, ccNames and samples. All the statistics have default implementations, which are mostly okay for a single query, but they are generally highly inefficient.


job :: p -> StringSource

Job information (command line).

date :: p -> StringSource

Job start time.

ccNames :: p -> IntMap CostCentreNameSource

Cost centre id to name mapping.

ccName :: p -> Int -> CostCentreNameSource

Find cost centre name by id.

samples :: p -> [(Time, ProfileSample)]Source

The measurements in a list ordered by time.

samplesIvl :: p -> Time -> Time -> [(Time, ProfileSample)]Source

The samples between two given times.

minTime :: p -> TimeSource

The time of the first sample.

maxTime :: p -> TimeSource

The time of the last sample.

maxCost :: p -> CostSource

The highest individual cost at any time.

maxCostTotal :: p -> CostSource

The highest total cost at any time.

maxCostIvl :: p -> Time -> Time -> CostSource

The highest individual cost in the interval.

maxCostTotalIvl :: p -> Time -> Time -> CostSource

The highest total cost in the interval.

integral :: p -> ProfileSampleSource

The total cost of each cost centre. Not a time integral; samples are simply summed.

integralIvl :: p -> Time -> Time -> ProfileSampleSource

The total cost of each cost centre in the interval.

Streaming interface

type ProfileSink = SinkInput -> IO ()Source

We might not want to hold on to all the past output, just do some stream processing. We can achieve this using a callback function that's invoked whenever a new profile sample is available. The type of this function can be ProfileSink. Besides the actual costs, it is also necessary to send over the names that belong to the short cost centre identifiers as well as the fact that no more data will come. The SinkInput type expresses these possibilities.

data SinkInput Source


SinkSample !Time !ProfileSample

A snapshot of costs at a given time.

SinkId !CostCentreId !CostCentreName

The name behind a cost centre id used in the samples.


Indication that no more data will come.